2 research outputs found

    Spyware Prevention by Classifying End User License Agreements

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    We investigate the hypothesis that it is possible to detect from the End User License Agreement (EULA) if the associated software hosts spyware. We apply 15 learning algorithms on a data set consisting of 100 applications with classified EULAs. The results show that 13 algorithms are significantly more accurate than random guessing. Thus,we conclude that the hypothesis can be accepted. Based on the results, we present a novel tool that can be used to prevent spyware by automatically halting application installers and classifying the EULA, giving users the opportunity to make an informed choice about whether to continue with the installation. We discuss positive and negative aspects of this prevention approach and suggest a method for evaluating candidate algorithms for a future implementation.Vi undersöker hypotesen att det Àr möjligt att via slutanvÀndarlicensen detektera om en mjukvaruapplikation innehÄller spionprogram eller ej. Vi applicerar 15 inlÀrningsalgoritmer pÄ en datamÀngd som innehÄller 100 klassificerade slutanvÀndarlicenser. Resultaten visar att 13 algoritmer Àr signifikant mer korrekta Àn slumpvis gissning. Vi drar dÀrför slutsatsen att hypotesen skall accepteras. Baserat pÄ dessa resultat presenterar vi ett nytt verktyg som kan anvÀndas för att förhindra installationen av spionprogram genom att automatiskt pausa mjukvaruinstallationer och klassificera slutanvÀndarlicensen för att ge anvÀndaren chansen att göra ett upplyst val om att avbryta eller fortsÀtta installation. Vi diskuterar positiva och negativa aspekter med denna preventionsansats och föreslÄr en metod för att utvÀrdera kandidatalgoritmer för en framtida implementation

    Spyware Prevention by Classifying End User License Agreements

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    Abstract. We investigate the hypothesis that it is possible to detect from the End User License Agreement (EULA) if the associated software hosts spyware. We apply 15 learning algorithms on a data set consisting of 100 applications with classified EULAs. The results show that 13 algorithms are significantly more accurate than random guessing. Thus, we conclude that the hypothesis can be accepted. Based on the results, we present a novel tool that can be used to prevent spyware by automatically halting application installers and classifying the EULA, giving users the opportunity to make an informed choice about whether to continue with the installation. We discuss positive and negative aspects of this prevention approach and suggest a method for evaluating candidate algorithms for a future implementation