9 research outputs found

    LODmilla: a Linked Data Browser for All

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    Abstract. Although the Linked Data paradigm is extremely popular, and there is immense amount of Linked Open Data available worldwide, the human ex-ploration of these datasets is limited. In our work we try to evolve a generic platform called LODmilla for exploring and editing Linked Open Data. Our aim is to enable the extraction and sharing of data associations (or information) hid-den in Linked Open Data. LODmilla is an open web application supporting graph views, graph searching and many other commodity features for surfing over Linked Data

    Physical activity by children: an analysis based on Social Network Theory

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    Introduction: Physical inactivity is a risk factor for obesity and non-transmissible chronic diseases; this represents a burden for health services and limits the development of social capital. Objective: To identify the structure of the school and the community social network for the practice of structured and unstructured physical activity (PA) by schoolchildren. Methods: Cross-sectional study based on Social Network Theory conducted in Morelos, Mexico. A convenience sample of 33 children aged 8 to 10 years-old was selected from two public elementary schools. PA evaluations through pedometry, anthropometric assessments, and PA social network assessments (size, density, homophily, and centrality of actors) were performed. Results: The overall PA network was composed by 239 actors that were mostly peers (40.2%). The school sub-network had an average of 122 actors (87.0% children/peers and 13.0% teachers). Most children conducted PA in groups with their peers; overweight/obese children (mostly girls) lingered in the periphery of the school sub-network. The community sub-network had an average of 160 actors (55.0% parents/family members, 41.2% children/peers, and 3.8% Soccer-coaches). This sub-network, composed mostly by men (60.6%), was highly fragmented (19 sets of actors); they generally promoted unstructured “masculine” activities.The girls who did not perform structured PA and did not meet the recommended number of steps/day were in isolated and small community networks. Conclusions: School teachers are key actors in promoting structured PA. Male peers stand out as promoters of unstructured activity in the school and the community. Overweight and obese girls are a vulnerable group by having fragmented social networks. Public health interventions based in social networks should empower girls motor activity and adult women to become prestige leaders for promoting PA among children.Introducción: La inactividad física es factor de riesgo para desarrollar enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles como la obesidad, limitando el desarrollo del capital social. Objetivo: Identificar la estructura de las redes sociales escolar y comunitaria para la práctica de la actividad física (AF) en escolares. Métodología: Estudio transversal basado en la Teoría de redes sociales, realizado en escuelas primarias públicas de Morelos, México, en 33 niños de 8 a 10 años de edad. Se realizaron mediciones de AF estructurada y no estructurada mediante podometría, evaluaciones antropométricas y de la estructura de las redes sociales de los escolares (tamaño, densidad, homofilia, y centralidad). Resultados: La red general incluyó 239 actores, la mayoría (40.2%) pares de los escolares. La sub-red escolar incluyó 122 actores, 87.0% escolares/pares y 13.0% maestros. Las niñas con sobrepeso/obesidad se ubicaron en la periferia de la sub-red; la mayoría de los escolares realizaron AF grupal con sus pares. La sub-red comunitaria incluyó 160 actores (55.0% padres/otros familiares, 41.2% escolares/pares y 3.8% entrenadores de futbol). Esta sub-red estuvo altamente fragmentada (19 conjuntos de actores), con 60.6% hombres promotores de actividades no estructuradas “masculinas”. Las niñas sedentarias y que no realizaban AF estructurada formaron redes pequeñas y aisladas. Conclusiones: Los maestros y pares de sexo masculino son actores clave en la promoción de AF en la escuela y la comunidad. Las niñas con sobrepeso/obesidad son un grupo vulnerable al tener redes fragmentadas. Intervenciones de salud pública basadas en redes sociales, deben empoderar a niñas y mujeres para convertirse en líderes promotoras de AF en escolares

    Actividad física en escolares: un análisis desde la Teoría de redes sociales

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    Introducción: La inactividad física es factor de riesgo para desarrollar enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles como la obesidad, limitando el desarrollo del capital social. Objetivo: Identificar la estructura de las redes sociales escolar y comunitaria para la práctica de la actividad física (AF) en escolares. Métodología: Estudio transversal basado en la Teoría de redes sociales, realizado en escuelas primarias públicas de Morelos, México, en 33 niños de 8 a 10 años de edad. Se realizaron mediciones de AF estructurada y no estructurada mediante podometría, evaluaciones antropométricas y de la estructura de las redes sociales de los escolares (tamaño, densidad, homofilia, y centralidad). Resultados: La red general incluyó 239 actores, la mayoría (40.2%) pares de los escolares. La sub-red escolar incluyó 122 actores, 87.0% escolares/pares y 13.0% maestros. Las niñas con sobrepeso/obesidad se ubicaron en la periferia de la sub-red; la mayoría de los escolares realizaron AF grupal con sus pares. La sub-red comunitaria incluyó 160 actores (55.0% padres/otros familiares, 41.2% escolares/pares y 3.8% entrenadores de futbol). Esta sub-red estuvo altamente fragmentada (19 conjuntos de actores), con 60.6% hombres promotores de actividades no estructuradas “masculinas”. Las niñas sedentarias y que no realizaban AF estructurada formaron redes pequeñas y aisladas. Conclusiones: Los maestros y pares de sexo masculino son actores clave en la promoción de AF en la escuela y la comunidad. Las niñas con sobrepeso/obesidad son un grupo vulnerable al tener redes fragmentadas. Intervenciones de salud pública basadas en redes sociales, deben empoderar a niñas y mujeres para convertirse en líderes promotoras de AF en escolares.Introduction: Physical inactivity is a risk factor for obesity and non-transmissible chronic diseases; this represents a burden for health services and limits the development of social capital. Objective: To identify the structure of the school and the community social network for the practice of structured and unstructured physical activity (PA) by schoolchildren. Methods: Cross-sectional study based on Social Network Theory conducted in Morelos, Mexico. A convenience sample of 33 children aged 8 to 10 years-old was selected from two public elementary schools. PA evaluations through pedometry, anthropometric assessments, and PA social network assessments (size, density, homophily, and centrality of actors) were performed. Results: The overall PA network was composed by 239 actors that were mostly peers (40.2%). The school sub-network had an average of 122 actors (87.0% children/peers and 13.0% teachers). Most children conducted PA in groups with their peers; overweight/obese children (mostly girls) lingered in the periphery of the school sub-network. The community sub-network had an average of 160 actors (55.0% parents/family members, 41.2% children/peers, and 3.8% Soccer-coaches). This sub-network, composed mostly by men (60.6%), was highly fragmented (19 sets of actors); they generally promoted unstructured “masculine” activities.The girls who did not perform structured PA and did not meet the recommended number of steps/day were in isolated and small community networks. Conclusions: School teachers are key actors in promoting structured PA. Male peers stand out as promoters of unstructured activity in the school and the community. Overweight and obese girls are a vulnerable group by having fragmented social networks. Public health interventions based in social networks should empower girls motor activity and adult women to become prestige leaders for promoting PA among children

    Scalable Visualization of Semantic Nets using Power-Law Graphs

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    Molecular Profiling Reveals Biologically Discrete Subsets and Pathways of Progression in Diffuse Glioma

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    Therapy development for adult diffuse glioma is hindered by incomplete knowledge of somatic glioma driving alterations and suboptimal disease classification. We defined the complete set of genes associated with 1,122 diffuse grade II-III-IV gliomas from The Cancer Genome Atlas and used molecular profiles to improve disease classification, identify molecular correlations, and provide insights into the progression from low- to high-grade disease. Whole-genome sequencing data analysis determined that ATRX but not TERT promoter mutations are associated with increased telomere length. Recent advances in glioma classification based on IDH mutation and 1p/19q co-deletion status were recapitulated through analysis of DNA methylation profiles, which identified clinically relevant molecular subsets. A subtype of IDH mutant glioma was associated with DNA demethylation and poor outcome; a group of IDH-wild-type diffuse glioma showed molecular similarity to pilocytic astrocytoma and relatively favorable survival. Understanding of cohesive disease groups may aid improved clinical outcomes

    Computing Fast and Scalable Table Cartograms for Large Tables

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    Given an m x n table T of positive weights and a rectangle R with an area equal to the sum of the weights, a table cartogram computes a partition of R into m x n convex quadrilateral faces such that each face has the same adjacencies as its corresponding cell in T, and has an area equal to the cell's weight. In this thesis, we explored different table cartogram algorithms for a large table with thousands of cells and investigated the potential applications of large table cartograms. We implemented Evans et al.'s table cartogram algorithm that guarantees zero area error and adapted a diffusion-based cartographic transformation approach, FastFlow, to produce large table cartograms. We introduced a constraint optimization-based table cartogram generation technique, TCarto, leveraging the concept of force-directed layout. We implemented TCarto with column-based and quadtree-based parallelization to compute table cartograms for table with thousands of cells. We presented several potential applications of large table cartograms to create the diagrammatic representations in various real-life scenarios, e.g., for analyzing spatial correlations between geospatial variables, understanding clusters and densities in scatterplots, and creating visual effects in images (i.e., expanding illumination, mosaic art effect). We presented an empirical comparison among these three table cartogram techniques with two different real-life datasets: a meteorological weather dataset and a US State-to-State migration flow dataset. FastFlow and TCarto both performed well on the weather data table. However, for US State-to-State migration flow data, where the table contained many local optima with high value differences among adjacent cells, FastFlow generated concave quadrilateral faces. We also investigated some potential relationships among different measurement metrics such as cartographic error (accuracy), the average aspect ratio (the readability of the visualization), computational speed, and the grid size of the table. Furthermore, we augmented our proposed TCarto with angle constraint to enhance the readability of the visualization, conceding some cartographic error, and also inspected the potential relationship of the restricted angles with the accuracy and the readability of the visualization. In the output of the angle constrained TCarto algorithm on US State-to-State migration dataset, it was difficult to identify the rows and columns for a cell upto 20 degree angle constraint, but appeared to be identifiable for more than 40 degree angle constraint

    Knowledge-sharing networks of hospital-based infection preventionists in Kentucky.

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    Background: Infection preventionists (IPs) have a multitude of tasks aimed at the prevention and control of infections in the healthcare setting. These tasks require a great deal of knowledge that has been more challenging to gain over the past decade due to the rapidly changing healthcare environment, the IPs\u27 increasing numbers of duties, limited staffing, and a number of other issues. Because of these challenges, other mechanisms of rapid and efficient knowledge acquisition are needed for optimal job performance. One possible mechanism is knowledge sharing through social or professional networks. Objective: To examine the knowledge-sharing network structure of hospital-based IPs in Kentucky. Methods: An electronic survey instrument was e-mailed to all hospital-based IPs in Kentucky. Roster lists were used to elicit alters for knowledge sharing. Basic demographics and employment data were collected. Directed sociograms were utilized to visually examine the network. Density and component analyses were used to evaluate network cohesion. In and out-degree, betweenness, and eigenvector statistics were calculated to examine node centrality. Key player reach and fragmentation algorithms were used to identify key players. Geospatial network analysis was also used to analyze the network structure. Results: A total of 75 IPs completed the survey for a 58% response rate. Seven IPs were excluded due to their limited focus on infection prevention activities. The network density was ,1.8%. Three network components were identified. The median (range) centrality measures were as follows: in-degree, 2 (0-11); out-degree, 0.5 (0-5); betweenness, 0 (0-567); and eigenvector 0.02 (0-0.45). One IP had the highest centrality measures. Three key players were identified in the reach and fragmentation analyses, of which most were in the age range that would soon qualify them for retirement. Geospatial analysis of the network revealed that it spanned the entire state of Kentucky and did not fit into any particular sectioning of the state (Medical Trade Area, APIC chapter, physical barriers, etc.). Conclusions: Very low network density and centrality statistics indicate that the knowledge-sharing network of hospital-based IPs in Kentucky is not adequate for optimal knowledge sharing. In a state such as Kentucky with predominantly small, rural facilities that may have limited access to knowledge as compared to large, university settings, an optimal knowledge-sharing network among these facilities may allow for diffusion of new information to IPs at these facilities. Future research is needed to identify interventions to increase network connections in this field

    Evaluation of graphical representations for the visualization of semantic data in a web interface

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    Das Wissen nutzbar zu machen steht an zentraler Stelle. Heute wird der Mensch mit Informationsmengen konfrontiert und steht dadurch vor dem Problem einer enormen Informationsflut. In der schnelllebigen Zeit der IT-Technik (Information und Telekommunikation) soll eine innovative Methode die Informationsrecherche zeitlich verkürzen und eine individuell optimale Lösung für den Benutzer gefunden werden. Die gebrauchstaugliche Unterstützung heißt: Eine semantisch-webbasierte Visualisierung zur Unterstützung des Findens innerhalb des Semantic Web. Der Ansatz der Visualisierung liegt darin begründet, dass Menschen hauptsächlich über die Augen wahrnehmen und schnell Zusammenhänge erkennen können. Sogar blinde Menschen nutzen dazu ein mentales System, das visuell räumliches Skizzenblatt (scratch-pad), um Bilder bzw. die Umwelt zu verarbeiten. Der Vorteil liegt darin begründet, dass es einen schnellen direkten Zugriff auf das Arbeitsgedächtnis ermöglicht. Ein Anwendungsszenario im Bereich des Mobilfunks soll als Praxisbeispiel dienen. Bei der Vielzahl der angebotenen Handys mit den homogenen Leistungen findet kaum ein Kunde die Unterscheidungen und es gibt zurzeit keine Möglichkeit unter den Handys benutzungsfreundlich zu differenzieren noch ein optimales Handy zu finden. Am Beispiel von selbst dargestellten Szenarien und einer Evaluation wird erörtert, wie anhand von angenommenen Stakeholder, ein Zusammenspiel der Semantic Web Technologien eine jeweilige Lösung von verfügbaren Informationen aufgefunden und bearbeitet werden kann. Ziel bei der Anwendung ist es, ein Prototypen zu realisieren, dass gebrauchstauglich bei der Visualisierung von großen Datenmassen, auf Grundlage einer Empfehlung von Mobilgeräten in einem Webinterface, unterstützt. Das bereits geschriebene Praxisprojekt-Referat in Form eines Konzepts mit dem Thema: „Graphische Visualisierung von semantischen Daten in einem Webinterface“ dient dabei als Grundlage für diese Bachelorarbeit (siehe Kap. 8.2). Grundlage, Innovationen und Beispiele aus der Praxis sind ausführlich dort beschrieben worden. Dabei wurden die neusten Technologien unter den Kriterien der Häufigkeit in der Praxis, Plattformunabhängigkeit und der Flexibilität betrachtet. Künstlerisch gestalterische Disziplinen, die Produkte graphisch zum Glänzen bringen möchten oder welche, die sich mit den grundlegenden Technologien für semantische Daten sich beschäftigen, bleiben bei dieser Arbeit unbehandelt. Es geht im Schwerpunkt um eine Beantwortung der folgenden Forschungsfrage: Inwieweit sind graphische Repräsentationen vorteilhafter, um Wissen zu vermitteln, in Verhältnis zu textuellen Repräsentationen