9 research outputs found

    Development of c-means Clustering Based Adaptive Fuzzy Controller for A Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle

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    Advanced and accurate modelling of a Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle (FW MAV) and its control is one of the recent research topics related to the field of autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). In this work, a four wing Natureinspired (NI) FW MAV is modeled and controlled inspiring by its advanced features like quick flight, vertical take-off and landing, hovering, and fast turn, and enhanced manoeuvrability when contrasted with comparable-sized fixed and rotary wing UAVs. The Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering algorithm is utilized to demonstrate the NIFW MAV model, which has points of interest over first principle based modelling since it does not depend on the system dynamics, rather based on data and can incorporate various uncertainties like sensor error. The same clustering strategy is used to develop an adaptive fuzzy controller. The controller is then utilized to control the altitude of the NIFW MAV, that can adapt with environmental disturbances by tuning the antecedent and consequent parameters of the fuzzy system.Comment: this paper is currently under review in Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Researc

    Gridbot: An autonomous robot controlled by a Spiking Neural Network mimicking the brain's navigational system

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    It is true that the "best" neural network is not necessarily the one with the most "brain-like" behavior. Understanding biological intelligence, however, is a fundamental goal for several distinct disciplines. Translating our understanding of intelligence to machines is a fundamental problem in robotics. Propelled by new advancements in Neuroscience, we developed a spiking neural network (SNN) that draws from mounting experimental evidence that a number of individual neurons is associated with spatial navigation. By following the brain's structure, our model assumes no initial all-to-all connectivity, which could inhibit its translation to a neuromorphic hardware, and learns an uncharted territory by mapping its identified components into a limited number of neural representations, through spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP). In our ongoing effort to employ a bioinspired SNN-controlled robot to real-world spatial mapping applications, we demonstrate here how an SNN may robustly control an autonomous robot in mapping and exploring an unknown environment, while compensating for its own intrinsic hardware imperfections, such as partial or total loss of visual input.Comment: 8 pages, 3 Figures, International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems (ICONS 2018

    Neuromorphic Control using Input-Weighted Threshold Adaptation

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    Neuromorphic processing promises high energy efficiency and rapid response rates, making it an ideal candidate for achieving autonomous flight of resource-constrained robots. It will be especially beneficial for complex neural networks as are involved in high-level visual perception. However, fully neuromorphic solutions will also need to tackle low-level control tasks. Remarkably, it is currently still challenging to replicate even basic low-level controllers such as proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers. Specifically, it is difficult to incorporate the integral and derivative parts. To address this problem, we propose a neuromorphic controller that incorporates proportional, integral, and derivative pathways during learning. Our approach includes a novel input threshold adaptation mechanism for the integral pathway. This Input-Weighted Threshold Adaptation (IWTA) introduces an additional weight per synaptic connection, which is used to adapt the threshold of the post-synaptic neuron. We tackle the derivative term by employing neurons with different time constants. We first analyze the performance and limits of the proposed mechanisms and then put our controller to the test by implementing it on a microcontroller connected to the open-source tiny Crazyflie quadrotor, replacing the innermost rate controller. We demonstrate the stability of our bio-inspired algorithm with flights in the presence of disturbances. The current work represents a substantial step towards controlling highly dynamic systems with neuromorphic algorithms, thus advancing neuromorphic processing and robotics. In addition, integration is an important part of any temporal task, so the proposed Input-Weighted Threshold Adaptation (IWTA) mechanism may have implications well beyond control tasks

    Supervised Learning in SNN via Reward-Modulated Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity for a Target Reaching Vehicle

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    Spiking neural networks (SNNs) offer many advantages over traditional artificial neural networks (ANNs) such as biological plausibility, fast information processing, and energy efficiency. Although SNNs have been used to solve a variety of control tasks using the Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity (STDP) learning rule, existing solutions usually involve hard-coded network architectures solving specific tasks rather than solving different kinds of tasks generally. This results in neglecting one of the biggest advantages of ANNs, i.e., being general-purpose and easy-to-use due to their simple network architecture, which usually consists of an input layer, one or multiple hidden layers and an output layer. This paper addresses the problem by introducing an end-to-end learning approach of spiking neural networks constructed with one hidden layer and reward-modulated Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity (R-STDP) synapses in an all-to-all fashion. We use the supervised reward-modulated Spike-Timing-Dependent-Plasticity learning rule to train two different SNN-based sub-controllers to replicate a desired obstacle avoiding and goal approaching behavior, provided by pre-generated datasets. Together they make up a target-reaching controller, which is used to control a simulated mobile robot to reach a target area while avoiding obstacles in its path. We demonstrate the performance and effectiveness of our trained SNNs to achieve target reaching tasks in different unknown scenarios

    Learning Autonomous Flight Controllers with Spiking Neural Networks

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    The ability of a robot to adapt in-mission to achieve an assigned goal is highly desirable. This thesis project places an emphasis on employing learning-based intelligent control methodologies to the development and implementation of an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Flight control is carried out by evolving spiking neural networks (SNNs) with Hebbian plasticity. The proposed implementation is capable of learning and self-adaptation to model variations and uncertainties when the controller learned in simulation is deployed on a physical platform. Controller development for small multicopters often relies on simulations as an intermediate step, providing cheap, parallelisable, observable and reproducible optimisation with no risk of damage to hardware. Although model-based approaches have been widely utilised in the process of development, loss of performance can be observed on the target platform due to simplification of system dynamics in simulation (e.g., aerodynamics, servo dynamics, sensor uncertainties). Ignorance of these effects in simulation can significantly deteriorate performance when the controller is deployed. Previous approaches often require mathematical or simulation models with a high level of accuracy which can be difficult to obtain. This thesis, on the other hand, attempts to cross the reality gap between a low-fidelity simulation and the real platform. This is done using synaptic plasticity to adapt the SNN controller evolved in simulation to the actual UAV dynamics. The primary contribution of this work is the implementation of a procedural methodology for SNN control that integrates bioinspired learning mechanisms with artificial evolution, with an SNN library package (i.e. eSpinn) developed by the author. Distinct from existing SNN simulators that mainly focus on large-scale neuron interactions and learning mechanisms from a neuroscience perspective, the eSpinn library draws particular attention to embedded implementations on hardware that is applicable for problems in the robotic domain. This C++ software package is not only able to support simulations in the MATLAB and Python environment, allowing rapid prototyping and validation in simulation; but also capable of seamless transition between simulation and deployment on the embedded platforms. This work implements a modified version of the NEAT neuroevolution algorithm and leverages the power of evolutionary computation to discover functional controller compositions and optimise plasticity mechanisms for online adaptation. With the eSpinn software package the development of spiking neurocontrollers for all degrees of freedom of the UAV is demonstrated in simulation. Plastic height control is carried out on a physical hexacopter platform. Through a set of experiments it is shown that the evolved plastic controller can maintain its functionality by self-adapting to model changes and uncertainties that take place after evolutionary training, and consequently exhibit better performance than its non-plastic counterpart

    A Survey of Robotics Control Based on Learning-Inspired Spiking Neural Networks

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    Biological intelligence processes information using impulses or spikes, which makes those living creatures able to perceive and act in the real world exceptionally well and outperform state-of-the-art robots in almost every aspect of life. To make up the deficit, emerging hardware technologies and software knowledge in the fields of neuroscience, electronics, and computer science have made it possible to design biologically realistic robots controlled by spiking neural networks (SNNs), inspired by the mechanism of brains. However, a comprehensive review on controlling robots based on SNNs is still missing. In this paper, we survey the developments of the past decade in the field of spiking neural networks for control tasks, with particular focus on the fast emerging robotics-related applications. We first highlight the primary impetuses of SNN-based robotics tasks in terms of speed, energy efficiency, and computation capabilities. We then classify those SNN-based robotic applications according to different learning rules and explicate those learning rules with their corresponding robotic applications. We also briefly present some existing platforms that offer an interaction between SNNs and robotics simulations for exploration and exploitation. Finally, we conclude our survey with a forecast of future challenges and some associated potential research topics in terms of controlling robots based on SNNs

    Amygdala Modeling with Context and Motivation Using Spiking Neural Networks for Robotics Applications

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    Cognitive capabilities for robotic applications are furthered by developing an artificial amygdala that mimics biology. The amygdala portion of the brain is commonly understood to control mood and behavior based upon sensory inputs, motivation, and context. This research builds upon prior work in creating artificial intelligence for robotics which focused on mood-generated actions. However, recent amygdala research suggests a void in greater functionality. This work developed a computational model of an amygdala, integrated this model into a robot model, and developed a comprehensive integration of the robot for simulation, and live embodiment. The developed amygdala, instantiated in the Nengo Brain Maker environment, leveraged spiking neural networks and the semantic pointer architecture to allow the abstraction of neuron ensembles into high-level concept vocabularies. Test and validation were performed on a TurtleBot in both simulated (Gazebo) and live testing. Results were compared to a baseline model which has a simplistic, amygdala-like model. Metrics of nearest distance and nearest time were used for assessment. The amygdala model is shown to outperform the baseline in both simulations, with a 70.8% improvement in nearest distance and, 4% improvement in the nearest time, and in real applications with a 62.4% improvement in nearest distance. Notably, this performance occurred despite a five-fold increase in architecture size and complexity

    REMODEL: Rethinking Deep CNN Models to Detect and Count on a NeuroSynaptic System

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    In this work, we perform analysis of detection and counting of cars using a low-power IBM TrueNorth Neurosynaptic System. For our evaluation we looked at a publicly-available dataset that has overhead imagery of cars with context present in the image. The trained neural network for image analysis was deployed on the NS16e system using IBM's EEDN training framework. Through multiple experiments we identify the architectural bottlenecks present in TrueNorth system that does not let us deploy large neural network structures. Following these experiments we propose changes to CNN model to circumvent these architectural bottlenecks. The results of these evaluations have been compared with caffe-based implementations of standard neural networks that were deployed on a Titan-X GPU. Results showed that TrueNorth can detect cars from the dataset with 97.60% accuracy and can be used to accurately count the number of cars in the image with 69.04% accuracy. The car detection accuracy and car count (–/+ 2 error margin) accuracy are comparable to high-precision neural networks like AlexNet, GoogLeNet, and ResCeption, but show a manifold improvement in power consumption

    Complexity, Emergent Systems and Complex Biological Systems:\ud Complex Systems Theory and Biodynamics. [Edited book by I.C. Baianu, with listed contributors (2011)]

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    An overview is presented of System dynamics, the study of the behaviour of complex systems, Dynamical system in mathematics Dynamic programming in computer science and control theory, Complex systems biology, Neurodynamics and Psychodynamics.\u