45 research outputs found

    Spiking Neural Network With Distributed Plasticity Reproduces Cerebellar Learning in Eye Blink Conditioning Paradigms

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    In this study, we defined a realistic cerebellar model through the use of artificial spiking neural networks, testing it in computational simulations that reproduce associative motor tasks in multiple sessions of acquisition and extinction. Methods: By evolutionary algorithms, we tuned the cerebellar microcircuit to find out the near-optimal plasticity mechanism parameters that better reproduced human-like behavior in eye blink classical conditioning, one of the most extensively studied paradigms related to the cerebellum. We used two models: one with only the cortical plasticity and another including two additional plasticity sites at nuclear level. Results: First, both spiking cerebellar models were able to well reproduce the real human behaviors, in terms of both "timing" and "amplitude", expressing rapid acquisition, stable late acquisition, rapid extinction, and faster reacquisition of an associative motor task. Even though the model with only the cortical plasticity site showed good learning capabilities, the model with distributed plasticity produced faster and more stable acquisition of conditioned responses in the reacquisition phase. This behavior is explained by the effect of the nuclear plasticities, which have slow dynamics and can express memory consolidation and saving. Conclusions: We showed how the spiking dynamics of multiple interactive neural mechanisms implicitly drive multiple essential components of complex learning processes. Significance: This study presents a very advanced computational model, developed together by biomedical engineers, computer scientists, and neuroscientists. Since its realistic features, the proposed model can provide confirmations and suggestions about neurophysiological and pathological hypotheses and can be used in challenging clinical application

    A Multiple-Plasticity Spiking Neural Network Embedded in a Closed-Loop Control System to Model Cerebellar Pathologies

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    The cerebellum plays a crucial role in sensorimotor control and cerebellar disorders compromise adaptation and learning of motor responses. However, the link between alterations at network level and cerebellar dysfunction is still unclear. In principle, this understanding would benefit of the development of an artificial system embedding the salient neuronal and plastic properties of the cerebellum and operating in closed-loop. To this aim, we have exploited a realistic spiking computational model of the cerebellum to analyze the network correlates of cerebellar impairment. The model was modified to reproduce three different damages of the cerebellar cortex: (i) a loss of the main output neurons (Purkinje Cells), (ii) a lesion to the main cerebellar afferents (Mossy Fibers), and (iii) a damage to a major mechanism of synaptic plasticity (Long Term Depression). The modified network models were challenged with an Eye-Blink Classical Conditioning test, a standard learning paradigm used to evaluate cerebellar impairment, in which the outcome was compared to reference results obtained in human or animal experiments. In all cases, the model reproduced the partial and delayed conditioning typical of the pathologies, indicating that an intact cerebellar cortex functionality is required to accelerate learning by transferring acquired information to the cerebellar nuclei. Interestingly, depending on the type of lesion, the redistribution of synaptic plasticity and response timing varied greatly generating specific adaptation patterns. Thus, not only the present work extends the generalization capabilities of the cerebellar spiking model to pathological cases, but also predicts how changes at the neuronal level are distributed across the network, making it usable to infer cerebellar circuit alterations occurring in cerebellar pathologies

    Model-driven analysis of eyeblink classical conditioning reveals the underlying structure of cerebellar plasticity and neuronal activity

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    The cerebellum plays a critical role in sensorimotor control. However, how the specific circuits and plastic mechanisms of the cerebellum are engaged in closed-loop processing is still unclear. We developed an artificial sensorimotor control system embedding a detailed spiking cerebellar microcircuit with three bidirectional plasticity sites. This proved able to reproduce a cerebellar-driven associative paradigm, the eyeblink classical conditioning (EBCC), in which a precise time relationship between an unconditioned stimulus (US) and a conditioned stimulus (CS) is established. We challenged the spiking model to fit an experimental data set from human subjects. Two subsequent sessions of EBCC acquisition and extinction were recorded and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was applied on the cerebellum to alter circuit function and plasticity. Evolutionary algorithms were used to find the near-optimal model parameters to reproduce the behaviors of subjects in the different sessions of the protocol. The main finding is that the optimized cerebellar model was able to learn to anticipate (predict) conditioned responses with accurate timing and success rate, demonstrating fast acquisition, memory stabilization, rapid extinction, and faster reacquisition as in EBCC in humans. The firing of Purkinje cells (PCs) and deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN) changed during learning under the control of synaptic plasticity, which evolved at different rates, with a faster acquisition in the cerebellar cortex than in DCN synapses. Eventually, a reduced PC activity released DCN discharge just after the CS, precisely anticipating the US and causing the eyeblink. Moreover, a specific alteration in cortical plasticity explained the EBCC changes induced by cerebellar TMS in humans. In this paper, for the first time, it is shown how closed-loop simulations, using detailed cerebellar microcircuit models, can be successfully used to fit real experimental data sets. Thus, the changes of the model parameters in the different sessions of the protocol unveil how implicit microcircuit mechanisms can generate normal and altered associative behaviors

    Mesoscale simulations predict the role of synergistic cerebellar plasticity during classical eyeblink conditioning

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    According to the motor learning theory by Albus and Ito, synaptic depression at the parallel fibre to Purkinje cells synapse (pf-PC) is the main substrate responsible for learning sensorimotor contingencies under climbing fibre control. However, recent experimental evidence challenges this relatively monopolistic view of cerebellar learning. Bidirectional plasticity appears crucial for learning, in which different microzones can undergo opposite changes of synaptic strength (e.g. downbound microzones-more likely depression, upbound microzones- more likely potentiation), and multiple forms of plasticity have been identified, distributed over different cerebellar circuit synapses. Here, we have simulated classical eyeblink conditioning (CEBC) using an advanced spiking cerebellar model embedding downbound and upbound modules that are subject to multiple plasticity rules. Simulations indicate that synaptic plasticity regulates the cascade of precise spiking patterns spreading throughout the cerebellar cortex and cerebellar nuclei. CEBC was supported by plasticity at the pf-PC synapses as well as at the synapses of the molecular layer interneurons (MLIs), but only the combined switch-off of both sites of plasticity compromised learning significantly. By differentially engaging climbing fibre information and related forms of synaptic plasticity, both microzones contributed to generate a well-timed conditioned response, but it was the downbound module that played the major role in this process. The outcomes of our simulations closely align with the behavioural and electrophysiological phenotypes of mutant mice suffering from cell-specific mutations that affect processing of their PC and/or MLI synapses. Our data highlight that a synergy of bidirectional plasticity rules distributed across the cerebellum can facilitate finetuning of adaptive associative behaviours at a high spatiotemporal resolution.</p

    Mesoscale simulations predict the role of synergistic cerebellar plasticity during classical eyeblink conditioning

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    According to the motor learning theory by Albus and Ito, synaptic depression at the parallel fibre to Purkinje cells synapse (pf-PC) is the main substrate responsible for learning sensorimotor contingencies under climbing fibre control. However, recent experimental evidence challenges this relatively monopolistic view of cerebellar learning. Bidirectional plasticity appears crucial for learning, in which different microzones can undergo opposite changes of synaptic strength (e.g. downbound microzones-more likely depression, upbound microzones- more likely potentiation), and multiple forms of plasticity have been identified, distributed over different cerebellar circuit synapses. Here, we have simulated classical eyeblink conditioning (CEBC) using an advanced spiking cerebellar model embedding downbound and upbound modules that are subject to multiple plasticity rules. Simulations indicate that synaptic plasticity regulates the cascade of precise spiking patterns spreading throughout the cerebellar cortex and cerebellar nuclei. CEBC was supported by plasticity at the pf-PC synapses as well as at the synapses of the molecular layer interneurons (MLIs), but only the combined switch-off of both sites of plasticity compromised learning significantly. By differentially engaging climbing fibre information and related forms of synaptic plasticity, both microzones contributed to generate a well-timed conditioned response, but it was the downbound module that played the major role in this process. The outcomes of our simulations closely align with the behavioural and electrophysiological phenotypes of mutant mice suffering from cell-specific mutations that affect processing of their PC and/or MLI synapses. Our data highlight that a synergy of bidirectional plasticity rules distributed across the cerebellum can facilitate finetuning of adaptive associative behaviours at a high spatiotemporal resolution.</p

    A Computational Mechanism for Unified Gain and Timing Control in the Cerebellum

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    Precise gain and timing control is the goal of cerebellar motor learning. Because the basic neural circuitry of the cerebellum is homogeneous throughout the cerebellar cortex, a single computational mechanism may be used for simultaneous gain and timing control. Although many computational models of the cerebellum have been proposed for either gain or timing control, few models have aimed to unify them. In this paper, we hypothesize that gain and timing control can be unified by learning of the complete waveform of the desired movement profile instructed by climbing fiber signals. To justify our hypothesis, we adopted a large-scale spiking network model of the cerebellum, which was originally developed for cerebellar timing mechanisms to explain the experimental data of Pavlovian delay eyeblink conditioning, to the gain adaptation of optokinetic response (OKR) eye movements. By conducting large-scale computer simulations, we could reproduce some features of OKR adaptation, such as the learning-related change of simple spike firing of model Purkinje cells and vestibular nuclear neurons, simulated gain increase, and frequency-dependent gain increase. These results suggest that the cerebellum may use a single computational mechanism to control gain and timing simultaneously

    Modeling the Cerebellar Microcircuit: New Strategies for a Long-Standing Issue

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    The cerebellar microcircuit has been the work bench for theoretical and computational modeling since the beginning of neuroscientific research. The regular neural architecture of the cerebellum inspired different solutions to the long-standing issue of how its circuitry could control motor learning and coordination. Originally, the cerebellar network was modeled using a statistical-topological approach that was later extended by considering the geometrical organization of local microcircuits. However, with the advancement in anatomical and physiological investigations, new discoveries have revealed an unexpected richness of connections, neuronal dynamics and plasticity, calling for a change in modeling strategies, so as to include the multitude of elementary aspects of the network into an integrated and easily updatable computational framework. Recently, biophysically accurate realistic models using a bottom-up strategy accounted for both detailed connectivity and neuronal non-linear membrane dynamics. In this perspective review, we will consider the state of the art and discuss how these initial efforts could be further improved. Moreover, we will consider how embodied neurorobotic models including spiking cerebellar networks could help explaining the role and interplay of distributed forms of plasticity. We envisage that realistic modeling, combined with closed-loop simulations, will help to capture the essence of cerebellar computations and could eventually be applied to neurological diseases and neurorobotic control systems

    Brain-Inspired Spiking Neural Network Controller for a Neurorobotic Whisker System

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    It is common for animals to use self-generated movements to actively sense the surrounding environment. For instance, rodents rhythmically move their whiskers to explore the space close to their body. The mouse whisker system has become a standard model for studying active sensing and sensorimotor integration through feedback loops. In this work, we developed a bioinspired spiking neural network model of the sensorimotor peripheral whisker system, modeling trigeminal ganglion, trigeminal nuclei, facial nuclei, and central pattern generator neuronal populations. This network was embedded in a virtual mouse robot, exploiting the Human Brain Project's Neurorobotics Platform, a simulation platform offering a virtual environment to develop and test robots driven by brain-inspired controllers. Eventually, the peripheral whisker system was adequately connected to an adaptive cerebellar network controller. The whole system was able to drive active whisking with learning capability, matching neural correlates of behavior experimentally recorded in mice

    Modeled changes of cerebellar activity in mutant mice are predictive of their learning impairments

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    Translating neuronal activity to measurable behavioral changes has been a long-standing goal of systems neuroscience. Recently, we have developed a model o