13 research outputs found

    Análisis y aplicación de técnicas inteligentes a un jugador automático en videojuegos tácticos

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    [ES] Se describe lo que es un videojuego táctico, la necesidad de que tengan jugadores automáticos y las restricciones a las que están sujetos. Se presentan algoritmos y aproximaciones posibles en la programación de uno de los jugadores; a continuación se implementa un juego como caso de estudio que replique las características de algún ejemplo actual del género. Finalmente se le añade a este varias de las técnicas explicadas anteriormente para ponerlas a prueba en simulaciones y recabar estadísticas.[EN] It is described what a tactical video game is, the need for automated players and their restrictions. Possible algorithms and approximations in programming one of these players are discussed; next to this, as one example of the genre, a case-study game is implemented. Finally some of the previously explained techniques are added to it and tested in simulations to perform statistics.Granados Rodrigo, I. (2016). Análisis y aplicación de técnicas inteligentes a un jugador automático en videojuegos tácticos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/76628.TFG

    Solution trees as a basis for game tree search

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    A game tree algorithm is an algorithm computing the minimax value of the root of a game tree. Many algorithms use the notion of establishing proofs that this value lies above or below some boundary value. We show that this amounts to the construction of a solution tree. We discuss the role of solution trees and critical trees in the following algorithms: Principal Variation Search, alpha-beta, and SSS-2. A general procedure for the construction of a solution tree, based on alpha-beta and Null-Window-Search, is given. Furthermore two new examples of solution tree-based algorithms are presented, that surpass alpha-beta, i.e., never visit more nodes than alpha-beta, and often less

    A new paradigm for minimax search

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    This paper introduces a new paradigm for minimax game-tree search algorithms. MT is a memory-enhanced version of Pearl's Test procedure. By changing the way MT is called, a number of best-first game-tree search algorithms can be simply and elegantly constructed (including SSS*). Most of the assessments of minimax search algorithms have been based on simulations. However, these simulations generally do not address two of the key ingredients of high performance game-playing programs: iterative deepening and memory usage. This paper presents experimental data from three game-playing programs (checkers, Othello and chess), covering the range from low to high branching factor. The improved move ordering due to iterative deepening and memory usage results in significantly different results from those portrayed in the literature. Whereas some simulations show alpha-beta expanding almost 100% more leaf nodes than other algorithms [Marsland, Reinefeld & Schaeffer, 1987], our results showed variations of less than 20%. One new instance of our framework MTD(f) out-performs our best alpha-beta searcher (aspiration NegaScout) on leaf nodes, total nodes and execution time. To our knowledge, these are the first reported results that compare both depth-first and best-first algorithms given the same amount of memory

    Best-First and Depth-First Minimax Search in practice

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    Abstract Most practitioners use a variant of the Alpha-Beta algorithm, a simple depth-first procedure, for searching minimax trees. SSS*, with its best-first search strategy, reportedly offers the potential for more efficient search. However, the complex formulation of the algorithm and its alleged excessive memory requirements preclude its use in practice. For two decades, the search efficiency of "smart" best-first SSS* has cast doubt on the effectiveness of "dumb" depth-first Alpha-Beta

    Artificial Intelligence Techniques Applied To Draughts

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    This thesis documents the work done to develop a draughts playing program that learns game strategies utilising various Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques with the goal of being able to play draughts at a reasonably high skill level as a result of having played against itself without external guidance. Context/Background: AI is a fast evolving field of study. The motivation being programming computers to learn from experience should eventually eliminate the need for this detailed, time consuming, and costly programming effort currently required to program solutions to problems. Aims: The aim is to investigate a variety of AI techniques. The program’s effectiveness will be assessed in both evaluating moves and playing a computationally intensive game. Minimax based algorithms together with a basic scoring heuristic are used to evaluate enough of the game tree to pick high utility moves. Later the scoring heuristic is augmented using artificial intelligence techniques. As a result of this training “smart scoring behaviour” the program is expected to learn how to best assign values to each of the squares on the draughts board enabling it to play at an adequately high skill level. Method: In this thesis a version of the board game Draughts is implemented in the Java programming language. Players were developed using a variety of techniques. These algorithms were tested by comparing running times, number of nodes of the game tree searched and the utility of the moves picked. In addition an algorithm is developed to assign scores to given board states using a genetic algorithm. Results: The project was a success for the most part permitting the creation of the game of draughts in the JAVA programming language. Four out of the five proposed move selection techniques were successfully tested in isolation. Finally the genetic algorithm demonstrated the ability to augment the scoring heuristic without the benefit of external guidance in the form of human experience

    Rollenübernahme als Benutzermodellierungsmethode : globale Antizipation in einem transmutierbaren Dialogsystem

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    In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Aspekte pragmatisch ausgerichteten Dialogverhaltens untersucht: Eine flexible Interaktion zwischen den Systemkomponenten und die Fähigkeit eines Dialogsystems, innerhalb einer gegebenen Dialogsituation mehr als eine der Dialogrollen zu übernehmen. Während das erste Ziel durch eine Multi-Agenten-Architektur unterstützt wird, bezieht sich das zweite Ziel auf die Fähigkeit, sich gedanklich in die Lage der am Dialog beteiligten Partner zu versetzen, um deren Reaktionen bzw. Intentionen zu antizipieren. Diese Strategie der globalen Antizipationsrückkopplung wurde in dem PRACMA- System realisiert, das in einem Verkaufsgespräch sowohl die Rolle des Verkäufers als auch die des Käufers übernehmen kann. Es wird gezeigt, wie die globale Antizipation zur Vorhersage des Käufers- bzw. Verkäufersverhaltens in PRACMA implementiert wurde. Es wird auch ein Ansatz präsentiert, der der Unsicherheit über das Dialogverhalten und die Präferenzen des Dialogpartners Rechnung trägt. Schließlich werden einige Überlegungen zur Effizienz bei der Verwendung der globalen Antizipationsrückkopplung in Abhängigkeit von den verfügbaren Systemressourcen erörtert. Schlüsselwörter: Antizipationsrückkopplung, Rollenübernahme, Multi-Agenten-Architektur, Benutzermodellierung, natürlichsprachliche Verarbeitung, Transmutabilität.Two characteristics of pragmatically oriented dialog processing are investigated in this thesis: Flexible cooperation among the system\u27s modules, which maximizes the system\u27s exploitation of its knowledge and of its reasoning capabilities; and the ability of a system to take either (or any) of the dialog roles in its domain. While attainment of the first goal is supported by a multi-agent architecture, the second goal focuses on the ability of dialog participants to predict the responses of their dialog partners by hypothetically assuming the partner\u27s role. This strategy, called global anticipation feedback, is investigated within PRACMA, a dialog system that is capable of taking either role (buyer or seller) in a sales talk. It is shown how global anticipation feedback can be used to anticipate either the seller\u27s or the buyer\u27s behavior. An extension of these techniques is discussed that addresses the limited predictability of a dialog partner\u27s responses. Finally, several approaches to minimizing the computational cost of using global anticipation feedback according to the available system resources are addressed

    On forward pruning in game-tree search

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