176 research outputs found

    Spherical quadrangles with three equal sides and rational angles

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    When the condition of having three equal sides is imposed upon a (convex) spherical quadrangle, the four angles of that quadrangle cannot longer be freely chosen but must satisfy an identity. We derive two simple identities of this kind, one involving ratios of sines, and one involving ratios of tangents, and improve upon an earlier identity by Ueno and Agaoka. The simple form of these identities enable us to further investigate the case in which all of the angles are rational multiples of pi and produce a full classification, consisting of 7 infinite classes and 29 sporadic examples. Apart from being interesting in its own right, these quadrangles play an important role in the study of spherical tilings by congruent quadrangles

    Tilings of the sphere by congruent quadrilaterals II: edge combination a3ba^3 b with rational angles

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    Edge-to-edge tilings of the sphere by congruent quadrilaterals are completely classified in a series of three papers. This second one applies the powerful tool of trigonometric Diophantine equations to classify the case of a3ba^3b-quadrilaterals with all angles being rational degrees. There are 1212 sporadic and 33 infinite sequences of quadrilaterals admitting the 22-layer earth map tilings together with their modifications, and 33 sporadic quadrilaterals admitting 44 exceptional tilings. Among them only 33 quadrilaterals are convex. New interesting non-edge-to-edge triangular tilings are obtained as a byproduct.Comment: 36 pages, 36 figures, 10 table

    On the Goncharov depth conjecture and a formula for volumes of orthoschemes

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    We prove a conjecture of Goncharov, which says that any multiple polylogarithm can be expressed via polylogarithms of depth at most half of the weight. We give an explicit formula for this presentation, involving a summation over trees that correspond to decompositions of a polygon into quadrangles. Our second result is a formula for volume of hyperbolic orthoschemes, generalizing the formula of Lobachevsky in dimension 33 to an arbitrary dimension. We show a surprising relation between two results, which comes from the fact that hyperbolic orthoschemes are parametrized by configurations of points on P1.\mathbb{P}^1. In particular, we derive both formulas from their common generalization.Comment: 49 pages, 7 figure
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