3,267 research outputs found

    Symmetric Informationally Complete Quantum Measurements

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    We consider the existence in arbitrary finite dimensions d of a POVM comprised of d^2 rank-one operators all of whose operator inner products are equal. Such a set is called a ``symmetric, informationally complete'' POVM (SIC-POVM) and is equivalent to a set of d^2 equiangular lines in C^d. SIC-POVMs are relevant for quantum state tomography, quantum cryptography, and foundational issues in quantum mechanics. We construct SIC-POVMs in dimensions two, three, and four. We further conjecture that a particular kind of group-covariant SIC-POVM exists in arbitrary dimensions, providing numerical results up to dimension 45 to bolster this claim.Comment: 8 page

    Clifford group dipoles and the enactment of Weyl/Coxeter group W(E8) by entangling gates

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    Peres/Mermin arguments about no-hidden variables in quantum mechanics are used for displaying a pair (R, S) of entangling Clifford quantum gates, acting on two qubits. From them, a natural unitary representation of Coxeter/Weyl groups W(D5) and W(F4) emerges, which is also reflected into the splitting of the n-qubit Clifford group Cn into dipoles C±\pmn . The union of the three-qubit real Clifford group C+ 3 and the Toffoli gate ensures a orthogonal representation of the Weyl/Coxeter group W(E8), and of its relatives. Other concepts involved are complex reflection groups, BN pairs, unitary group designs and entangled states of the GHZ family.Comment: version revised according the recommendations of a refere

    Cubature formulas, geometrical designs, reproducing kernels, and Markov operators

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    Cubature formulas and geometrical designs are described in terms of reproducing kernels for Hilbert spaces of functions on the one hand, and Markov operators associated to orthogonal group representations on the other hand. In this way, several known results for spheres in Euclidean spaces, involving cubature formulas for polynomial functions and spherical designs, are shown to generalize to large classes of finite measure spaces (Ω,σ)(\Omega,\sigma) and appropriate spaces of functions inside L2(Ω,σ)L^2(\Omega,\sigma). The last section points out how spherical designs are related to a class of reflection groups which are (in general dense) subgroups of orthogonal groups

    Low rank matrix recovery from rank one measurements

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    We study the recovery of Hermitian low rank matrices XCn×nX \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times n} from undersampled measurements via nuclear norm minimization. We consider the particular scenario where the measurements are Frobenius inner products with random rank-one matrices of the form ajaja_j a_j^* for some measurement vectors a1,...,ama_1,...,a_m, i.e., the measurements are given by yj=tr(Xajaj)y_j = \mathrm{tr}(X a_j a_j^*). The case where the matrix X=xxX=x x^* to be recovered is of rank one reduces to the problem of phaseless estimation (from measurements, yj=x,aj2y_j = |\langle x,a_j\rangle|^2 via the PhaseLift approach, which has been introduced recently. We derive bounds for the number mm of measurements that guarantee successful uniform recovery of Hermitian rank rr matrices, either for the vectors aja_j, j=1,...,mj=1,...,m, being chosen independently at random according to a standard Gaussian distribution, or aja_j being sampled independently from an (approximate) complex projective tt-design with t=4t=4. In the Gaussian case, we require mCrnm \geq C r n measurements, while in the case of 44-designs we need mCrnlog(n)m \geq Cr n \log(n). Our results are uniform in the sense that one random choice of the measurement vectors aja_j guarantees recovery of all rank rr-matrices simultaneously with high probability. Moreover, we prove robustness of recovery under perturbation of the measurements by noise. The result for approximate 44-designs generalizes and improves a recent bound on phase retrieval due to Gross, Kueng and Krahmer. In addition, it has applications in quantum state tomography. Our proofs employ the so-called bowling scheme which is based on recent ideas by Mendelson and Koltchinskii.Comment: 24 page

    Semidefinite programming, harmonic analysis and coding theory

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    These lecture notes where presented as a course of the CIMPA summer school in Manila, July 20-30, 2009, Semidefinite programming in algebraic combinatorics. This version is an update June 2010

    The SIC Question: History and State of Play

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    Recent years have seen significant advances in the study of symmetric informationally complete (SIC) quantum measurements, also known as maximal sets of complex equiangular lines. Previously, the published record contained solutions up to dimension 67, and was with high confidence complete up through dimension 50. Computer calculations have now furnished solutions in all dimensions up to 151, and in several cases beyond that, as large as dimension 844. These new solutions exhibit an additional type of symmetry beyond the basic definition of a SIC, and so verify a conjecture of Zauner in many new cases. The solutions in dimensions 68 through 121 were obtained by Andrew Scott, and his catalogue of distinct solutions is, with high confidence, complete up to dimension 90. Additional results in dimensions 122 through 151 were calculated by the authors using Scott's code. We recap the history of the problem, outline how the numerical searches were done, and pose some conjectures on how the search technique could be improved. In order to facilitate communication across disciplinary boundaries, we also present a comprehensive bibliography of SIC research.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, many references; v3: updating bibliography, dimension eight hundred forty fou

    Grassmannian Frames with Applications to Coding and Communication

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    For a given class F{\cal F} of uniform frames of fixed redundancy we define a Grassmannian frame as one that minimizes the maximal correlation <fk,fl>|< f_k,f_l >| among all frames {fk}kIF\{f_k\}_{k \in {\cal I}} \in {\cal F}. We first analyze finite-dimensional Grassmannian frames. Using links to packings in Grassmannian spaces and antipodal spherical codes we derive bounds on the minimal achievable correlation for Grassmannian frames. These bounds yield a simple condition under which Grassmannian frames coincide with uniform tight frames. We exploit connections to graph theory, equiangular line sets, and coding theory in order to derive explicit constructions of Grassmannian frames. Our findings extend recent results on uniform tight frames. We then introduce infinite-dimensional Grassmannian frames and analyze their connection to uniform tight frames for frames which are generated by group-like unitary systems. We derive an example of a Grassmannian Gabor frame by using connections to sphere packing theory. Finally we discuss the application of Grassmannian frames to wireless communication and to multiple description coding.Comment: Submitted in June 2002 to Appl. Comp. Harm. Ana

    The invariants of the Clifford groups

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    The automorphism group of the Barnes-Wall lattice L_m in dimension 2^m (m not 3) is a subgroup of index 2 in a certain ``Clifford group'' C_m (an extraspecial group of order 2^(1+2m) extended by an orthogonal group). This group and its complex analogue CC_m have arisen in recent years in connection with the construction of orthogonal spreads, Kerdock sets, packings in Grassmannian spaces, quantum codes, Siegel modular forms and spherical designs. In this paper we give a simpler proof of Runge's 1996 result that the space of invariants for C_m of degree 2k is spanned by the complete weight enumerators of the codes obtained by tensoring binary self-dual codes of length 2k with the field GF(2^m); these are a basis if m >= k-1. We also give new constructions for L_m and C_m: let M be the Z[sqrt(2)]-lattice with Gram matrix [2, sqrt(2); sqrt(2), 2]. Then L_m is the rational part of the mth tensor power of M, and C_m is the automorphism group of this tensor power. Also, if C is a binary self-dual code not generated by vectors of weight 2, then C_m is precisely the automorphism group of the complete weight enumerator of the tensor product of C and GF(2^m). There are analogues of all these results for the complex group CC_m, with ``doubly-even self-dual code'' instead of ``self-dual code''.Comment: Latex, 24 pages. Many small improvement

    Group theoretic, Lie algebraic and Jordan algebraic formulations of the SIC existence problem

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    Although symmetric informationally complete positive operator valued measures (SIC POVMs, or SICs for short) have been constructed in every dimension up to 67, a general existence proof remains elusive. The purpose of this paper is to show that the SIC existence problem is equivalent to three other, on the face of it quite different problems. Although it is still not clear whether these reformulations of the problem will make it more tractable, we believe that the fact that SICs have these connections to other areas of mathematics is of some intrinsic interest. Specifically, we reformulate the SIC problem in terms of (1) Lie groups, (2) Lie algebras and (3) Jordan algebras (the second result being a greatly strengthened version of one previously obtained by Appleby, Flammia and Fuchs). The connection between these three reformulations is non-trivial: It is not easy to demonstrate their equivalence directly, without appealing to their common equivalence to SIC existence. In the course of our analysis we obtain a number of other results which may be of some independent interest.Comment: 36 pages, to appear in Quantum Inf. Compu