2 research outputs found

    Experimental Evaluation of Approximation and Heuristic Algorithms for Maximum Distance-Bounded Subgraph Problems

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    In this paper, we consider two distance-based relaxed variants of the maximum clique problem (Max Clique), named Maxd-Clique and Maxd-Club for positive integers d. Max 1-Clique and Max 1-Club cannot be efficiently approximated within a factor of n1−ε for any real ε>0 unless P=NP , since they are identical to Max Clique (Håstad in Acta Math 182(1):105–142, 1999; Zuckerman in Theory Comput 3:103–128, 2007). In addition, it is NP -hard to approximate Maxd-Clique and Maxd-Club to within a factor of n1/2−ε for any fixed integer d≥2 and any real ε>0 (Asahiro et al. in Approximating maximum diameter-bounded subgraphs. In: Proc of LATIN 2010, Springer, pp 615–626, 2010; Asahiro et al. in Optimal approximation algorithms for maximum distance-bounded subgraph problems. In: Proc of COCOA, Springer, pp 586–600, 2015). As for approximability of Maxd-Clique and Maxd-Club, a polynomial-time algorithm, called ReFindStar d, that achieves an optimal approximation ratio of O(n1/2) for Maxd-Clique and Maxd-Club was designed for any integer d≥2 in Asahiro et al. (2015, Algorithmica 80(6):1834–1856, 2018). Moreover, a simpler algorithm, called ByFindStar d, was proposed and it was shown in Asahiro et al. (2010, 2018) that although the approximation ratio of ByFindStar d is much worse for any odd d≥3, its time complexity is better than ReFindStar d. In this paper, we implement those approximation algorithms and evaluate their quality empirically for random graphs. The experimental results show that (1) ReFindStar d can find larger d-clubs (d-cliques) than ByFindStar d for odd d, (2) the size of d-clubs (d-cliques) output by ByFindStar d is the same as ones by ReFindStar d for even d, and (3) ByFindStar d can find the same size of d-clubs (d-cliques) much faster than ReFindStar d. Furthermore, we propose and implement two new heuristics, Hclub d for Maxd-Club and Hclique d for Maxd-Clique. Then, we present the experimental evaluation of the solution size of ReFindStar d, Hclub d, Hclique d and previously known heuristic algorithms for random graphs and Erdős collaboration graphs

    Algoritmos para o problema da clique máxima : análise e comparação experimental

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Renato CarmoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 28/09/2017Inclui referências : f. 107-113Resumo: O problema da Clique Máxima (CM) é um problema fundamental e há uma grande motivação pela busca de algoritmos tão eficientes quanto possível para resolvê-lo de forma exata. Como esperado para um problema NP-difícil, os melhores algoritmos com desempenho de pior caso conhecido tem custo de tempo exponencial. Por outro lado, resultados experimentais encontrados na literatura indicam que instâncias de tamanho considerável podem ser resolvidas usando algoritmos baseados na técnica de branch-and-bound. Com isso, observa-se uma distância entre os melhores resultados analíticos e os melhores resultados experimentais. Uma possível explicação para discrepância aparente entre teoria e prática foi encontrada pela análise de instâncias aleatórias. Diversos algoritmos de branch- and-bound para a solução exata do CM foram estudados, analisados e implementados. Com base nos resultados analíticos é proposta uma metodologia para comparação experimental de algoritmos, que tem como principal ponto positivo o fato de que algoritmos podem ser comparados independente de detalhes de implementação e execução. Vários algoritmos foram testados como prova de conceito. Também foram estudadas instâncias de pior caso para algoritmos de branch-and-bound que só utilizam coloração como limitante superior, resultando em um custo exponencial de tempo para estes algoritmos. Uma nova família de algoritmos foi desenvolvida, capaz de resolver tais instâncias em tempo polinomial. Recentemente, técnicas de resolvedores para problemas de satisfatibilidade têm sido aplicadas em algoritmos para CM. Tais técnicas dependem de uma redução entre os dois problemas, mas o significado em termos do grafo fica obscurecido nas descrições originais. Algumas técnicas foram estudadas e convertidas para uma descrição que não usa termos referentes aos problemas de satisfatibilidade. A implementação de vários algoritmos estudados foi disponibilizada em um repositório de acesso público. Palavras-chave: Solução exata. Branch-and-bound. Análise de algoritmos. Comparação experimental.Abstract: e Maximum Clique problem (CM) is a fundamental problem and there is a great motivation for the development of efficient exact algorithms to solve it. As expected for a NP-hard problem, the best algorithms where worst case analyses have been conducted present exponential running times. On the other hand, experimental results available in the literature show that instances of considerable size can be solved by branch and bound algorithms. Therefore, there is an apparent gap between the best theoretical results and the best experimental results. One possible explanation for this discrepancy between theory and practice was found through the analyses of random instances. Several exact branch and bound algorithm for CM were studied, analyzed and implemented. Based on these analytical results, a new methodology for the comparison of algorithms is proposed, where algorithms can be tested and compared regardless of implementation and execution details. Several algorithms were tested as a proof of concept. Worst case instances for some branch and bound algorithms were studied, namely algorithms that adopt only coloring-based bounding techniques to reduce the search space. These algorithms present exponential time cost for the studied instances. A new family of algorithms was developed, which is able to solve the mentioned instances in polinomial time. Recently, techniques from satisfiability solvers have been used in algorithms for CM. Such techniques depend on a reduction between the problems, and the original descriptions in terms of propositional calculus obscures their graph theoretic meaning. Some of these techniques were studied and converted to a description that uses only graph theory terminology. The implementation of several algorithms was made available in a public access repository. Keywords: Exact solution. Branch-and-bound. Analysis of algorithms. Experimental comparison