471 research outputs found

    A Non-commutative Cryptosystem Based on Quaternion Algebras

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    We propose BQTRU, a non-commutative NTRU-like cryptosystem over quaternion algebras. This cryptosystem uses bivariate polynomials as the underling ring. The multiplication operation in our cryptosystem can be performed with high speed using quaternions algebras over finite rings. As a consequence, the key generation and encryption process of our cryptosystem is faster than NTRU in comparable parameters. Typically using Strassen's method, the key generation and encryption process is approximately 16/716/7 times faster than NTRU for an equivalent parameter set. Moreover, the BQTRU lattice has a hybrid structure that makes inefficient standard lattice attacks on the private key. This entails a higher computational complexity for attackers providing the opportunity of having smaller key sizes. Consequently, in this sense, BQTRU is more resistant than NTRU against known attacks at an equivalent parameter set. Moreover, message protection is feasible through larger polynomials and this allows us to obtain the same security level as other NTRU-like cryptosystems but using lower dimensions.Comment: Submitted for possible publicatio

    Accelerating NTRUEncrypt for in-browser cryptography utilising graphical processing units and WebGL

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    One of the challenges encryption faces is it is computationally intensive and therefore slow, it is vital to find faster methods to accelerate modern encryption algorithms to keep performance high whilst also preserving information security. Users often do not want to wait for applications to become responsive, applications on limited devices such as mobiles often compromise security in order to keep execution times quick. Often they use algorithms and key sizes which are not considered cryptographically secure in order to maintain a smooth user experience. Emerging approaches have begun using a devices Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) to offload some of the computational burden from the Central Processing Unit (CPU) in an effort to parallelize and accelerate the encryption algorithms. Programming for a GPU often involves the use of CUDA or OpenCL programming, however these approaches are platform dependant. This research focuses on utilizing a GPU to perform in-browser cryptography using WebGL and JavaScript. This allows any GPU-enabled device capable of launching an OpenGL compatible browser to perform GPU accelerated cryptography. A GPU based implementation of the NTRUEncrypt algorithm was created and tested against a CPU based version on a range of hardware devices with results, challenges and limitations discussed

    Application of NTRU Cryptographic Algorithm for securing SCADA communication

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    Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is a control system which is widely used in Critical Infrastructure System to monitor and control industrial processes autonomously. Most of the SCADA communication protocols are vulnerable to various types of cyber-related attacks. The currently used security standards for SCADA communication specify the use of asymmetric cryptographic algorithms like RSA or ECC for securing SCADA communications. There are certain performance issues with cryptographic solutions of these specifications when applied to SCADA system with real-time constraints and hardware limitations. To overcome this issue, in this thesis we propose the use of a faster and light-weighted NTRU cryptographic algorithm for authentication and data integrity in securing SCADA communication. Experimental research conducted on ARMv6 based Raspberry Pi and Intel Core machine shows that cryptographic operations of NTRU is two to thirty five times faster than the corresponding RSA or ECC. Usage of NTRU algorithm reduces computation and memory overhead significantly making it suitable for SCADA systems with real-time constraints and hardware limitations

    A new efficient asymmetric cryptosystem based on the integer factorization problem of N=p2q

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    In this paper, we introduce a new scheme based on the hardness of factoring integers of the shape N = p2q. Our scheme uses a combination of modular linear and modular squaring. We show that the decryption is 1-to-1 which is a great advantage over Rabin's cryptosystem. Its encryption speed has a complexity order faster than RSA and ECC. For decryption its speed is better than RSA and is marginally behind ECC. Constructed using a simple mathematical structure, it has low computational requirements and would enable communication devices with low computing power to deploy secure communication procedures efficiently

    A Survey on Implementation of Homomorphic Encryption Scheme in Cloud based Medical Analytical System

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    The privacy of sensitive personal information is more and more important topic as a result of the increased availability of cloud services. These privacy issues arise due to the legitimate concern of a) having a security breach on these cloud servers or b) the leakage of this sensitive information due to an honest but curious individual at the cloud service provider. Standard encryption schemes try to address the ?rst concern by devising encryption schemes that are harder to break, yet they don’t solve the possible misuse of this sensitive data by the cloud service providers. Homomorphic encryption presents a tool that can solve both types of privacy concerns. The clients are given the possibility of encrypting their sensitive information before sending it to the cloud. The cloud will then compute over their encrypted data without the need for the decryption key. By using homomorphic encryption, servers guarantee to the clients that their valuable information to have no problems after being in a difficult situation.

    A Lightweight Implementation of NTRUEncrypt for 8-bit AVR Microcontrollers

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    Introduced in 1996, NTRUEncrypt is not only one of the earliest but also one of the most scrutinized lattice-based cryptosystems and a serious contender in NIST’s ongoing Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) standardization project. An important criterion for the assessment of candidates is their computational cost in various hardware and software environments. This paper contributes to the evaluation of NTRUEncrypt on the ATmega class of AVR microcontrollers, which belongs to the most popular 8-bit platforms in the embedded domain. More concretely, we present AvrNtru, a carefully-optimized implementation of NTRUEncrypt that we developed from scratch with the goal of achieving high performance and resistance to timing attacks. AvrNtru complies with version 3.3 of the EESS#1 specification and supports recent product-form parameter sets like ees443ep1, ees587ep1, and ees743ep1. A full encryption operation (including mask generation and blinding- polynomial generation) using the ees443ep1 parameters takes 834,272 clock cycles on an ATmega1281 microcontroller; the decryption is slightly more costly and has an execution time of 1,061,683 cycles. When choosing the ees743ep1 parameters to achieve a 256-bit security level, 1,539,829 clock cycles are cost for encryption and 2,103,228 clock cycles for decryption. We achieved these results thanks to a novel hybrid technique for multiplication in truncated polynomial rings where one of the operands is a sparse ternary polynomial in product form. Our hybrid technique is inspired by Gura et al’s hybrid method for multiple-precision integer multiplication (CHES 2004) and takes advantage of the large register file of the AVR architecture to minimize the number of load instructions. A constant-time multiplication in the ring specified by the ees443ep1 parameters requires only 210,827 cycles, which sets a new speed record for the arithmetic component of a lattice-based cryptosystem on an 8-bit microcontroller

    NTRU software implementation for constrained devices

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    The NTRUEncrypt is a public-key cryptosystem based on the shortest vector problem. Its main characteristics are the low memory and computational requirements while providing a high security level. This document presents an implementation and optimization of the NTRU public-key cryptosys- tem for constrained devices. Speci cally the NTRU cryptosystem has been implemented on the ATMega128 and the ATMega163 microcontrollers. This has turned in a major e ort in order to reduce the consumption of memory and op- timize the computational resources. The di erent resulting optimizations have been compared and evaluated throught the AVR Studio 4 [1]. The nal outcome has also been compared with other published public-key cryptosystems as RSA or ECC showing the great performance NTRUEncrypt is able to deliver at a surprising very low cost

    Using Attribute-Based Access Control, Efficient Data Access in the Cloud with Authorized Search

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    The security and privacy issues regarding outsourcing data have risen significantly as cloud computing has grown in demand. Consequently, since data management has been delegated to an untrusted cloud server in the data outsourcing phase, data access control has been identified as a major problem in cloud storage systems. To overcome this problem, in this paper, the access control of cloud storage using an Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) approach is utilized. First, the data must be stored in the cloud and security must be strong for the user to access the data. This model takes into consideration some of the attributes of the cloud data stored in the authentication process that the database uses to maintain data around the recorded collections with the user\u27s saved keys. The clusters have registry message permission codes, usernames, and group names, each with its own set of benefits. In advance, the data should be encrypted and transferred to the service provider as it establishes that the data is still secure. But in some cases, the supplier\u27s security measures are disrupting. This result analysis the various parameters such as encryption time, decryption time, key generation time, and also time consumption. In cloud storage, the access control may verify the various existing method such as Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) and Nth Truncated Ring Units (NTRU). The encryption time is 15% decreased by NTRU and 31% reduced by CP-ABE. The decryption time of the proposed method is 7.64% and 14% reduced by the existing method