16 research outputs found

    Speed faults in computation by chemical reaction networks

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    Chemical reaction networks (CRNs) formally model chemistry in a well-mixed solution. Assuming a fixed molecular population size and bimolecular reactions, CRNs are formally equivalent to population protocols, a model of distributed computing introduced by Angluin, Aspnes, Diamadi, Fischer, and Peralta (PODC 2004). The challenge of fast computation by CRNs (or population protocols) is to ensure that there is never a bottleneck "slow" reaction that requires two molecules (agent states) to react (communicate), both of which are present in low (O(1)) counts. It is known that CRNs can be fast in expectation by avoiding slow reactions with high probability. However, states may be reachable (with low probability) from which the correct answer may only be computed by executing a slow reaction. We deem such an event a speed fault. We show that the problems decidable by CRNs guaranteed to avoid speed faults are precisely the detection problems: Boolean combinations of questions of the form "is a certain species present or not?". This implies, for instance, that no speed fault free CRN could decide whether there are at least two molecules of a certain species, although a CRN could decide this in "fast" expected time — i.e. speed fault free CRNs "can't count.

    Towards Efficient Verification of Population Protocols

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    Population protocols are a well established model of computation by anonymous, identical finite state agents. A protocol is well-specified if from every initial configuration, all fair executions reach a common consensus. The central verification question for population protocols is the well-specification problem: deciding if a given protocol is well-specified. Esparza et al. have recently shown that this problem is decidable, but with very high complexity: it is at least as hard as the Petri net reachability problem, which is EXPSPACE-hard, and for which only algorithms of non-primitive recursive complexity are currently known. In this paper we introduce the class WS3 of well-specified strongly-silent protocols and we prove that it is suitable for automatic verification. More precisely, we show that WS3 has the same computational power as general well-specified protocols, and captures standard protocols from the literature. Moreover, we show that the membership problem for WS3 reduces to solving boolean combinations of linear constraints over N. This allowed us to develop the first software able to automatically prove well-specification for all of the infinitely many possible inputs.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figur

    Stable Leader Election in Population Protocols Requires Linear Time

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    A population protocol *stably elects a leader* if, for all nn, starting from an initial configuration with nn agents each in an identical state, with probability 1 it reaches a configuration y\mathbf{y} that is correct (exactly one agent is in a special leader state \ell) and stable (every configuration reachable from y\mathbf{y} also has a single agent in state \ell). We show that any population protocol that stably elects a leader requires Ω(n)\Omega(n) expected "parallel time" --- Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) expected total pairwise interactions --- to reach such a stable configuration. Our result also informs the understanding of the time complexity of chemical self-organization by showing an essential difficulty in generating exact quantities of molecular species quickly.Comment: accepted to Distributed Computing special issue of invited papers from DISC 2015; significantly revised proof structure and intuitive explanation

    Minimizing Message Size in Stochastic Communication Patterns: Fast Self-Stabilizing Protocols with 3 bits

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    This paper considers the basic PULL\mathcal{PULL} model of communication, in which in each round, each agent extracts information from few randomly chosen agents. We seek to identify the smallest amount of information revealed in each interaction (message size) that nevertheless allows for efficient and robust computations of fundamental information dissemination tasks. We focus on the Majority Bit Dissemination problem that considers a population of nn agents, with a designated subset of source agents. Each source agent holds an input bit and each agent holds an output bit. The goal is to let all agents converge their output bits on the most frequent input bit of the sources (the majority bit). Note that the particular case of a single source agent corresponds to the classical problem of Broadcast. We concentrate on the severe fault-tolerant context of self-stabilization, in which a correct configuration must be reached eventually, despite all agents starting the execution with arbitrary initial states. We first design a general compiler which can essentially transform any self-stabilizing algorithm with a certain property that uses \ell-bits messages to one that uses only log\log \ell-bits messages, while paying only a small penalty in the running time. By applying this compiler recursively we then obtain a self-stabilizing Clock Synchronization protocol, in which agents synchronize their clocks modulo some given integer TT, within O~(lognlogT)\tilde O(\log n\log T) rounds w.h.p., and using messages that contain 33 bits only. We then employ the new Clock Synchronization tool to obtain a self-stabilizing Majority Bit Dissemination protocol which converges in O~(logn)\tilde O(\log n) time, w.h.p., on every initial configuration, provided that the ratio of sources supporting the minority opinion is bounded away from half. Moreover, this protocol also uses only 3 bits per interaction.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Computational Complexity of Atomic Chemical Reaction Networks

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    Informally, a chemical reaction network is "atomic" if each reaction may be interpreted as the rearrangement of indivisible units of matter. There are several reasonable definitions formalizing this idea. We investigate the computational complexity of deciding whether a given network is atomic according to each of these definitions. Our first definition, primitive atomic, which requires each reaction to preserve the total number of atoms, is to shown to be equivalent to mass conservation. Since it is known that it can be decided in polynomial time whether a given chemical reaction network is mass-conserving, the equivalence gives an efficient algorithm to decide primitive atomicity. Another definition, subset atomic, further requires that all atoms are species. We show that deciding whether a given network is subset atomic is in NP\textsf{NP}, and the problem "is a network subset atomic with respect to a given atom set" is strongly NP\textsf{NP}-Complete\textsf{Complete}. A third definition, reachably atomic, studied by Adleman, Gopalkrishnan et al., further requires that each species has a sequence of reactions splitting it into its constituent atoms. We show that there is a polynomial-time algorithm\textbf{polynomial-time algorithm} to decide whether a given network is reachably atomic, improving upon the result of Adleman et al. that the problem is decidable\textbf{decidable}. We show that the reachability problem for reachably atomic networks is Pspace\textsf{Pspace}-Complete\textsf{Complete}. Finally, we demonstrate equivalence relationships between our definitions and some special cases of another existing definition of atomicity due to Gnacadja

    Decentralized SGD with Asynchronous, Local and Quantized Updates

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    The ability to scale distributed optimization to large node counts has been one of the main enablers of recent progress in machine learning. To this end, several techniques have been explored, such as asynchronous, decentralized, or quantized communication--which significantly reduce the cost of synchronization, and the ability for nodes to perform several local model updates before communicating--which reduces the frequency of synchronization. In this paper, we show that these techniques, which have so far been considered independently, can be jointly leveraged to minimize distribution cost for training neural network models via stochastic gradient descent (SGD). We consider a setting with minimal coordination: we have a large number of nodes on a communication graph, each with a local subset of data, performing independent SGD updates onto their local models. After some number of local updates, each node chooses an interaction partner uniformly at random from its neighbors, and averages a possibly quantized version of its local model with the neighbor's model. Our first contribution is in proving that, even under such a relaxed setting, SGD can still be guaranteed to converge under standard assumptions. The proof is based on a new connection with parallel load-balancing processes, and improves existing techniques by jointly handling decentralization, asynchrony, quantization, and local updates, and by bounding their impact. On the practical side, we implement variants of our algorithm and deploy them onto distributed environments, and show that they can successfully converge and scale for large-scale image classification and translation tasks, matching or even slightly improving the accuracy of previous methods

    Enhanced Phase Clocks, Population Protocols, and Fast Space Optimal Leader Election

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