6 research outputs found

    Parametric synthesis of expressive speech

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    U disertaciji su opisani postupci sinteze ekspresivnog govora korišćenjem parametarskih pristupa. Pokazano je da se korišćenjem dubokih neuronskih mreža dobijaju bolji rezultati nego korišćenjem skrivenix Markovljevih modela. Predložene su tri nove metode za sintezu ekspresivnog govora korišćenjem dubokih neuronskih mreža: metoda kodova stila, metoda dodatne obuke mreže i arhitektura zasnovana na deljenim skrivenim slojevima. Pokazano je da se najbolji rezultati dobijaju korišćenjem metode kodova stila. Takođe je predložana i nova metoda za transplantaciju emocija/stilova bazirana na deljenim skrivenim slojevima. Predložena metoda ocenjena je bolje od referentne metode iz literature.In this thesis methods for expressive speech synthesis using parametric approaches are presented. It is shown that better results are achived with usage of deep neural networks compared to synthesis based on hidden Markov models. Three new methods for synthesis of expresive speech using deep neural networks are presented: style codes, model re-training and shared hidden layer architecture. It is shown that best results are achived by using style code method. The new method for style transplantation based on shared hidden layer architecture is also proposed. It is shown that this method outperforms referent method from literature

    Interactions in Virtual Worlds:Proceedings Twente Workshop on Language Technology 15

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