46 research outputs found

    DECOMOBIL Roadmap for research on Human Centred Design of ICT for clean and safe mobility. Deliverable 2.2

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    The scientific seminar on 'Roadmap of Information & Communication Technology design for clean and efficient multimodal mobility' organized by Ifsttar in the framework of the European project DECOMOBIL, has been held the 28th of May 2013 in Munich, Germany. The aims of the event were to overview perspectives of research in the domain of ICT and green transport, with presentation of the main key issues, the on-going major projects, some outstanding results and the scientific and technical lacks of knowledge to overcome, in order to debate about future steps to follow to reach identified and consensual objectives in this domain. Speakers have been identified as key experts in the ecomobility research areas, with diversified points of view and approaches, in order to give to the audience a holistic vision of this issue. During this seminar, an overview of European projects on ecomobility such as eCoMove, compass4D, Adasis, Amitran, has been provided. Experience gained from the iMobility WG on ICT for clean and efficient mobility, which aims providing a vision on eco-friendly mobility, has been presented. Priorities for road safety research in Europe have been defined through the presentation of the PROS project, and transport cross-modal considerations on safety and human factors have been discussed through the presentation of the EXCROSS project. Perspectives on Powered-Two-Wheels contribution to ecomobility in addition to sustainable driving/riding training for a safe and cost efficient behavior have been drawn. Finally, main issues related to design, integration and safety of mobile service for ecomobility and concept of cooperative services have been presented and discussed.A round table allowed the audience to interact in a fruitful way with all the speakers of the day.After summarizing the context linked to ecomobility at a European level, this report gathers a summary of each presentation in addition to the full set of slides displayed at the seminar.Furthermore, all the presentations (slides and video recordings of the speakers) are available for downloading on the DECOMOBIL website http://decomobil.humanist-vce.eu/Downloads.html Document type: Repor

    Impacts of Advanced Travel Information Systems on Travel Behaviour: Smartmoov’ case study

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    What are the effects of multimodal real-time information on travel behaviour? Large amounts of money have been invested to implement in the cities such systems, but until now few assessments have been done to verify if it contributes to a real modal shift and, in the higher end, to a more sustainable mobility. This research aims at thoroughly assessing the effectiveness of multimodal real-time information systems, pointing out the limitations before their use and recording the changes induced on the travel behaviour. Two wave questionnaires were designed and administered to a sample of 46 persons before and after a five months experimentation where a multimodal real-time information application for Smartphones (Smartmoov’) was tested after its implemented in the city of Lyon, in 2013. Besides the questionnaires twelve focus groups were conducted with the same sample, six before and six after the experimentation. The survey was aimed at investigating the potential changes of travel behaviour of the sample. Descriptive analysis, parametric and non-parametric tests, factor analysis and binary logistic regression were used as statistical approaches to analyse the collected data and evaluate the effectiviness of Smartmoov’. Before the experimentation, it was understood that participants had no constrains towards the use of the Smartmoov’, being its use under a positive outlook: almost everyone was expert in the technology and was familiar with the concept of Smartmoov’. The travellers’ assessment of the travel planner was initially modestly positive, but it decreased over time and, after the experimentation, the use of the different modes remained stable while a small increase of the car for the most frequent trip was observed. The perceived behaviour control and the intentions to change mode did not show variations after the experimentation; this fact points out that the behaviour is not completely reasoned, being partly under the influence of the habitual performance. The stability of the mode used, of the perceived behavioural control and of the intentions show that mobility is strongly influenced by the high frequency of the past behaviour. In fact, the mobility habits are a heavy burden on the process of modal choice. Nevertheless, information can play a role on modal shift, but only if it is strong enough to interrupt the patterns of routine commutes. The results of the experimentation were in line with previous studies; few people used this app on a daily basis or for planning daily commuting, but they most often used Smartmoov’ to plan occasional travels. Furthermore, people did not show any willingness to pay to use Smartmoov’ neither before or after the experimentation

    Framework for ubiquitous and voice enabled web applicattions development.

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    RESUMEN La cantidad de dispositivos con capacidad de conexión a Internet crece rápidamente. En la actualidad se dispone de teléfonos móviles basados en tecnología WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) o I-Mode, Agendas Digitales Personales, Kioskos Internet, teléfonos convencionales basados en acceso a la Web por medio de la voz, dispositivos basados en televisión interactiva, electrodomésticos, entre otros. Desarrollar una versión de una aplicación web para cada uno de los dispositivos con conectividad a la Web resulta inviable. Por otra parte, desarrollar aplicaciones web que puedan ser visualizados en forma apropiada y aprovechando al máximo las capacidades del dispositivo se constituye en una tarea compleja. En esta tesis se propone un framework, entendido como un marco de trabajo genérico, que sirva como guía para el desarrollo de portales web pervasivos que puedan ser accedidos desde múltiples dispositivos, evitando el desarrollo de un portal por cada uno y teniendo en cuenta las grandes variaciones pueden existir en sus capacidades. Adicionalmente se ha planteado un modelo de agrupamiento de dispositivos, que permita definir una serie de grupos, así como las características asociadas a los mismos, en forma tal que puedan generarse posteriormente los formatos asociados a estos grupos de dispositivos y no a elementos individuales y se ha propuesto y validado una arquitectura de referencia para el desarrollo de aplicaciones pervasivas, que no genere dependencia de tecnologías de servidor, y que permita incorporar la solución de agrupamiento planteada previamente. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________The purpose of the Ubiquitous or Pervasive Computing - an emergent paradigm of personalized computation- is to obtain device interoperability under different conditions. The devices were designed for different purposes by different companies or from different technological generations. The ever increasing market of web enabled devices has brought up diverse challenges related to the difficulty of visualizing content in a unified form to diverse clients, while at the same time taking into account the great differences in the capacities of these devices. It is not feasible to develop a separate application for each of these devices, simply because the number of different devices is too high and still growing. In the analysis of existing proposals dealing with the modelling of ubiquitous web applications, the link that exists between the logical and conceptual modelling and the physical modelling of the applications is not clear enough, and the way in which the context aspects related to web access from these devices cannot be specified. On the other hand, the available commercial products are supplier-specific. Every future platform change would a costly and painstaking process In this thesis we present a proposal of a framework for the development of web applications that can be accessed from different types of devices, such as PCs, PDAs, mobile phones based on diverse technologies (like WAP and I-Mode) and conventional telephones that access the web through voice gateways and voice portals. The proposed framework serves as a guide for the development of this type of applications and it can be deployed to different server configurations and software development technologies. In order to obtain this objective, a description of diverse theoretical elements related to dynamic generation of information that can be acceded by devices has been made, as well as a description of involved technologies whose hardware, software and connectivity characteristics vary remarkably. The theoretical study was carried out in parallel with tests based on the different technologies used. A multilingual-ubiquitous traffic information portal was used to test the theory in an operational environment

    CCTV: a technology under the radar?

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    Closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras have become a ubiquitous feature of everyday life in the UK over the last thirty years. In this thesis I undertake an examination of the historical, political, social, economic, and technological factors, influencing the development, usage, and widespread dissemination of CCTV in the UK. I focus on the issue of why the UK has become so camera-surveilled, and especially the specific role that the public has played in relation to the development and use of the technology. I examine the historical factors through an analysis of the development of surveillance, policing, and political change, during the 20th and early 21st centuries, and early and contemporary uses of CCTV, situating this in the wider context of a history of the criminal justice system. I also look at the media and policy context in which CCTV has developed and become widespread, with this element of the thesis particularly informed by an analysis of the way in which the public are constructed. Next, I carry out an empirical study exploring public engagement and consultation in relation to, and feelings towards, the installation of CCTV onto two estates in East London as part of a project to expand access to digital services in London. Finally, I give an overview of international experiences of CCTV providing a broader context for the final analysis. I argue that the lack of legislation and regulation at the time of the inception of CCTV allowed its subsequent and rapid proliferation. The initial growth of CCTV also occurred at a time when public debate and engagement in science and technology policy did not take place. Its use as a tool for crime prevention was cemented by a police force looking for a shoulder to share the burden of fighting crime. This coupled with an availability of public money for the installation of CCTV systems, the need for a political solution to rising levels of crime, and an apparently passive public, formed the ideal environment for the rise of CCTV

    Impacts of Advanced Travel Information Systems on Travel Behaviour: Smartmoov' case study

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    What are the effects of multimodal real-time information on travel behaviour? Large amounts of money have been invested to implement in the cities such systems, but until now few assessments have been done to verify if it contributes to a real modal shift and, in the higher end, to a more sustainable mobility. This research aims at thoroughly assessing the effectiveness of multimodal real-time information systems, pointing out the limitations before their use and recording the changes induced on the travel behaviour. Two wave questionnaires were designed and administered to a sample of 46 persons before and after a five months experimentation where a multimodal real-time information application for Smartphones (Smartmoov') was tested after its implemented in the city of Lyon, in 2013. Besides the questionnaires twelve focus groups were conducted with the same sample, six before and six after the experimentation. The survey was aimed at investigating the potential changes of travel behaviour of the sample. Descriptive analysis, parametric and non-parametric tests, factor analysis and binary logistic regression were used as statistical approaches to analyse the collected data and evaluate the effectiviness of Smartmoov'. Before the experimentation, it was understood that participants had no constrains towards the use of the Smartmoov', being its use under a positive outlook: almost everyone was expert in the technology and was familiar with the concept of Smartmoov'. The travellers' assessment of the travel planner was initially modestly positive, but it decreased over time and, after the experimentation, the use of the different modes remained stable while a small increase of the car for the most frequent trip was observed. The perceived behaviour control and the intentions to change mode did not show variations after the experimentation; this fact points out that the behaviour is not completely reasoned, being partly under the influence of the habitual performance. The stability of the mode used, of the perceived behavioural control and of the intentions show that mobility is strongly influenced by the high frequency of the past behaviour. In fact, the mobility habits are a heavy burden on the process of modal choice. Nevertheless, information can play a role on modal shift, but only if it is strong enough to interrupt the patterns of routine commutes. The results of the experimentation were in line with previous studies; few people used this app on a daily basis or for planning daily commuting, but they most often used Smartmoov' to plan occasional travels. Furthermore, people did not show any willingness to pay to use Smartmoov' neither before or after the experimentatio

    Radio evolution: conference proceedings

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    Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    A selective list of acronyms and abbreviations

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    A glossary of acronyms, abbreviations, initials, code words, and phrases used at the John F. Kennedy Space Center is presented. The revision contains more than 12,100 entries

    Space transportation system and associated payloads: Glossary, acronyms, and abbreviations

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    A collection of some of the acronyms and abbreviations now in everyday use in the shuttle world is presented. It is a combination of lists that were prepared at Marshall Space Flight Center and Kennedy and Johnson Space Centers, places where intensive shuttle activities are being carried out. This list is intended as a guide or reference and should not be considered to have the status and sanction of a dictionary