2,465 research outputs found

    Audio Analysis/synthesis System

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    A method and apparatus for the automatic analysis, synthesis and modification of audio signals, based on an overlap-add sinusoidal model, is disclosed. Automatic analysis of amplitude, frequency and phase parameters of the model is achieved using an analysis-by-synthesis procedure which incorporates successive approximation, yielding synthetic waveforms which are very good approximations to the original waveforms and are perceptually identical to the original sounds. A generalized overlap-add sinusoidal model is introduced which can modify audio signals without objectionable artifacts. In addition, a new approach to pitch-scale modification allows for the use of arbitrary spectral envelope estimates and addresses the problems of high-frequency loss and noise amplification encountered with prior art methods. The overlap-add synthesis method provides the ability to synthesize sounds with computational efficiency rivaling that of synthesis using the discrete short-time Fourier transform (DSTFT) while eliminating the modification artifacts associated with that method.Georgia Tech Research Corporatio

    A Phase Vocoder based on Nonstationary Gabor Frames

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    We propose a new algorithm for time stretching music signals based on the theory of nonstationary Gabor frames (NSGFs). The algorithm extends the techniques of the classical phase vocoder (PV) by incorporating adaptive time-frequency (TF) representations and adaptive phase locking. The adaptive TF representations imply good time resolution for the onsets of attack transients and good frequency resolution for the sinusoidal components. We estimate the phase values only at peak channels and the remaining phases are then locked to the values of the peaks in an adaptive manner. During attack transients we keep the stretch factor equal to one and we propose a new strategy for determining which channels are relevant for reinitializing the corresponding phase values. In contrast to previously published algorithms we use a non-uniform NSGF to obtain a low redundancy of the corresponding TF representation. We show that with just three times as many TF coefficients as signal samples, artifacts such as phasiness and transient smearing can be greatly reduced compared to the classical PV. The proposed algorithm is tested on both synthetic and real world signals and compared with state of the art algorithms in a reproducible manner.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    A Tutorial on Speech Synthesis Models

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    For Speech Synthesis, the understanding of the physical and mathematical models of speech is essential. Hence, Speech Modeling is a large field, and is well documented in literature. The aim in this paper is to provide a background review of several speech models used in speech synthesis, specifically the Source Filter Model, Linear Prediction Model, Sinusoidal Model, and Harmonic/Noise Model. The most important models of speech signals will be described starting from the earlier ones up until the last ones, in order to highlight major improvements over these models. It would be desirable a parametric model of speech, that is relatively simple, flexible, high quality, and robust in re-synthesis. Emphasis will be given in Harmonic / Noise Model, since it seems to be more promising and robust model of speech. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Audio- ja puhesignaalien aika-asteikon muuttaminen

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    In audio time-scale modification (TSM), the duration of an audio recording is changed while retaining its local frequency content. In this thesis, a novel phase vocoder based technique for TSM was developed, which is based on the new concept of fuzzy classification of points in the time-frequency representation of an input signal. The points in the time-frequency representation are classified into three signal classes: tonalness, noisiness, and transientness. The information from the classification is used to preserve the distinct nature of these components during modification. The quality of the proposed method was evaluated by means of a listening test. The proposed method scored slightly higher than a state-of-the-art academic TSM technique, and similarly as a commercial TSM software. The proposed method is suitable for high-quality TSM of a wide variety of audio and speech signals.Äänen aika-asteikon muuttamisessa äänitteen pituutta muokataan niin, että sen paikallinen taajuussisältö säilyy samanlaisena. Tässä diplomityössä kehitettiin uusi, vaihevokooderiin pohjautuva menetelmä äänen aika-asteikon muuttamiseen. Menetelmä perustuu äänen aikataajuusesityksen pisteiden sumeaan luokitteluun. Pisteet luokitellaan soinnillisiksi, kohinaisiksi ja transienttisiksi määrittämällä jatkuva totuusarvo pisteen kuulumiselle kuhunkin näistä luokista. Sumeasta luokittelusta saatua tietoa käytetään hyväksi näiden erilaisten signaalikomponenttien ominaisuuksien säilyttämiseen aika-asteikon muuttamisessa. Esitellyn menetelmän laatua arvioitiin kuuntelukokeen avulla. Esitelty menetelmä sai kokeessa hieman paremmat pisteet kuin viimeisintä tekniikkaa edustava akateeminen menetelmä, ja samanlaiset pisteet kuin kaupallinen ohjelmisto. Esitelty menetelmä soveltuu monenlaisien musiikki- ja puhesignaalien aika-asteikon muuttamiseen

    Compressed Domain Packet Loss Concealment of Sinusoidally Coded Speech

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    In this paper we consider the problem of packet loss concealment for Voice over IP (VoIP). The speech signal is compressed at the transmitter using A sinusoidal coding scheme working at 8 kbit/s. At the receiver, packet loss concealment is carried out working directly on the quantized sinusoidal parameters, based on time-scaling of the packets surrounding the missing ones. Subjective listening tests show promising results indicating the potential of sinusoidal speech coding for VoIP

    A transient-preserving audio time-stretching algorithm and a real-time realization for a commercial music product

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    The core of this work is a sub-band transient detection/preservation scheme based on the complex domain transient detection, and inspired by Robel’s work. This proposed technique can be integrated in a real-time phase vocoder analysis/synthesis scheme without introducing latency at relatively low computational cost
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