3 research outputs found

    Efficient runtime systems for speculative parallelization

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    Manuelle Parallelisierung ist zeitaufwĂ€ndig und fehleranfĂ€llig. Automatische Parallelisierung andererseits findet hĂ€ufig nur einen Bruchteil der verfĂŒgbaren ParallelitĂ€t. Mithilfe von Spekulation kann jedoch auch fĂŒr komplexere Programme ein Großteil der ParallelitĂ€t ausgenutzt werden. Spekulativ parallelisierte Programme benötigen zur AusfĂŒhrung immer ein Laufzeitsystem, um die spekulativen Annahmen abzusichern und fĂŒr den Fall des Nichtzutreffens die korrekte AusfĂŒhrungssemantik sicherzustellen. Solche Laufzeitsysteme sollen die AusfĂŒhrungszeit des parallelen Programms so wenig wie möglich beeinflussen. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir, inwiefern aktuelle Systeme, die Speicherzugriffe explizit und in Software beobachten, diese Anforderung erfĂŒllen, und stellen Änderungen vor, die die Laufzeit massiv verbessern. Außerdem entwerfen wir zwei neue Systeme, die mithilfe von virtueller Speicherverwaltung das Programm indirekt beobachten und dadurch eine deutlich geringere Auswirkung auf die Laufzeit haben. Eines der vorgestellten Systeme ist mittels eines Moduls direkt in den Linux-Betriebssystemkern integriert und bietet so die bestmögliche Effizienz. DarĂŒber hinaus bietet es weitreichendere Sicherheitsgarantien als alle bisherigen Techniken, indem sogar Systemaufrufe zum Beispiel zur Datei Ein- und Ausgabe in der spekulativen Isolation mit eingeschlossen sind. Wir zeigen an einer Reihe von Benchmarks die Überlegenheit unserer Spekulationssyteme ĂŒber den derzeitigen Stand der Technik. SĂ€mtliche unserer Erweiterungen und Neuentwicklungen stehen als open source zur freien VerfĂŒgung. Diese Arbeit ist in englischer Sprache verfasst.Manual parallelization is time consuming and error-prone. Automatic parallelization on the other hand is often unable to extract substantial parallelism. Using speculation, however, most of the parallelism can be exploited even of complex programs. Speculatively parallelized programs always need a runtime system during execution in order to ensure the validity of the speculative assumptions, and to ensure the correct semantics even in the case of misspeculation. These runtime systems should influence the execution time of the parallel program as little as possible. In this thesis, we investigate to which extend state-of-the-art systems which track memory accesses explicitly in software fulfill this requirement. We describe and implement changes which improve their performance substantially. We also design two new systems utilizing virtual memory abstraction to track memory changed implicitly, thus causing less overhead during execution. One of the new systems is integrated into the Linux kernel as a kernel module, providing the best possible performance. Furthermore it provides stronger soundness guarantees than any state-of-the-art system by also capturing system calls, hence including for example file I/O into speculative isolation. In a number of benchmarks we show the performance improvements of our virtual memory based systems over the state of the art. All our extensions and newly developed speculation systems are made available as open source

    Runtime-adaptive generalized task parallelism

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    Multi core systems are ubiquitous nowadays and their number is ever increasing. And while, limited by physical constraints, the computational power of the individual cores has been stagnating or even declining for years, a solution to effectively utilize the computational power that comes with the additional cores is yet to be found. Existing approaches to automatic parallelization are often highly specialized to exploit the parallelism of specific program patterns, and thus to parallelize a small subset of programs only. In addition, frequently used invasive runtime systems prohibit the combination of different approaches, which impedes the practicality of automatic parallelization. In the following thesis, we show that specializing to narrowly defined program patterns is not necessary to efficiently parallelize applications coming from different domains. We develop a generalizing approach to parallelization, which, driven by an underlying mathematical optimization problem, is able to make qualified parallelization decisions taking into account the involved runtime overhead. In combination with a specializing, adaptive runtime system the approach is able to match and even exceed the performance results achieved by specialized approaches.Mehrkernsysteme sind heutzutage allgegenwĂ€rtig und finden tĂ€glich weitere Verbreitung. Und wĂ€hrend, limitiert durch die Grenzen des physikalisch Machbaren, die Rechenkraft der einzelnen Kerne bereits seit Jahren stagniert oder gar sinkt, existiert bis heute keine zufriedenstellende Lösung zur effektiven Ausnutzung der gebotenen Rechenkraft, die mit der steigenden Anzahl an Kernen einhergeht. Existierende AnsĂ€tze der automatischen Parallelisierung sind hĂ€ufig hoch spezialisiert auf die Ausnutzung bestimmter Programm-Muster, und somit auf die Parallelisierung weniger Programmteile. Hinzu kommt, dass hĂ€ufig verwendete invasive Laufzeitsysteme die Kombination mehrerer Parallelisierungs-AnsĂ€tze verhindern, was der Praxistauglichkeit und Reichweite automatischer AnsĂ€tze im Wege steht. In der Ihnen vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen wir, dass die Spezialisierung auf eng definierte Programmuster nicht notwendig ist, um ParallelitĂ€t in Programmen verschiedener DomĂ€nen effizient auszunutzen. Wir entwickeln einen generalisierenden Ansatz der Parallelisierung, der, getrieben von einem mathematischen Optimierungsproblem, in der Lage ist, fundierte Parallelisierungsentscheidungen unter BerĂŒcksichtigung relevanter Kosten zu treffen. In Kombination mit einem spezialisierenden und adaptiven Laufzeitsystem ist der entwickelte Ansatz in der Lage, mit den Ergebnissen spezialisierter AnsĂ€tze mitzuhalten, oder diese gar zu ĂŒbertreffen.Part of the work presented in this thesis was performed in the context of the SoftwareCluster project EMERGENT (http://www.software-cluster.org). It was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under grant no. “01IC10S01”. Later work has been supported, also by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), through funding for the Center for IT-Security, Privacy and Accountability (CISPA) under grant no. “16KIS0344”

    Speculative thread decomposition through empirical optimization

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    Chip multiprocessors (CMPs), or multi-core processors, have become a common way of reducing chip complexity and power consumption while maintaining high performance. Speculative CMPs use hardware to enforce dependence, allowing a parallelizing compiler to generate multithreaded code without needing to prove independence. In these systems, a sequential program is decomposed into threads to be executed in parallel; dependent threads cause performance degradation, but do not affect correctness. Thread decomposition attempts to reduce the run-time overheads of data dependence, thread misprediction, and load imbalance. Because these overheads depend on the runtimes of the threads that are being created by the decomposition, reducing the overheads while creating the threads is a circular problem. Static compile-time decomposition handles this problem by estimating the run times of the candidate threads, but is limited by the estimates\u27 inaccuracy. Dynamic execution-time decomposition in hardware has better run-time information, but is limited by the decomposition hardware\u27s complexity and run-time overhead. We propose a third approach where a compiler instruments a profile run of the application to search through candidate threads and pick the best threads as the profile run executes. The resultant decomposition is compiled into the application so that a production run of the application has no instrumentation and does not incurany decomposition overhead. We avoid static decomposition\u27s estimation accuracy problem by using actual profile-run execution times to pick threads, and we avoid dynamic decomposition\u27s overhead by performing the decomposition at profile time. Because we allow candidate threads to span arbitrary sections of the application\u27s call graph and loop nests, an exhaustive search of the decomposition space is prohibitive, even in profile runs. To address this issue, we make the key observation that the run-time overhead of a thread depends, to the first order, only on threads that overlap with the thread inexecution (e.g., in a four-core CMP, a given thread can overlap with at most three preceding and three following threads). This observation implies that a given thread affects only a few other threads, allowing pruning of the space. Using a CMP simulator, we achieve an average speedup of 3.51 on four cores for five of the SPEC CFP2000 benchmarks, which compares favorably to recent static techniques. We also discuss experiments with CINT2000