7 research outputs found

    Co-primary inter-operator spectrum sharing over a limited spectrum pool using repeated games

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    We consider two small cell operators deployed in the same geographical area, sharing spectrum resources from a common pool. A method is investigated to coordinate the utilization of the spectrum pool without monetary transactions and without revealing operator-specific information to other parties. For this, we construct a protocol based on asking and receiving spectrum usage favors by the operators, and keeping a book of the favors. A spectrum usage favor is exchanged between the operators if one is asking for a permission to use some of the resources from the pool on an exclusive basis, and the other is willing to accept that. As a result, the proposed method does not force an operator to take action. An operator with a high load may take spectrum usage favors from an operator that has few users to serve, and it is likely to return these favors in the future to show a cooperative spirit and maintain reciprocity. We formulate the interactions between the operators as a repeated game and determine rules to decide whether to ask or grant a favor at each stage game. We illustrate that under frequent network load variations, which are expected to be prominent in small cell deployments, both operators can attain higher user rates as compared to the case of no coordination of the resource utilization.Comment: To be published in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) at London, Jun. 201

    Evolution of cooperation in device-to-device communication

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    Device-to-device (D2D) communications are a promising paradigm to improve spectral efficiency in cellular wireless networks by enabling peer to peer communication. In particular, short D2D links can be used to relay data to reduce the burden on core infrastructure. However, this relies on some mechanism to either enforce or incentivise nodes to donate their resources in order to act as a relay without any guarantee that this will be reciprocated in the future. Indirect reciprocity has been well studied from the perspective of human behaviour, proposing mechanisms and conditions under which such behaviour naturally evolves. In this paper we consider D2D networks that formulate the decision to share resources as a donation game using a model of social comparison and examine the conditions under which cooperation evolves without the need for a central authority. Experimentation shows that the emergence of cooperation is sensitive to network conditions, such as node density and noise

    The benefits and challenges of technology neutral regulation

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    Abstract. This master’s thesis is based on a scientific article “The Benefits and Challenges of a of Technology Neutral Regulation — A Scoping Review” (Puhakainen & Väyrynen, 2021). The article was published in the PACIS conference during summer 2021. A scoping literature review was conducted to answer to the research question of the article: “What are the benefits and challenges related to a technology neutral regulation of ICT?”. In total, 4 different categories of benefits were identified, while 7 different categories for challenges were identified. This master’s thesis further explains how the research and article writing process of said published article went on. It also continues the research on the principle of technology neutrality that was started with the article. The topic of technology neutrality was examined because it is still an undertheorized tool for legislation which also divides opinion of the researchers. The research questions examined in this thesis revolved around how the tone regarding technology neutrality has developed based on the research that was included in the article, and how some of the groundbreaking research was discussed in subsequent research. According to the results, the tone has shifted from mostly positive and accepting to questioning and critique. Also, some themes that were addressed in the research papers were examined more thoroughly. These themes were theory of the principle of technology neutrality, spectrums, and legal access to traffic data and privacy. Future research questions were suggested. The general result of this master’s thesis is the notion that the principle of technology neutrality and applying it to regulation are still in progress, as the scholars have major disagreement regarding whether technology neutrality is possible or worth pursuing, and whether these questions differ depending on the context of where the principle is to be applied

    Sistemas Difusos: Una Aproximación a las redes 5G bajo el Paradigma SDN

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    The exploitation that has had the fuzzy systems related to advances of 5G networks (Fifth Generation Mobile Networks) and how this development has been framed by the paradigm of SDN (Software Defined Networks) architectures are reviewed in this article. The first part will review terms required for understanding the technologies and their evolution; on which different scenarios are evaluated because they have contributed to the development of the definition of 5G networks. Following, the research and development of the fuzzy systems applied to telecommunications, specifically 5G technology and SDN architectures will be described. Finally, the respective conclusions of the fuzzy systems in the 5G networks and SDN architectures will be exposed.En este artículo se revisó la utilización que ha tenido los sistemas difusos en torno a los avances delas redes 5G (Redes Móviles de Quinta Generación) y cómo este desarrollo ha sido enmarcado por elparadigma de SDN (Software Defined Networks). La primera parte revisó los términos requeridos paraentender las tecnologías planteadas y su evolución; en esta definición se evalúan diferentes escenariosque han contribuido al desarrollo de la definición de las redes 5G. Posteriormente se describió la investigación y desarrollo de los sistemas difusos aplicados a las telecomunicaciones, específicamente la tecnología 5G y las arquitecturas SDN. Finalmente, se expusieron las conclusiones respectivas de los sistemas difusos en las redes 5G y las arquitecturas SDN