1,643 research outputs found

    Spectral clustering of linear subspaces for motion segmentation

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    International audienceThis paper studies automatic segmentation of multiple motions from tracked feature points through spectral embedding and clustering of linear subspaces. We show that the dimension of the ambient space is crucial for separability, and that low dimensions chosen in prior work are not optimal. We suggest lower and upper bounds together with a data-driven procedure for choosing the optimal ambient dimension. Application of our approach to the Hopkins155 video benchmark database uniformly outperforms a range of state-of-the-art methods both in terms of segmentation accuracy and computational speed

    Nearness to Local Subspace Algorithm for Subspace and Motion Segmentation

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    There is a growing interest in computer science, engineering, and mathematics for modeling signals in terms of union of subspaces and manifolds. Subspace segmentation and clustering of high dimensional data drawn from a union of subspaces are especially important with many practical applications in computer vision, image and signal processing, communications, and information theory. This paper presents a clustering algorithm for high dimensional data that comes from a union of lower dimensional subspaces of equal and known dimensions. Such cases occur in many data clustering problems, such as motion segmentation and face recognition. The algorithm is reliable in the presence of noise, and applied to the Hopkins 155 Dataset, it generates the best results to date for motion segmentation. The two motion, three motion, and overall segmentation rates for the video sequences are 99.43%, 98.69%, and 99.24%, respectively

    Sparse Subspace Clustering: Algorithm, Theory, and Applications

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    In many real-world problems, we are dealing with collections of high-dimensional data, such as images, videos, text and web documents, DNA microarray data, and more. Often, high-dimensional data lie close to low-dimensional structures corresponding to several classes or categories the data belongs to. In this paper, we propose and study an algorithm, called Sparse Subspace Clustering (SSC), to cluster data points that lie in a union of low-dimensional subspaces. The key idea is that, among infinitely many possible representations of a data point in terms of other points, a sparse representation corresponds to selecting a few points from the same subspace. This motivates solving a sparse optimization program whose solution is used in a spectral clustering framework to infer the clustering of data into subspaces. Since solving the sparse optimization program is in general NP-hard, we consider a convex relaxation and show that, under appropriate conditions on the arrangement of subspaces and the distribution of data, the proposed minimization program succeeds in recovering the desired sparse representations. The proposed algorithm can be solved efficiently and can handle data points near the intersections of subspaces. Another key advantage of the proposed algorithm with respect to the state of the art is that it can deal with data nuisances, such as noise, sparse outlying entries, and missing entries, directly by incorporating the model of the data into the sparse optimization program. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm through experiments on synthetic data as well as the two real-world problems of motion segmentation and face clustering

    Probabilistic Sparse Subspace Clustering Using Delayed Association

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    Discovering and clustering subspaces in high-dimensional data is a fundamental problem of machine learning with a wide range of applications in data mining, computer vision, and pattern recognition. Earlier methods divided the problem into two separate stages of finding the similarity matrix and finding clusters. Similar to some recent works, we integrate these two steps using a joint optimization approach. We make the following contributions: (i) we estimate the reliability of the cluster assignment for each point before assigning a point to a subspace. We group the data points into two groups of "certain" and "uncertain", with the assignment of latter group delayed until their subspace association certainty improves. (ii) We demonstrate that delayed association is better suited for clustering subspaces that have ambiguities, i.e. when subspaces intersect or data are contaminated with outliers/noise. (iii) We demonstrate experimentally that such delayed probabilistic association leads to a more accurate self-representation and final clusters. The proposed method has higher accuracy both for points that exclusively lie in one subspace, and those that are on the intersection of subspaces. (iv) We show that delayed association leads to huge reduction of computational cost, since it allows for incremental spectral clustering

    Robust Recovery of Subspace Structures by Low-Rank Representation

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    In this work we address the subspace recovery problem. Given a set of data samples (vectors) approximately drawn from a union of multiple subspaces, our goal is to segment the samples into their respective subspaces and correct the possible errors as well. To this end, we propose a novel method termed Low-Rank Representation (LRR), which seeks the lowest-rank representation among all the candidates that can represent the data samples as linear combinations of the bases in a given dictionary. It is shown that LRR well solves the subspace recovery problem: when the data is clean, we prove that LRR exactly captures the true subspace structures; for the data contaminated by outliers, we prove that under certain conditions LRR can exactly recover the row space of the original data and detect the outlier as well; for the data corrupted by arbitrary errors, LRR can also approximately recover the row space with theoretical guarantees. Since the subspace membership is provably determined by the row space, these further imply that LRR can perform robust subspace segmentation and error correction, in an efficient way.Comment: IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc

    CUR Decompositions, Similarity Matrices, and Subspace Clustering

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    A general framework for solving the subspace clustering problem using the CUR decomposition is presented. The CUR decomposition provides a natural way to construct similarity matrices for data that come from a union of unknown subspaces U=Mi=1Si\mathscr{U}=\underset{i=1}{\overset{M}\bigcup}S_i. The similarity matrices thus constructed give the exact clustering in the noise-free case. Additionally, this decomposition gives rise to many distinct similarity matrices from a given set of data, which allow enough flexibility to perform accurate clustering of noisy data. We also show that two known methods for subspace clustering can be derived from the CUR decomposition. An algorithm based on the theoretical construction of similarity matrices is presented, and experiments on synthetic and real data are presented to test the method. Additionally, an adaptation of our CUR based similarity matrices is utilized to provide a heuristic algorithm for subspace clustering; this algorithm yields the best overall performance to date for clustering the Hopkins155 motion segmentation dataset.Comment: Approximately 30 pages. Current version contains improved algorithm and numerical experiments from the previous versio

    Innovation Pursuit: A New Approach to Subspace Clustering

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    In subspace clustering, a group of data points belonging to a union of subspaces are assigned membership to their respective subspaces. This paper presents a new approach dubbed Innovation Pursuit (iPursuit) to the problem of subspace clustering using a new geometrical idea whereby subspaces are identified based on their relative novelties. We present two frameworks in which the idea of innovation pursuit is used to distinguish the subspaces. Underlying the first framework is an iterative method that finds the subspaces consecutively by solving a series of simple linear optimization problems, each searching for a direction of innovation in the span of the data potentially orthogonal to all subspaces except for the one to be identified in one step of the algorithm. A detailed mathematical analysis is provided establishing sufficient conditions for iPursuit to correctly cluster the data. The proposed approach can provably yield exact clustering even when the subspaces have significant intersections. It is shown that the complexity of the iterative approach scales only linearly in the number of data points and subspaces, and quadratically in the dimension of the subspaces. The second framework integrates iPursuit with spectral clustering to yield a new variant of spectral-clustering-based algorithms. The numerical simulations with both real and synthetic data demonstrate that iPursuit can often outperform the state-of-the-art subspace clustering algorithms, more so for subspaces with significant intersections, and that it significantly improves the state-of-the-art result for subspace-segmentation-based face clustering

    Shape Interaction Matrix Revisited and Robustified: Efficient Subspace Clustering with Corrupted and Incomplete Data

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    The Shape Interaction Matrix (SIM) is one of the earliest approaches to performing subspace clustering (i.e., separating points drawn from a union of subspaces). In this paper, we revisit the SIM and reveal its connections to several recent subspace clustering methods. Our analysis lets us derive a simple, yet effective algorithm to robustify the SIM and make it applicable to realistic scenarios where the data is corrupted by noise. We justify our method by intuitive examples and the matrix perturbation theory. We then show how this approach can be extended to handle missing data, thus yielding an efficient and general subspace clustering algorithm. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach over state-of-the-art subspace clustering methods on several challenging motion segmentation and face clustering problems, where the data includes corrupted and missing measurements.Comment: This is an extended version of our iccv15 pape