4 research outputs found

    Subdivision Directional Fields

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    We present a novel linear subdivision scheme for face-based tangent directional fields on triangle meshes. Our subdivision scheme is based on a novel coordinate-free representation of directional fields as halfedge-based scalar quantities, bridging the finite-element representation with discrete exterior calculus. By commuting with differential operators, our subdivision is structure-preserving: it reproduces curl-free fields precisely, and reproduces divergence-free fields in the weak sense. Moreover, our subdivision scheme directly extends to directional fields with several vectors per face by working on the branched covering space. Finally, we demonstrate how our scheme can be applied to directional-field design, advection, and robust earth mover's distance computation, for efficient and robust computation

    Dev2PQ: Planar Quadrilateral Strip Remeshing of Developable Surfaces

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    We introduce an algorithm to remesh triangle meshes representing developable surfaces to planar quad dominant meshes. The output of our algorithm consists of planar quadrilateral (PQ) strips that are aligned to principal curvature directions and closely approximate the curved parts of the input developable, and planar polygons representing the flat parts of the input. Developable PQ-strip meshes are useful in many areas of shape modeling, thanks to the simplicity of fabrication from flat sheet material. Unfortunately, they are difficult to model due to their restrictive combinatorics and locking issues. Other representations of developable surfaces, such as arbitrary triangle or quad meshes, are more suitable for interactive freeform modeling, but generally have non-planar faces or are not aligned to principal curvatures. Our method leverages the modeling flexibility of non-ruling based representations of developable surfaces, while still obtaining developable, curvature aligned PQ-strip meshes. Our algorithm optimizes for a scalar function on the input mesh, such that its level sets are extrinsically straight and align well to the locally estimated ruling directions. The condition that guarantees straight level sets is nonlinear of high order and numerically difficult to enforce in a straightforward manner. We devise an alternating optimization method that makes our problem tractable and practical to compute. Our method works automatically on any developable input, including multiple patches and curved folds, without explicit domain decomposition. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on a variety of developable surfaces and show how our remeshing can be used alongside handle based interactive freeform modeling of developable shapes

    Nonlinear Spectral Geometry Processing via the TV Transform

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    We introduce a novel computational framework for digital geometry processing, based upon the derivation of a nonlinear operator associated to the total variation functional. Such operator admits a generalized notion of spectral decomposition, yielding a sparse multiscale representation akin to Laplacian-based methods, while at the same time avoiding undesirable over-smoothing effects typical of such techniques. Our approach entails accurate, detail-preserving decomposition and manipulation of 3D shape geometry while taking an especially intuitive form: non-local semantic details are well separated into different bands, which can then be filtered and re-synthesized with a straightforward linear step. Our computational framework is flexible, can be applied to a variety of signals, and is easily adapted to different geometry representations, including triangle meshes and point clouds. We showcase our method throughout multiple applications in graphics, ranging from surface and signal denoising to detail transfer and cubic stylization.Comment: 16 pages, 20 figure