35 research outputs found

    Efficient Algebraic Two-Level Schwarz Preconditioner for Sparse Matrices

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    Domain decomposition methods are among the most efficient for solving sparse linear systems of equations. Their effectiveness relies on a judiciously chosen coarse space. Originally introduced and theoretically proved to be efficient for self-adjoint operators, spectral coarse spaces have been proposed in the past few years for indefinite and non-self-adjoint operators. This paper presents a new spectral coarse space that can be constructed in a fully-algebraic way unlike most existing spectral coarse spaces. We present theoretical convergence result for Hermitian positive definite diagonally dominant matrices. Numerical experiments and comparisons against state-of-the-art preconditioners in the multigrid community show that the resulting two-level Schwarz preconditioner is efficient especially for non-self-adjoint operators. Furthermore, in this case, our proposed preconditioner outperforms state-of-the-art preconditioners

    Convergence analysis of multigrid methods with residual scaling techniques

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    AbstractIn this paper, multigrid methods with residual scaling techniques for symmetric positive definite linear systems are considered. The idea of perturbed two-grid methods proposed in [7] is used to estimate the convergence factor of multigrid methods with residual scaled by positive constant scaling factors. We will show that if the convergence factors of the two-grid methods are uniformly bounded by σ (σ<0.5), then the convergence factors of the W-cycle multigrid methods are uniformly bounded by σ/(1−σ), whether the residuals are scaled at some or all levels. This result extends Notay’s Theorem 3.1 in [7] to more general cases. The result also confirms the viewpoint that the W-cycle multigrid method will converge sufficiently well as long as the convergence factor of the two-grid method is small enough. In the case where the convergence factor of the two-grid method is not small enough, by appropriate choice of the cycle index γ, we can guarantee that the convergence factor of the multigrid methods with residual scaling techniques still has a uniform bound less than σ/(1−σ). Numerical experiments are provided to show that the performance of multigrid methods can be improved by scaling the residual with a constant factor. The convergence rates of the two-grid methods and the multigrid methods show that the W-cycle multigrid methods perform better if the convergence rate of the two-grid method becomes smaller. These numerical experiments support the proposed theoretical results in this paper

    Analysis of a Two-level Schwarz Method with Coarse Spaces Based on Local Dirichlet-to-Neumann Maps

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