5 research outputs found

    Specifying An Expanded Framework for Classifying and DescribingDecision Support Systems

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    This article defines an expanded conceptual framework for classifying and describing Decision Support Systems (DSS) that consists of one primary dimension and three secondary dimensions. The primary dimension is the dominant technology component or driver of decision support. The three secondary dimensions are the targeted users, the specific purpose of the system and the primary deployment or enabling technology. Five generic DSS types are identified and defined based upon the dominant technology component, including Communications-driven, Data-driven, Document-driven, Knowledge-driven, and Model-driven Decision Support Systems. Specific targeted users like individuals, groups, or customers can use any of the five generic types of DSS. Also, a DSS can be created for a decision- specific or a more general purpose. Finally, in the framework, the DSS deployment and enabling technology may be a mainframe computer, a client/server LAN, a spreadsheet or a web-based technology architecture. The goal in defining an expanded DSS framework is to help researchers better identify meaningful, homogeneous categories for research and to help Information Systems professionals describe and explain the various types of decision support systems

    What Makes Digital Technology? A Categorization Based on Purpose

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    Digital technology (DT) is creating and shaping today’s world. Building on its identity and history of technology research, the Information Systems discipline is at the forefront of understanding the nature of DT and related phenomena. Understanding the nature of DT requires understanding its purposes. Because of the growing number of DTs, these purposes are diversifying, and further examination is needed. To that end, we followed an organizational systematics paradigm and present a taxonomic theory for DT that enables its classification through its diverse purposes. The taxonomic theory comprises a multi-layer taxonomy of DT and purpose-related archetypes, which we inferred from a sample of 92 real-world DTs. In our empirical evaluation, we assessed reliability, validity, and usefulness of the taxonomy and archetypes. The taxonomic theory exceeds existing technology classifications by being the first that (1) has been rigorously developed, (2) considers the nature of DT, (3) is sufficiently concrete to reflect the diverse purposes of DT, and (4) is sufficiently abstract to be persistent. Our findings add to the descriptive knowledge on DT, advance our understanding of the diverse purposes of DT, and lay the ground for further theorizing. Our work also supports practitioners in managing and designing DTs

    Using foresight futures and systems thinking to evaluate digitally enhanced advanced service concepts for a rolling stock company (ROSCO)

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    Purpose: This paper reports on a study in conjunction with a UK-based rolling stock leasing company (ROSCO). The aim was to generate and evaluate future operational concepts for digitally enhanced advanced services from the point of view of a ROSCO – one of many stakeholders (or actors) within a future wider mobility ecosystem.Design/Methodology/Approach: The research design followed the Generic Foresight Process Framework (Voros 2003). Desk-based research and horizon scanning analysis revealed technologies, mobility and transport trends, and other predictions towards 2060. A workshop was developed and participants were presented with a series of future scenarios and design fictions for end-to-end intermodal mobility and passenger carbon quotas. A future Mobility Servitization Systems Architecture was developed.Findings: Five future megatrends were identified; Decarbonisation, changing traveller needs, digitisation, mobility ecosystems and new business models in digital ecosystems. The ‘what-if’ activities revealed insights into alternate futures; revealing system of systems (SoS) actors, the role of a ROSCO, integrations, assumptions and operational constraints.Originality/Value: This research contributes to engineering and design methods for digitally enhanced advanced services, particularly for corporate strategic foresight in a dominant design industry. The Mobility Servitization Systems Architecture was seen to be a powerful model for ecosystem understanding.</div