62 research outputs found

    Інтэрнэт-тэрміналогія: асаблівасці функцыянавання ў беларускай мове

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    Артыкул прысвечаны праблеме фарміравання і развіцця тэрмінаў, звязаных з функцыянаваннем Сусветнага павуціння і інтэрнэту. Верыфікацыя сукупнасці тэрмінаў адносна іх этымалогіі і практыкі выкарыстання адпаведна інтэрнацыянальным традыцыям дазволіць пазбегнуць іх інтэрферэнцыі ў сістэме беларускай мовы. Cупярэчлівы характар беларускага інтэрнэт-маўлення, ускладнены множнасцю моўных форм, стыляў і традыцый, абумоўлівае неабходнасць фарміравання адпаведнай тэрмінасістэмы. Высвятленне спрэчных абставін выкарыстання таго ці іншага тэрміна дазволіць праводзіць даследаванні ў надзвычай перспектыўнай сферы інтэрнэт-дыскурсу з улікам філалагічнай кампетэнцыі. Сучасная метадалогія вывучэння моўных працэсаў заснавана на аперыраванні статыстычнымі звесткамі, паколькі менавіта эмпірычныя дадзеныя дазваляюць дасягнуць высокай ступені навуковасці вынікаў. Такім чынам, у кантэксце інтэнсіўнага запазычання мноства тэрмінаў лексікаграфічная лакалізацыя канкрэтных лексем тэрміналагічнага характару сёння павінна ўлічваць і абставіны іх функцыянавання ў маўленні. Бібліягр. – 13 назваў


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    The purpose of this article is to present three theses – (1) a cultural one: cyberspace is an advanced technical and cultural creation – it is an embodiment of dreams of numerous creators, inventors and engineers; (2) a technical one: security and cyberspace are inseparable components (hence cybersecu- rity); (3) and a paranoid one: complete security, if achievable, is not a permanent state (hence cyber(in)security). Cyberspace is conceived as a set of digital techniques used to exchange information but also as a new type of social space, partially virtual, which may constitute a being entirely separated from a physical one. A pivotal date for arising of cyberspace may be considered the year 1968 in which routing in the ARPANET network appeared and so did the first programmable logical controller (PLC). For cyberspace this will be the year 1976 – publishing of the key agreement protocol by Witfield Diffie and Martin Hellman. Development of security is correlated with warfare and armament – the military sector has historically made the most significant investments in this area


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    The purpose of this article is to present three theses – (1) a cultural one: cyberspace is an advanced technical and cultural creation – it is an embodiment of dreams of numerous creators, inventors and engineers; (2) a technical one: security and cyberspace are inseparable components (hence cybersecu- rity); (3) and a paranoid one: complete security, if achievable, is not a permanent state (hence cyber(in)security). Cyberspace is conceived as a set of digital techniques used to exchange information but also as a new type of social space, partially virtual, which may constitute a being entirely separated from a physical one. A pivotal date for arising of cyberspace may be considered the year 1968 in which routing in the ARPANET network appeared and so did the first programmable logical controller (PLC). For cyberspace this will be the year 1976 – publishing of the key agreement protocol by Witfield Diffie and Martin Hellman. Development of security is correlated with warfare and armament – the military sector has historically made the most significant investments in this area

    Novel methods of utilizing Jitter for Network Congestion Control

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    This paper proposes a novel paradigm for network congestion control. Instead of perpetual conflict as in TCP, a proof-of-concept first-ever protocol enabling inter-flow communication without infrastructure support thru a side channel constructed on generic FIFO queue behaviour is presented. This enables independent flows passing thru the same bottleneck queue to communicate and achieve fair capacity sharing and a stable equilibrium state in a rapid fashion

    Improvement of Content Server with Contents Anycasting Using OpenFlow

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    In this paper, we show our design and implementation method ofcontents anycasting using OpenFlow that is a promising future internet enabling technology. This method aims to improve the content server by enabling it serve more clients, also this method aims to make a more efficient use of the overall bandwidth available in the network by providing more flexible and dynamic redirection of contents that is done with the help of OpenFlow's new potential abilities and thus giving new opportunities to the future internet that are currently not available. This method relies on three important ideas which are; the content based networking, decision making by the network in a similar manner to anycast and the participation of user clients in providing the service. All this is done using the newly invented OpenFlow. It is done through some modifications to the content server and client, thus imposing small changes to the application layer

    A Proposal for an Open Logistics Interconnection Reference Model for a Physical Internet

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    International audienceThis paper presents a New Open Logistics Interconnection (NOLI) reference model for a Physical Internet, inspired by the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model for data networks. This NOLI model is compared to the OSI model, and to the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) model of Internet. It is also compared to the OLI model for a Physical Internet proposed by Montreuil. The main differences between the presented NOLI model and all the other models named above are in the appearance of definitions of physical objects in different layers and not just the lowest one. Also, the NOLI model we present locates the containerization and de-containerization operations in the topmost layer, and not in the layer below as does the OLI model. Finally, the NOLI model is closer to the TCP/IP and OSI models than the OLI model, keeping the integrity of the Link Layer that the OLI model divides in two layers, and keeping separate the Session and Transport OSI Layers that the OLI model unites in just one layer

    Guaranteed in-order packet delivery using Exclusive Dynamic Virtual Channel Allocation

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    In-order packet delivery, a critical abstraction for many higher-level protocols, can severely limit the performance potential in low-latency networks (common, for example, in network-on-chip designs with many cores). While basic variants of dimension-order routing guarantee in-order delivery, improving performance by adding multiple dynamically allocated virtual channels or using other routing schemes compromises this guarantee. Although this can be addressed by reordering out-of-order packets at the destination core, such schemes incur significant overheads, and, in the worst case, raise the specter of deadlock or require expensive retransmission. We present Exclusive Dynamic VCA, an oblivious virtual channel allocation scheme which combines the performance advantages of dynamic virtual allocation with in-network, deadlock-free in-order delivery. At the same time, our scheme reduces head-of-line blocking, often significantly improving throughput compared to equivalent baseline (out-of-order) dimension-order routing when multiple virtual channels are used, and so may be desirable even when in-order delivery is not required. Implementation requires only minor, inexpensive changes to traditional oblivious dimension-order router architectures, more than offset by the removal of packet reorder buffers and logic

    Internet : du rêve du partage généralisé à la nécessaire sécurité

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    Concomitamment aux facilités qu'offrent les moyens technologiques récents, la question de la cybercriminalité se pose dans de nouvelles dimensions et des termes qui, par bien des aspects, peuvent paraître très inquiétants. De simples outils facilement accessibles sur Internet permettent à des néophytes de paralyser des sites web, de "casser" des mots de passe ou des clés de cryptage wifi, facilitant ainsi l'intrusion et donnant accès à des données sensibles ou de capturer et modifier à la volée des données transitant sur le réseau. Ces attaques suivent le plus souvent une stratégie "globale" mêlant à la fois technique et ciblage d'information. L'émergence des réseaux sociaux facilitant le ciblage des utilisateurs, personne n'est plus à l'abri : particuliers, laboratoires de Recherche & Développement, administrations, grandes entreprises mais aussi et surtout les PME et ETI. Quelles sont les menaces réelles ou supposées ? Quelles sont les techniques utilisées ? Qui sont les acteurs et les cibles ? Quelle riposte technique et juridique peut-on proposer pour s'en prémunir ? Telles sont les questions abordées dans cet article