6 research outputs found

    Convex Identifcation of Stable Dynamical Systems

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    This thesis concerns the scalable application of convex optimization to data-driven modeling of dynamical systems, termed system identi cation in the control community. Two problems commonly arising in system identi cation are model instability (e.g. unreliability of long-term, open-loop predictions), and nonconvexity of quality-of- t criteria, such as simulation error (a.k.a. output error). To address these problems, this thesis presents convex parametrizations of stable dynamical systems, convex quality-of- t criteria, and e cient algorithms to optimize the latter over the former. In particular, this thesis makes extensive use of Lagrangian relaxation, a technique for generating convex approximations to nonconvex optimization problems. Recently, Lagrangian relaxation has been used to approximate simulation error and guarantee nonlinear model stability via semide nite programming (SDP), however, the resulting SDPs have large dimension, limiting their practical utility. The rst contribution of this thesis is a custom interior point algorithm that exploits structure in the problem to signi cantly reduce computational complexity. The new algorithm enables empirical comparisons to established methods including Nonlinear ARX, in which superior generalization to new data is demonstrated. Equipped with this algorithmic machinery, the second contribution of this thesis is the incorporation of model stability constraints into the maximum likelihood framework. Speci - cally, Lagrangian relaxation is combined with the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm to derive tight bounds on the likelihood function, that can be optimized over a convex parametrization of all stable linear dynamical systems. Two di erent formulations are presented, one of which gives higher delity bounds when disturbances (a.k.a. process noise) dominate measurement noise, and vice versa. Finally, identi cation of positive systems is considered. Such systems enjoy substantially simpler stability and performance analysis compared to the general linear time-invariant iv Abstract (LTI) case, and appear frequently in applications where physical constraints imply nonnegativity of the quantities of interest. Lagrangian relaxation is used to derive new convex parametrizations of stable positive systems and quality-of- t criteria, and substantial improvements in accuracy of the identi ed models, compared to existing approaches based on weighted equation error, are demonstrated. Furthermore, the convex parametrizations of stable systems based on linear Lyapunov functions are shown to be amenable to distributed optimization, which is useful for identi cation of large-scale networked dynamical systems

    System Identification of Bipedal Locomotion in Robots and Humans

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    The ability to perform a healthy walking gait can be altered in numerous cases due to gait disorder related pathologies. The latter could lead to partial or complete mobility loss, which affects the patients’ quality of life. Wearable exoskeletons and active prosthetics have been considered as a key component to remedy this mobility loss. The control of such devices knows numerous challenges that are yet to be addressed. As opposed to fixed trajectories control, real-time adaptive reference generation control is likely to provide the wearer with more intent control over the powered device. We propose a novel gait pattern generator for the control of such devices, taking advantage of the inter-joint coordination in the human gait. Our proposed method puts the user in the control loop as it maps the motion of healthy limbs to that of the affected one. To design such control strategy, it is critical to understand the dynamics behind bipedal walking. We begin by studying the simple compass gait walker. We examine the well-known Virtual Constraints method of controlling bipedal robots in the image of the compass gait. In addition, we provide both the mechanical and control design of an affordable research platform for bipedal dynamic walking. We then extend the concept of virtual constraints to human locomotion, where we investigate the accuracy of predicting lower limb joints angular position and velocity from the motion of the other limbs. Data from nine healthy subjects performing specific locomotion tasks were collected and are made available online. A successful prediction of the hip, knee, and ankle joints was achieved in different scenarios. It was also found that the motion of the cane alone has sufficient information to help predict good trajectories for the lower limb in stairs ascent. Better estimates were obtained using additional information from arm joints. We also explored the prediction of knee and ankle trajectories from the motion of the hip joints

    A Behavioral Approach to Robust Machine Learning

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    Machine learning is revolutionizing almost all fields of science and technology and has been proposed as a pathway to solving many previously intractable problems such as autonomous driving and other complex robotics tasks. While the field has demonstrated impressive results on certain problems, many of these results have not translated to applications in physical systems, partly due to the cost of system fail- ure and partly due to the difficulty of ensuring reliable and robust model behavior. Deep neural networks, for instance, have simultaneously demonstrated both incredible performance in game playing and image processing, and remarkable fragility. This combination of high average performance and a catastrophically bad worst case performance presents a serious danger as deep neural networks are currently being used in safety critical tasks such as assisted driving. In this thesis, we propose a new approach to training models that have built in robustness guarantees. Our approach to ensuring stability and robustness of the models trained is distinct from prior methods; where prior methods learn a model and then attempt to verify robustness/stability, we directly optimize over sets of models where the necessary properties are known to hold. Specifically, we apply methods from robust and nonlinear control to the analysis and synthesis of recurrent neural networks, equilibrium neural networks, and recurrent equilibrium neural networks. The techniques developed allow us to enforce properties such as incremental stability, incremental passivity, and incremental l2 gain bounds / Lipschitz bounds. A central consideration in the development of our model sets is the difficulty of fitting models. All models can be placed in the image of a convex set, or even R^N , allowing useful properties to be easily imposed during the training procedure via simple interior point methods, penalty methods, or unconstrained optimization. In the final chapter, we study the problem of learning networks of interacting models with guarantees that the resulting networked system is stable and/or monotone, i.e., the order relations between states are preserved. While our approach to learning in this chapter is similar to the previous chapters, the model set that we propose has a separable structure that allows for the scalable and distributed identification of large-scale systems via the alternating directions method of multipliers (ADMM)