5,838 research outputs found

    Fabrication and analogue applications of nanoSQUIDs using Dayem bridge junctions

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    We report here recent work at the U.K. National Physical Laboratory on developing nanoscale SQUIDs using Dayem bridge Josephson junctions. The advantages are simplicity of fabrication, exceptional low-noise performance, toward the quantum limit, and a range of novel applications. Focused ion beam patterned Nb SQUID, possessing exceptionally low noise (∼200 nΦ0/Hz1/2 above 1 kHz), and operating above 4.2 K can be applied to measurement of nanoscale magnetic objects or coupled to nanoelectromechanical resonators, as well as single particle detection of photons, protons, and ions. The limited operating temperature range may be extended by exposing the Dayem bridges to carefully controlled ion beam implantation, leading to nonreversible changes in junction transition temperature.The work reported here was supported in part by the EMRP projects ‘MetNEMS’ NEW-08 and ‘BioQUART’SIB-06. The EMRP is jointly funded by the EMRP participating countries within EURAMET and the European Union

    Simulated Extragalactic Observations with a Cryogenic Imaging Spectrophotometer

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    In this paper we explore the application of cryogenic imaging spectrophotometers. Prototypes of this new class of detector, such as superconducting tunnel junctions (STJs) and transition edge sensors (TESs), currently deliver low resolution imaging spectrophotometry with high quantum efficiency (70-100%) and no read noise over a wide bandpass in the visible to near-infrared. In order to demonstrate their utility and the differences in observing strategy needed to maximize their scientific return, we present simulated observations of a deep extragalactic field. Using a simple analytic technique, we can estimate both the galaxy redshift and spectral type more accurately than is possible with current broadband techniques. From our simulated observations and a subsequent discussion of the expected migration path for this new technology, we illustrate the power and promise of these devices.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Focal plane arrays for submillimeter waves using two-dimensional electron gas elements: A grant under the Innovative Research Program

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    This final report describes a three-year research effort, aimed at developing new types of THz low noise receivers, based on bulk effect ('hot electron') nonlinearities in the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas (2DEG) Medium, and the inclusion of such receivers in focal plane arrays. 2DEG hot electron mixers have been demonstrated at 35 and 94 GHz with three orders of magnitude wider bandwidth than previous hot electron mixers, which use bulk InSb. The 2DEG mixers employ a new mode of operation, which was invented during this program. Only moderate cooling is required for this mode, to temperatures in the range 20-77 K. Based on the results of this research, it is now possible to design a hot electron mixer focal plane array for the THz range, which is anticipated to have a DSB receiver noise temperature of 500-1000K. In our work on this grant, we have found similar results the the Cronin group (resident at the University of Bath, UK). Neither group has so far demonstrated heterodyne detection in this mode, however. We discovered and explored some new effects in the magnetic field mode, and these are described in the report. In particular, detection of 94 GHz and 238 GHz, respectively, by a new effect, 'Shubnikov de Haas detection', was found to be considerably stronger in our materials than the cyclotron resonance detection. All experiments utilized devices with an active 2DEG region of size of the order of 10-40 micrometers long, and 20-200 micrometers wide, formed at the heterojunction between AlGaAs and GaAs. All device fabrication was performed in-house. The materials for the devices were also grown in-house, utilizing OMCVD (Organo Metallic Chemical Vapor Deposition). In the course of this grant, we developed new techniques for growing AlGaAs/GaAs with mobilities equalling the highest values published by any laboratory. We believe that the field of hot electron mixers and detectors will grow substantially in importance in the next few years, partly as a result of the opportunity given us through this grant, which represents the major effort in the US so far. We note, however, that parallel research on hot electron mixers in thin film superconductors in Russia, and recently in Sweden, have demonstrated mixing up to 1 THz, with the potential for low-noise receivers for frequencies up to many THz. The three groups recently assessed the relative adtantages of 2DEG and superconducting film mixers in a joint paper (Kollberg et al., 1992; see Appendix II)

    Small business innovation research. Abstracts of 1988 phase 1 awards

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    Non-proprietary proposal abstracts of Phase 1 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) projects supported by NASA are presented. Projects in the fields of aeronautical propulsion, aerodynamics, acoustics, aircraft systems, materials and structures, teleoperators and robots, computer sciences, information systems, data processing, spacecraft propulsion, bioastronautics, satellite communication, and space processing are covered

    Planning the Future of U.S. Particle Physics (Snowmass 2013): Chapter 6: Accelerator Capabilities

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    These reports present the results of the 2013 Community Summer Study of the APS Division of Particles and Fields ("Snowmass 2013") on the future program of particle physics in the U.S. Chapter 6, on Accelerator Capabilities, discusses the future progress of accelerator technology, including issues for high-energy hadron and lepton colliders, high-intensity beams, electron-ion colliders, and necessary R&D for future accelerator technologies.Comment: 26 page

    Space and surface power for the space exploration initiative: Results from project outreach

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    The analysis and evaluations of the Space and Surface Power panel, one of eight panels created by RAND to screen and analyze submissions to the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) Outreach Program, is documented. In addition to managing and evaluating the responses, or submissions, to this public outreach program, RAND conducted its own analysis and evaluation relevent to SEI mission concepts, systems, and technologies. The Power panel screened and analyzed submissions for which a substantial portion of the concepts involved power generation sources, transmission, distribution, thermal management, and handling of power (including conditioning, conversion, packaging, and enhancements in system components). A background discussion of the areas the Power panel covered and the issues the reviewers considered pertinent to the analysis of power submissions are presented. An overview of each of the highest-ranked submissions and then a discussion of these submissions is presented. The results of the analysis is presented

    JETC (Japanese Technology Evaluation Center) Panel Report on High Temperature Superconductivity in Japan

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    The Japanese regard success in R and D in high temperature superconductivity as an important national objective. The results of a detailed evaluation of the current state of Japanese high temperature superconductivity development are provided. The analysis was performed by a panel of technical experts drawn from U.S. industry and academia, and is based on reviews of the relevant literature and visits to Japanese government, academic and industrial laboratories. Detailed appraisals are presented on the following: Basic research; superconducting materials; large scale applications; processing of superconducting materials; superconducting electronics and thin films. In all cases, comparisons are made with the corresponding state-of-the-art in the United States

    High quality MgB2 thin films in-situ grown by dc magnetron sputtering

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    Thin films of the recently discovered magnesium diboride (MgB2) intermetalic superconducting compound have been grown using a magnetron sputtering deposition technique followed by in-situ annealing at 830 C. High quality films were obtained on both sapphire and MgO substrates. The best films showed maximum Tc = 35 K (onset), a transition width of 0.5 K, a residual resistivity ratio up to 1.6, a low temperature critical current density Jc > 1 MA/cm2 and anisotropic critical field with gamma = 2.5 close to the values obtained for single crystals. The preparation technique can be easily scaled to produce large area in-situ films.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
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