6,813 research outputs found

    Weighted LDA techniques for I-vector based speaker verification

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    This paper introduces the Weighted Linear Discriminant Analysis (WLDA) technique, based upon the weighted pairwise Fisher criterion, for the purposes of improving i-vector speaker verification in the presence of high intersession variability. By taking advantage of the speaker discriminative information that is available in the distances between pairs of speakers clustered in the development i-vector space, the WLDA technique is shown to provide an improvement in speaker verification performance over traditional Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) approaches. A similar approach is also taken to extend the recently developed Source Normalised LDA (SNLDA) into Weighted SNLDA (WSNLDA) which, similarly, shows an improvement in speaker verification performance in both matched and mismatched enrolment/verification conditions. Based upon the results presented within this paper using the NIST 2008 Speaker Recognition Evaluation dataset, we believe that both WLDA and WSNLDA are viable as replacement techniques to improve the performance of LDA and SNLDA-based i-vector speaker verification

    Employing Emotion Cues to Verify Speakers in Emotional Talking Environments

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    Usually, people talk neutrally in environments where there are no abnormal talking conditions such as stress and emotion. Other emotional conditions that might affect people talking tone like happiness, anger, and sadness. Such emotions are directly affected by the patient health status. In neutral talking environments, speakers can be easily verified, however, in emotional talking environments, speakers cannot be easily verified as in neutral talking ones. Consequently, speaker verification systems do not perform well in emotional talking environments as they do in neutral talking environments. In this work, a two-stage approach has been employed and evaluated to improve speaker verification performance in emotional talking environments. This approach employs speaker emotion cues (text-independent and emotion-dependent speaker verification problem) based on both Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and Suprasegmental Hidden Markov Models (SPHMMs) as classifiers. The approach is comprised of two cascaded stages that combines and integrates emotion recognizer and speaker recognizer into one recognizer. The architecture has been tested on two different and separate emotional speech databases: our collected database and Emotional Prosody Speech and Transcripts database. The results of this work show that the proposed approach gives promising results with a significant improvement over previous studies and other approaches such as emotion-independent speaker verification approach and emotion-dependent speaker verification approach based completely on HMMs.Comment: Journal of Intelligent Systems, Special Issue on Intelligent Healthcare Systems, De Gruyter, 201

    Prosodic-Enhanced Siamese Convolutional Neural Networks for Cross-Device Text-Independent Speaker Verification

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    In this paper a novel cross-device text-independent speaker verification architecture is proposed. Majority of the state-of-the-art deep architectures that are used for speaker verification tasks consider Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients. In contrast, our proposed Siamese convolutional neural network architecture uses Mel-frequency spectrogram coefficients to benefit from the dependency of the adjacent spectro-temporal features. Moreover, although spectro-temporal features have proved to be highly reliable in speaker verification models, they only represent some aspects of short-term acoustic level traits of the speaker's voice. However, the human voice consists of several linguistic levels such as acoustic, lexicon, prosody, and phonetics, that can be utilized in speaker verification models. To compensate for these inherited shortcomings in spectro-temporal features, we propose to enhance the proposed Siamese convolutional neural network architecture by deploying a multilayer perceptron network to incorporate the prosodic, jitter, and shimmer features. The proposed end-to-end verification architecture performs feature extraction and verification simultaneously. This proposed architecture displays significant improvement over classical signal processing approaches and deep algorithms for forensic cross-device speaker verification.Comment: Accepted in 9th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems (BTAS 2018
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