519 research outputs found

    Robust text independent closed set speaker identification systems and their evaluation

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis focuses upon text independent closed set speaker identi cation. The contributions relate to evaluation studies in the presence of various types of noise and handset e ects. Extensive evaluations are performed on four databases. The rst contribution is in the context of the use of the Gaussian Mixture Model-Universal Background Model (GMM-UBM) with original speech recordings from only the TIMIT database. Four main simulations for Speaker Identi cation Accuracy (SIA) are presented including di erent fusion strategies: Late fusion (score based), early fusion (feature based) and early-late fusion (combination of feature and score based), late fusion using concatenated static and dynamic features (features with temporal derivatives such as rst order derivative delta and second order derivative delta-delta features, namely acceleration features), and nally fusion of statistically independent normalized scores. The second contribution is again based on the GMM-UBM approach. Comprehensive evaluations of the e ect of Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN), and Non-Stationary Noise (NSN) (with and without a G.712 type handset) upon identi cation performance are undertaken. In particular, three NSN types with varying Signal to Noise Ratios (SNRs) were tested corresponding to: street tra c, a bus interior and a crowded talking environment. The performance evaluation also considered the e ect of late fusion techniques based on score fusion, namely mean, maximum, and linear weighted sum fusion. The databases employed were: TIMIT, SITW, and NIST 2008; and 120 speakers were selected from each database to yield 3,600 speech utterances. The third contribution is based on the use of the I-vector, four combinations of I-vectors with 100 and 200 dimensions were employed. Then, various fusion techniques using maximum, mean, weighted sum and cumulative fusion with the same I-vector dimension were used to improve the SIA. Similarly, both interleaving and concatenated I-vector fusion were exploited to produce 200 and 400 I-vector dimensions. The system was evaluated with four di erent databases using 120 speakers from each database. TIMIT, SITW and NIST 2008 databases were evaluated for various types of NSN namely, street-tra c NSN, bus-interior NSN and crowd talking NSN; and the G.712 type handset at 16 kHz was also applied. As recommendations from the study in terms of the GMM-UBM approach, mean fusion is found to yield overall best performance in terms of the SIA with noisy speech, whereas linear weighted sum fusion is overall best for original database recordings. However, in the I-vector approach the best SIA was obtained from the weighted sum and the concatenated fusion.Ministry of Higher Education and Scienti c Research (MoHESR), and the Iraqi Cultural Attach e, Al-Mustansiriya University, Al-Mustansiriya University College of Engineering in Iraq for supporting my PhD scholarship

    Single-Microphone Speech Enhancement and Separation Using Deep Learning

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    The cocktail party problem comprises the challenging task of understanding a speech signal in a complex acoustic environment, where multiple speakers and background noise signals simultaneously interfere with the speech signal of interest. A signal processing algorithm that can effectively increase the speech intelligibility and quality of speech signals in such complicated acoustic situations is highly desirable. Especially for applications involving mobile communication devices and hearing assistive devices. Due to the re-emergence of machine learning techniques, today, known as deep learning, the challenges involved with such algorithms might be overcome. In this PhD thesis, we study and develop deep learning-based techniques for two sub-disciplines of the cocktail party problem: single-microphone speech enhancement and single-microphone multi-talker speech separation. Specifically, we conduct in-depth empirical analysis of the generalizability capability of modern deep learning-based single-microphone speech enhancement algorithms. We show that performance of such algorithms is closely linked to the training data, and good generalizability can be achieved with carefully designed training data. Furthermore, we propose uPIT, a deep learning-based algorithm for single-microphone speech separation and we report state-of-the-art results on a speaker-independent multi-talker speech separation task. Additionally, we show that uPIT works well for joint speech separation and enhancement without explicit prior knowledge about the noise type or number of speakers. Finally, we show that deep learning-based speech enhancement algorithms designed to minimize the classical short-time spectral amplitude mean squared error leads to enhanced speech signals which are essentially optimal in terms of STOI, a state-of-the-art speech intelligibility estimator.Comment: PhD Thesis. 233 page

    Single-Microphone Speech Enhancement and Separation Using Deep Learning

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    Development and Evaluation of a Real-Time Framework for a Portable Assistive Hearing Device

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    Testing and verification of digital hearing aid devices, and the embedded software and algorithms can prove to be a challenging task especially taking into account time-to-market considerations. This thesis describes a PC based, real-time, highly configurable framework for the evaluation of audio algorithms. Implementation of audio processing algorithms on such a platform can provide hearing aid designers and manufacturers the ability to test new and existing processing techniques and collect data about their performance in real-life situations, and without the need to develop a prototype device. The platform is based on the Eurotech Catalyst development kit and the Fedora Linux OS, and it utilizes the JACK audio engine to facilitate reliable real-time performance Additionally, we demonstrate the capabilities of this platform by implementing an audio processing chain targeted at improving speech intelligibility for people suffering from auditory neuropathy. Evaluation is performed for both noisy and noise-free environments. Subjective evaluation of the results, using normal hearing listeners and an auditory neuropathy simulator, demonstrates improvement in some conditions

    Evaluation of room acoustic qualities and defects by use of auralization

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