8 research outputs found

    Audiovisual focus of attention and its application to Ultra High Definition video compression

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    Using Focus of Attention (FoA) as a perceptual process in image and video compression belongs to well-known approaches to increase coding efficiency. It has been shown that foveated coding, when compression quality varies across the image according to region of interest, is more efficient than the alternative coding, when all region are compressed in a similar way. However, widespread use of such foveated compression has been prevented due to two main conflicting causes, namely, the complexity and the efficiency of algorithms for FoA detection. One way around these is to use as much information as possible from the scene. Since most video sequences have an associated audio, and moreover, in many cases there is a correlation between the audio and the visual content, audiovisual FoA can improve efficiency of the detection algorithm while remaining of low complexity. This paper discusses a simple yet efficient audiovisual FoA algorithm based on correlation of dynamics between audio and video signal components. Results of audiovisual FoA detection algorithm are subsequently taken into account for foveated coding and compression. This approach is implemented into H.265/HEVC encoder producing a bitstream which is fully compliant to any H.265/HEVC decoder. The influence of audiovisual FoA in the perceived quality of high and ultra-high definition audiovisual sequences is explored and the amount of gain in compression efficiency is analyzed

    Efficient Video Coding based on Audio-Visual Focus of Attention

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    This paper proposes an efficient video coding method using audio-visual focus of attention, which is based on the observation that sound-emitting regions in an audio-visual sequence draw viewers' attention. First, an audio-visual source localization algorithm is presented, where the sound source is identified by using the correlation between the sound signal and the visual motion information. The localization result is then used to encode different regions in the scene with different quality in such a way that regions close to the source are encoded with higher quality than those far from the source. This is implemented in the framework of H.264/AVC by assigning different quantization parameters for different regions. Through experiments with both standard and high definition sequences, it is demonstrated that the proposed method can yield considerable coding gains over the constant quantization mode of H.264/AVC without noticeable degradation of perceived quality

    Subjective quality evaluation of foveated video coding using audio-visual focus of attention

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    This paper presents a foveated coding method using audio-visual focus of attention and its evaluation through extensive subjective experiments on both standard definition and high definition sequences. Regarding a sound-emitting region as the location drawing the human attention, the method applies varying quality levels in an image frame according to the distance of a pixel to the identified sound source. Two experiments are presented to prove the efficiency of the method. Experiment 1 examines the validity and effectiveness of the method in comparison to the constant quality coding for high quality conditions. In Experiment 2, the method is compared to the fixed bit rate coding for low quality conditions where coding artifacts are noticeable. The results demonstrate that the foveated coding method provides considerable coding gain without significant quality degradation, but uneven distributions of the coding artifacts (blockiness) by the method are often less preferred than the uniform distribution of the artifacts. Additional interesting findings are also discussed, such as content dependence of the performance of the method, the memory effect in multiple viewings, and the difference in the quality perception for frame size variations

    Perceptual modelling for 2D and 3D

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    Livrable D1.1 du projet ANR PERSEECe rapport a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet ANR PERSEE (n° ANR-09-BLAN-0170). Exactement il correspond au livrable D1.1 du projet

    Space-variant picture coding

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    PhDSpace-variant picture coding techniques exploit the strong spatial non-uniformity of the human visual system in order to increase coding efficiency in terms of perceived quality per bit. This thesis extends space-variant coding research in two directions. The first of these directions is in foveated coding. Past foveated coding research has been dominated by the single-viewer, gaze-contingent scenario. However, for research into the multi-viewer and probability-based scenarios, this thesis presents a missing piece: an algorithm for computing an additive multi-viewer sensitivity function based on an established eye resolution model, and, from this, a blur map that is optimal in the sense of discarding frequencies in least-noticeable- rst order. Furthermore, for the application of a blur map, a novel algorithm is presented for the efficient computation of high-accuracy smoothly space-variant Gaussian blurring, using a specialised filter bank which approximates perfect space-variant Gaussian blurring to arbitrarily high accuracy and at greatly reduced cost compared to the brute force approach of employing a separate low-pass filter at each image location. The second direction is that of artifi cially increasing the depth-of- field of an image, an idea borrowed from photography with the advantage of allowing an image to be reduced in bitrate while retaining or increasing overall aesthetic quality. Two synthetic depth of field algorithms are presented herein, with the desirable properties of aiming to mimic occlusion eff ects as occur in natural blurring, and of handling any number of blurring and occlusion levels with the same level of computational complexity. The merits of this coding approach have been investigated by subjective experiments to compare it with single-viewer foveated image coding. The results found the depth-based preblurring to generally be significantly preferable to the same level of foveation blurring

    Perceptual modelling for 2D and 3D

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    Livrable D1.1 du projet ANR PERSEECe rapport a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet ANR PERSEE (n° ANR-09-BLAN-0170). Exactement il correspond au livrable D1.1 du projet

    Optimization techniques for computationally expensive rendering algorithms

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    Realistic rendering in computer graphics simulates the interactions of light and surfaces. While many accurate models for surface reflection and lighting, including solid surfaces and participating media have been described; most of them rely on intensive computation. Common practices such as adding constraints and assumptions can increase performance. However, they may compromise the quality of the resulting images or the variety of phenomena that can be accurately represented. In this thesis, we will focus on rendering methods that require high amounts of computational resources. Our intention is to consider several conceptually different approaches capable of reducing these requirements with only limited implications in the quality of the results. The first part of this work will study rendering of time-­¿varying participating media. Examples of this type of matter are smoke, optically thick gases and any material that, unlike the vacuum, scatters and absorbs the light that travels through it. We will focus on a subset of algorithms that approximate realistic illumination using images of real world scenes. Starting from the traditional ray marching algorithm, we will suggest and implement different optimizations that will allow performing the computation at interactive frame rates. This thesis will also analyze two different aspects of the generation of anti-­¿aliased images. One targeted to the rendering of screen-­¿space anti-­¿aliased images and the reduction of the artifacts generated in rasterized lines and edges. We expect to describe an implementation that, working as a post process, it is efficient enough to be added to existing rendering pipelines with reduced performance impact. A third method will take advantage of the limitations of the human visual system (HVS) to reduce the resources required to render temporally antialiased images. While film and digital cameras naturally produce motion blur, rendering pipelines need to explicitly simulate it. This process is known to be one of the most important burdens for every rendering pipeline. Motivated by this, we plan to run a series of psychophysical experiments targeted at identifying groups of motion-­¿blurred images that are perceptually equivalent. A possible outcome is the proposal of criteria that may lead to reductions of the rendering budgets

    Spatiotemporal Visual Considerations for Video Coding

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