535 research outputs found

    Longitudinal Quantitative Assessment of COVID-19 Infection Progression from Chest CTs

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    Chest computed tomography (CT) has played an essential diagnostic role in assessing patients with COVID-19 by showing disease-specific image features such as ground-glass opacity and consolidation. Image segmentation methods have proven to help quantify the disease burden and even help predict the outcome. The availability of longitudinal CT series may also result in an efficient and effective method to reliably assess the progression of COVID-19, monitor the healing process and the response to different therapeutic strategies. In this paper, we propose a new framework to identify infection at a voxel level (identification of healthy lung, consolidation, and ground-glass opacity) and visualize the progression of COVID-19 using sequential low-dose non-contrast CT scans. In particular, we devise a longitudinal segmentation network that utilizes the reference scan information to improve the performance of disease identification. Experimental results on a clinical longitudinal dataset collected in our institution show the effectiveness of the proposed method compared to the static deep neural networks for disease quantification.Comment: MICCAI 202

    Interactive Segmentation for COVID-19 Infection Quantification on Longitudinal CT scans

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    Consistent segmentation of COVID-19 patient's CT scans across multiple time points is essential to assess disease progression and response to therapy accurately. Existing automatic and interactive segmentation models for medical images only use data from a single time point (static). However, valuable segmentation information from previous time points is often not used to aid the segmentation of a patient's follow-up scans. Also, fully automatic segmentation techniques frequently produce results that would need further editing for clinical use. In this work, we propose a new single network model for interactive segmentation that fully utilizes all available past information to refine the segmentation of follow-up scans. In the first segmentation round, our model takes 3D volumes of medical images from two-time points (target and reference) as concatenated slices with the additional reference time point segmentation as a guide to segment the target scan. In subsequent segmentation refinement rounds, user feedback in the form of scribbles that correct the segmentation and the target's previous segmentation results are additionally fed into the model. This ensures that the segmentation information from previous refinement rounds is retained. Experimental results on our in-house multiclass longitudinal COVID-19 dataset show that the proposed model outperforms its static version and can assist in localizing COVID-19 infections in patient's follow-up scans.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, 4 table

    Computational Modeling for Abnormal Brain Tissue Segmentation, Brain Tumor Tracking, and Grading

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    This dissertation proposes novel texture feature-based computational models for quantitative analysis of abnormal tissues in two neurological disorders: brain tumor and stroke. Brain tumors are the cells with uncontrolled growth in the brain tissues and one of the major causes of death due to cancer. On the other hand, brain strokes occur due to the sudden interruption of the blood supply which damages the normal brain tissues and frequently causes death or persistent disability. Clinical management of these brain tumors and stroke lesions critically depends on robust quantitative analysis using different imaging modalities including Magnetic Resonance (MR) and Digital Pathology (DP) images. Due to uncontrolled growth and infiltration into the surrounding tissues, the tumor regions appear with a significant texture variation in the static MRI volume and also in the longitudinal imaging study. Consequently, this study developed computational models using novel texture features to segment abnormal brain tissues (tumor, and stroke lesions), tracking the change of tumor volume in longitudinal images, and tumor grading in MR images. Manual delineation and analysis of these abnormal tissues in large scale is tedious, error-prone, and often suffers from inter-observer variability. Therefore, efficient computational models for robust segmentation of different abnormal tissues is required to support the diagnosis and analysis processes. In this study, brain tissues are characterized with novel computational modeling of multi-fractal texture features for multi-class brain tumor tissue segmentation (BTS) and extend the method for ischemic stroke lesions in MRI. The robustness of the proposed segmentation methods is evaluated using a huge amount of private and public domain clinical data that offers competitive performance when compared with that of the state-of-the-art methods. Further, I analyze the dynamic texture behavior of tumor volume in longitudinal imaging and develop post-processing frame-work using three-dimensional (3D) texture features. These post-processing methods are shown to reduce the false positives in the BTS results and improve the overall segmentation result in longitudinal imaging. Furthermore, using this improved segmentation results the change of tumor volume has been quantified in three types such as stable, progress, and shrinkage as observed by the volumetric changes of different tumor tissues in longitudinal images. This study also investigates a novel non-invasive glioma grading, for the first time in literature, that uses structural MRI only. Such non-invasive glioma grading may be useful before an invasive biopsy is recommended. This study further developed an automatic glioma grading scheme using the invasive cell nuclei morphology in DP images for cross-validation with the same patients. In summary, the texture-based computational models proposed in this study are expected to facilitate the clinical management of patients with the brain tumors and strokes by automating large scale imaging data analysis, reducing human error, inter-observer variability, and producing repeatable brain tumor quantitation and grading

    Improving the clinico-radiological association in neurological diseases

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    Despite the key role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis and monitoring of multiple sclerosis (MS) and cerebral small vessel disease (SVD), the association between clinical and radiological disease manifestations is often only moderate, limiting the use of MRI-derived markers in the clinical routine or as endpoints in clinical trials. In the projects conducted as part of this thesis, we addressed this clinico-radiological gap using two different approaches. Lesion-symptom association: In two voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping studies, we aimed at strengthening lesion-symptom associations by identifying strategic lesion locations. Lesion mapping was performed in two large cohorts: a dataset of 2348 relapsing-remitting MS patients, and a population-based cohort of 1017 elderly subjects. T2-weighted lesion masks were anatomically aligned and a voxel-based statistical approach to relate lesion location to different clinical rating scales was implemented. In the MS lesion mapping, significant associations between white matter (WM) lesion location and several clinical scores were found in periventricular areas. Such lesion clusters appear to be associated with impairment of different physical and cognitive abilities, probably because they affect commissural and long projection fibers. In the SVD lesion mapping, the same WM fibers and the caudate nucleus were identified to significantly relate to the subjects’ cerebrovascular risk profiles, while no other locations were found to be associated with cognitive impairment. Atrophy-symptom association: With the construction of an anatomical physical phantom, we aimed at addressing reliability and robustness of atrophy-symptom associations through the provision of a “ground truth” for atrophy quantification. The built phantom prototype is composed of agar gels doped with MRI and computed tomography (CT) contrast agents, which realistically mimic T1 relaxation times of WM and grey matter (GM) and showing distinguishable attenuation coefficients using CT. Moreover, due to the design of anatomically simulated molds, both WM and GM are characterized by shapes comparable to the human counterpart. In a proof-of-principle study, the designed phantom was used to validate automatic brain tissue quantification by two popular software tools, where “ground truth” volumes were derived from high-resolution CT scans. In general, results from the same software yielded reliable and robust results across scans, while results across software were highly variable reaching volume differences of up to 8%

    MAGNIMS recommendations for harmonization of MRI data in MS multicenter studies

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    Harmonization; MRI; Multiple sclerosisHarmonització; Ressonància magnètica; Esclerosi múltipleArmonización; Resonancia magnética; Esclerosis múltipleThere is an increasing need of sharing harmonized data from large, cooperative studies as this is essential to develop new diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. In the field of multiple sclerosis (MS), the issue has become of paramount importance due to the need to translate into the clinical setting some of the most recent MRI achievements. However, differences in MRI acquisition parameters, image analysis and data storage across sites, with their potential bias, represent a substantial constraint. This review focuses on the state of the art, recent technical advances, and desirable future developments of the harmonization of acquisition, analysis and storage of large-scale multicentre MRI data of MS cohorts. Huge efforts are currently being made to achieve all the requirements needed to provide harmonized MRI datasets in the MS field, as proper management of large imaging datasets is one of our greatest opportunities and challenges in the coming years. Recommendations based on these achievements will be provided here. Despite the advances that have been made, the complexity of these tasks requires further research by specialized academical centres, with dedicated technical and human resources. Such collective efforts involving different professional figures are of crucial importance to offer to MS patients a personalised management while minimizing consumption of resources

    Learning Spatio-Temporal Model of Disease Progression with NeuralODEs from Longitudinal Volumetric Data

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    Robust forecasting of the future anatomical changes inflicted by an ongoing disease is an extremely challenging task that is out of grasp even for experienced healthcare professionals. Such a capability, however, is of great importance since it can improve patient management by providing information on the speed of disease progression already at the admission stage, or it can enrich the clinical trials with fast progressors and avoid the need for control arms by the means of digital twins. In this work, we develop a deep learning method that models the evolution of age-related disease by processing a single medical scan and providing a segmentation of the target anatomy at a requested future point in time. Our method represents a time-invariant physical process and solves a large-scale problem of modeling temporal pixel-level changes utilizing NeuralODEs. In addition, we demonstrate the approaches to incorporate the prior domain-specific constraints into our method and define temporal Dice loss for learning temporal objectives. To evaluate the applicability of our approach across different age-related diseases and imaging modalities, we developed and tested the proposed method on the datasets with 967 retinal OCT volumes of 100 patients with Geographic Atrophy, and 2823 brain MRI volumes of 633 patients with Alzheimer's Disease. For Geographic Atrophy, the proposed method outperformed the related baseline models in the atrophy growth prediction. For Alzheimer's Disease, the proposed method demonstrated remarkable performance in predicting the brain ventricle changes induced by the disease, achieving the state-of-the-art result on TADPOLE challenge