17 research outputs found

    Missing Internet Traffic Reconstruction using Compressive Sampling

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    Missing traffic is a commonly problem in large-scale network. Because the traffic information is needed by network engineering task for network monitoring, there are several methods that recover the missing problem. In this paper, we proposed missing internet traffic reconstruction based on compressive sampling. The main contributions of this study are as follows: (i) explore the influence of the six missing patterns on the performance of the traffic matrix reconstruction algorithm; (ii) trace the link sensitivity; and (iii) detect the time sensitivity of the network. Using Abilene data, the simulation results show that compressive sampling can perform internet traffic monitoring such as reconstruction from missing traffic, finding link sensitivity, and detecting time sensitivity.

    Low-Rank Representation for Internet Traffic Reconstruction Using Compressive Sampling

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    We study compressive sampling for internet traffic reconstruction. Compressive Sampling (CS) requires that the traffic satisfies the low-rank feature. Low-rank states that traffic matrix can be represented in the right domain which the entire necessary information is concentrated in a low number of coefficients. In this paper, we compared three low-rank representation, which are Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), and Singular Value Decomposition Mean (SVDM). This low-rank representation is applied to four CS reconstruction algorithms, namely: Sparsity Regularized Singular Value Decomposition (SRSVD), Singular Value Decomposition L1 (SVDL1), Iteratively Reweighted Least Square (IRLS), Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP), and Interpolation. The SVD outperforms the others low-rank representation techniques when used together with SRSVD, SVDL1, IRLS, and Interpolation. The SVDM gives the best NMAE when applied to the OMP. The computational times is linear with the number of the rank matrix. For all reconstruction algorithms, SVDM takes the least computational times

    Spatio-Temporal Kronecker Compressive Sensing for Traffic Matrix Recovery

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    A traffic matrix is generally used by several network management tasks in a data center network, such as traffic engineering and anomaly detection. It gives a flow-level view of the network traffic volume. Despite the explicit importance of the traffic matrix, it is significantly difficult to implement a large-scale measurement to build an absolute traffic matrix. Generally, the traffic matrix obtained by the operators is imperfect, i.e., some traffic data may be lost. Hence, we focus on the problems of recovering these missing traffic data in this paper. To recover these missing traffic data, we propose the spatio-temporal Kronecker compressive sensing method, which draws on Kronecker compressive sensing. In our method, we account for the spatial and temporal properties of the traffic matrix to construct a sparsifying basis that can sparsely represent the traffic matrix. Simultaneously, we consider the low-rank property of the traffic matrix and propose a novel recovery model. We finally assess the estimation error of the proposed method by recovering real traffic

    Network Traffic Prediction Based on Deep Belief Network and Spatiotemporal Compressive Sensing in Wireless Mesh Backbone Networks

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    Wireless mesh network is prevalent for providing a decentralized access for users and other intelligent devices. Meanwhile, it can be employed as the infrastructure of the last few miles connectivity for various network applications, for example, Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile networks. For a wireless mesh backbone network, it has obtained extensive attention because of its large capacity and low cost. Network traffic prediction is important for network planning and routing configurations that are implemented to improve the quality of service for users. This paper proposes a network traffic prediction method based on a deep learning architecture and the Spatiotemporal Compressive Sensing method. The proposed method first adopts discrete wavelet transform to extract the low-pass component of network traffic that describes the long-range dependence of itself. Then, a prediction model is built by learning a deep architecture based on the deep belief network from the extracted low-pass component. Otherwise, for the remaining high-pass component that expresses the gusty and irregular fluctuations of network traffic, the Spatiotemporal Compressive Sensing method is adopted to predict it. Based on the predictors of two components, we can obtain a predictor of network traffic. From the simulation, the proposed prediction method outperforms three existing methods

    Big Data Reduction and Optimization in Sensor Monitoring Network

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are increasingly being utilized to monitor the structural health of the underground subway tunnels, showing many promising advantages over traditional monitoring schemes. Meanwhile, with the increase of the network size, the system is incapable of dealing with big data to ensure efficient data communication, transmission, and storage. Being considered as a feasible solution to these issues, data compression can reduce the volume of data travelling between sensor nodes. In this paper, an optimization algorithm based on the spatial and temporal data compression is proposed to cope with these issues appearing in WSNs in the underground tunnel environment. The spatial and temporal correlation functions are introduced for the data compression and data recovery. It is verified that the proposed algorithm is applicable to WSNs in the underground tunnel