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    The key challenges to high throughput in cellular wireless communication system are interference, mobility and bandwidth limitation. Mobility has never been a problem until recently, bandwidth has been constantly improved upon through the evolutions in cellular wireless communication system but interference has been a constant limitation to any improvement that may have resulted from such evolution. The fundamental challenge to a system designer or a researcher is how to achieve high data rate in motion (high speed) in a cellular system that is intrinsically interference-limited. Multi-antenna is the solution to data on the move and the capacity of multi-antenna system has been demonstrated to increase proportionally with increase in the number of antennas at both transmitter and receiver for point-to-point communications and multi-user environment. However, the capacity gain in both uplink and downlink is limited in a multi-user environment like cellular system by interference, the number of antennas at the base station, complexity and space constraint particularly for a mobile terminal. This challenge in the downlink provided the motivation to investigate successive interference cancellation (SIC) as an interference management tool LTE system and beyond. The Simulation revealed that ordered successive interference (OSIC) out performs non-ordered successive interference cancellation (NSIC) and the additional complexity is justified based on the associated gain in BER performance of OSIC. The major drawback of OSIC is that it is not efficient in network environment employing power control or power allocation. Additional interference management techniques will be required to fully manage the interference.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Robust Linear Precoder Design for Multi-cell Downlink Transmission

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    Coordinated information processing by the base stations of multi-cell wireless networks enhances the overall quality of communication in the network. Such coordinations for optimizing any desired network-wide quality of service (QoS) necessitate the base stations to acquire and share some channel state information (CSI). With perfect knowledge of channel states, the base stations can adjust their transmissions for achieving a network-wise QoS optimality. In practice, however, the CSI can be obtained only imperfectly. As a result, due to the uncertainties involved, the network is not guaranteed to benefit from a globally optimal QoS. Nevertheless, if the channel estimation perturbations are confined within bounded regions, the QoS measure will also lie within a bounded region. Therefore, by exploiting the notion of robustness in the worst-case sense some worst-case QoS guarantees for the network can be asserted. We adopt a popular model for noisy channel estimates that assumes that estimation noise terms lie within known hyper-spheres. We aim to design linear transceivers that optimize a worst-case QoS measure in downlink transmissions. In particular, we focus on maximizing the worst-case weighted sum-rate of the network and the minimum worst-case rate of the network. For obtaining such transceiver designs, we offer several centralized (fully cooperative) and distributed (limited cooperation) algorithms which entail different levels of complexity and information exchange among the base stations.Comment: 38 Pages, 7 Figures, To appear in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Performance Improvement in Muli-user MIMO Networks via Interference Alignment

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    Almost all wireless networks are interference limited. Interference management has been always a primary concern for large section of current wireless networks with exponentially growing devices, lack of centralized medium access, power management. Because of broadcast nature of the wireless channel, all signals from simultaneous transmissions from devices apart in the same space, are added to the desired signal at the receiver end. Therefore optimal spectrum efficiency in such systems mandates distributed, low complexity interference management strategies with very less overhead which should be far more superior than existing successive interference cancellation, highly complex multiuser detection techniques. In this thesis, a novel interference management scheme- “Interference alignment” scheme for multi user scenario is investigated and analysed supporting the arguments with numerical results for most scenarios. Firstly, the concept of interference channel, Degrees of Freedom were well established which are prerequisite in understanding the predicament of multi user wireless channels. Later on, interference alignment concept has been put forward stating its origin back from linear algebra. IA for K-user MIMO is studied. In a fully connected K-user network with perfect channel state information, IA minimizes the interference space dimension at intended receivers thus maximizing the achievable capacity of the entire channel and increasing the Multiplexing gain. Later on the idea of IA is extended to multi-hop networks. A practical cellular multi-hop wireless network is considered and distributed interference alignment technique is implemented which shows superior performance even in high interference case. All IA schemes assume that the channels are full rank richly scattered environments which in practise is not always possible. The idea of using relays to act as external scatters which increase the rank of effective channel observed is considered. So two novel distributed relaying schemes have been proposed modifying the existing IA scheme to fit the case for rank deficient channels and still achieve multiplexing gain on par with full rank channels. The proposed algorithms doesn’t require global channel state information at all nodes except at relay nodes, doesn’t need large symbol extensions, and still are able to enhance the sum capacity of the networ

    Maximum-rate Transmission with Improved Diversity Gain for Interference Networks

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    Interference alignment (IA) was shown effective for interference management to improve transmission rate in terms of the degree of freedom (DoF) gain. On the other hand, orthogonal space-time block codes (STBCs) were widely used in point-to-point multi-antenna channels to enhance transmission reliability in terms of the diversity gain. In this paper, we connect these two ideas, i.e., IA and space-time block coding, to improve the designs of alignment precoders for multi-user networks. Specifically, we consider the use of Alamouti codes for IA because of its rate-one transmission and achievability of full diversity in point-to-point systems. The Alamouti codes protect the desired link by introducing orthogonality between the two symbols in one Alamouti codeword, and create alignment at the interfering receiver. We show that the proposed alignment methods can maintain the maximum DoF gain and improve the ergodic mutual information in the long-term regime, while increasing the diversity gain to 2 in the short-term regime. The presented examples of interference networks have two antennas at each node and include the two-user X channel, the interferring multi-access channel (IMAC), and the interferring broadcast channel (IBC).Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor