14,742 research outputs found

    Particle Efficient Importance Sampling

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    The efficient importance sampling (EIS) method is a general principle for the numerical evaluation of high-dimensional integrals that uses the sequential structure of target integrands to build variance minimising importance samplers. Despite a number of successful applications in high dimensions, it is well known that importance sampling strategies are subject to an exponential growth in variance as the dimension of the integration increases. We solve this problem by recognising that the EIS framework has an offline sequential Monte Carlo interpretation. The particle EIS method is based on non-standard resampling weights that take into account the look-ahead construction of the importance sampler. We apply the method for a range of univariate and bivariate stochastic volatility specifications. We also develop a new application of the EIS approach to state space models with Student's t state innovations. Our results show that the particle EIS method strongly outperforms both the standard EIS method and particle filters for likelihood evaluation in high dimensions. Moreover, the ratio between the variances of the particle EIS and particle filter methods remains stable as the time series dimension increases. We illustrate the efficiency of the method for Bayesian inference using the particle marginal Metropolis-Hastings and importance sampling squared algorithms

    Bibliographic Review on Distributed Kalman Filtering

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    In recent years, a compelling need has arisen to understand the effects of distributed information structures on estimation and filtering. In this paper, a bibliographical review on distributed Kalman filtering (DKF) is provided.\ud The paper contains a classification of different approaches and methods involved to DKF. The applications of DKF are also discussed and explained separately. A comparison of different approaches is briefly carried out. Focuses on the contemporary research are also addressed with emphasis on the practical applications of the techniques. An exhaustive list of publications, linked directly or indirectly to DKF in the open literature, is compiled to provide an overall picture of different developing aspects of this area

    Ensemble Kalman methods for high-dimensional hierarchical dynamic space-time models

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    We propose a new class of filtering and smoothing methods for inference in high-dimensional, nonlinear, non-Gaussian, spatio-temporal state-space models. The main idea is to combine the ensemble Kalman filter and smoother, developed in the geophysics literature, with state-space algorithms from the statistics literature. Our algorithms address a variety of estimation scenarios, including on-line and off-line state and parameter estimation. We take a Bayesian perspective, for which the goal is to generate samples from the joint posterior distribution of states and parameters. The key benefit of our approach is the use of ensemble Kalman methods for dimension reduction, which allows inference for high-dimensional state vectors. We compare our methods to existing ones, including ensemble Kalman filters, particle filters, and particle MCMC. Using a real data example of cloud motion and data simulated under a number of nonlinear and non-Gaussian scenarios, we show that our approaches outperform these existing methods

    Learning Sparse High Dimensional Filters: Image Filtering, Dense CRFs and Bilateral Neural Networks

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    Bilateral filters have wide spread use due to their edge-preserving properties. The common use case is to manually choose a parametric filter type, usually a Gaussian filter. In this paper, we will generalize the parametrization and in particular derive a gradient descent algorithm so the filter parameters can be learned from data. This derivation allows to learn high dimensional linear filters that operate in sparsely populated feature spaces. We build on the permutohedral lattice construction for efficient filtering. The ability to learn more general forms of high-dimensional filters can be used in several diverse applications. First, we demonstrate the use in applications where single filter applications are desired for runtime reasons. Further, we show how this algorithm can be used to learn the pairwise potentials in densely connected conditional random fields and apply these to different image segmentation tasks. Finally, we introduce layers of bilateral filters in CNNs and propose bilateral neural networks for the use of high-dimensional sparse data. This view provides new ways to encode model structure into network architectures. A diverse set of experiments empirically validates the usage of general forms of filters
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