2,608 research outputs found

    Evaluating multiple causes of persistent low microwave backscatter from Amazon forests after the 2005 drought

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    Amazonia has experienced large-scale regional droughts that affect forest productivity and biomass stocks. Space-borne remote sensing provides basin-wide data on impacts of meteorological anomalies, an important complement to relatively limited ground observations across the Amazonā€™s vast and remote humid tropical forests. Morning overpass QuikScat Ku-band microwave backscatter from the forest canopy was anomalously low during the 2005 drought, relative to the full instrument record of 1999ā€“2009, and low morning backscatter persisted for 2006ā€“2009, after which the instrument failed. The persistent low backscatter has been suggested to be indicative of increased forest vulnerability to future drought. To better ascribe the cause of the low post-drought backscatter, we analyzed multiyear, gridded remote sensing data sets of precipitation, land surface temperature, forest cover and forest cover loss, and microwave backscatter over the 2005 drought region in the southwestern Amazon Basin (4Ā°-12Ā°S, 66Ā°-76Ā°W) and in adjacent 8Ā°x10Ā° regions to the north and east. We found moderate to weak correlations with the spatial distribution of persistent low backscatter for variables related to three groups of forest impacts: the 2005 drought itself, loss of forest cover, and warmer and drier dry seasons in the post-drought vs. the pre-drought years. However, these variables explained only about one quarter of the variability in depressed backscatter across the southwestern drought region. Our findings indicate that drought impact is a complex phenomenon and that better understanding can only come from more extensive ground data and/or analysis of frequent, spatially-comprehensive, high-resolution data or imagery before and after droughts

    Ancient Amazonian populations left lasting impacts on forest structure

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    Amazonia contains a vast expanse of contiguous tropical forest and is influential in global carbon and hydrological cycles. Whether ancient Amazonia was highly disturbed or modestly impacted, and how ancient disturbances have shaped current forest ecosystem processes, is still under debate. Amazonian Dark Earths (ADEs), which are anthropic soil types with enriched nutrient levels, are one of the primary lines of evidence for ancient human presence and landscape modifications in settings that mostly lack stone structures and which are today covered by vegetation. We assessed the potential of using moderate spatial resolution optical satellite imagery to predict ADEs across the Amazon Basin. Maximum entropy modeling was used to develop a predictive model using locations of ADEs across the basin and satelliteā€derived remotely sensed indices. Amazonian Dark Earth sites were predicted to be primarily along the main rivers and in eastern Amazonia. Amazonian Dark Earth sites, when compared with randomly selected forested sites located within 50 km of ADE sites, were less green canopies (lower normalized difference vegetation index) and had lower canopy water content. This difference was accentuated in two drought years, 2005 and 2010. This is contrary to our expectation that ADE sites would have nutrientā€rich soils that support trees with greener canopies and forests on ADE soils being more resilient to drought. Biomass and tree height were lower on ADE sites in comparison with randomly selected adjacent sites. Our results suggested that ADEā€related ancient human impact on the forest is measurable across the entirety of the 6 million km2 of Amazon Basin using remotely sensed data

    Post-drought decline of the Amazon carbon sink

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    Amazon forests have experienced frequent and severe droughts in the past two decades. However, little is known about the large-scale legacy of droughts on carbon stocks and dynamics of forests. Using systematic sampling of forest structure measured by LiDAR waveforms from 2003 to 2008, here we show a significant loss of carbon over the entire Amazon basin at a rate of 0.3ā€‰Ā±ā€‰0.2 (95% CI)ā€‰PgCā€‰yrāˆ’1 after the 2005 mega-drought, which continued persistently over the next 3 years (2005ā€“2008). The changes in forest structure, captured by average LiDAR forest height and converted to above ground biomass carbon density, show an average loss of 2.35ā€‰Ā±ā€‰1.80ā€‰MgCā€‰haāˆ’1 a year after (2006) in the epicenter of the drought. With more frequent droughts expected in future, forests of Amazon may lose their role as a robust sink of carbon, leading to a significant positive climate feedback and exacerbating warming trends.The research was partially supported by NASA Terrestrial Ecology grant at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology and partial funding to the UCLA Institute of Environment and Sustainability from previous National Aeronautics and Space Administration and National Science Foundation grants. The authors thank NSIDC, BYU, USGS, and NASA Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) for making their data available. (NASA Terrestrial Ecology grant at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)Published versio

    Higher absorbed solar radiation partly offset the negative effects of water stress on the photosynthesis of Amazon forests during the 2015 drought

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    Amazon forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle and Earth\u27s climate. The vulnerability of Amazon forests to drought remains highly controversial. Here we examine the impacts of the 2015 drought on the photosynthesis of Amazon forests to understand how solar radiation and precipitation jointly control forest photosynthesis during the severe drought. We use a variety of gridded vegetation and climate datasets, including solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), the fraction of absorbed PAR (APAR), leaf area index (LAI), precipitation, soil moisture, cloud cover, and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) in our analysis. Satellite-derived SIF observations provide a direct diagnosis of plant photosynthesis from space. The decomposition of SIF to SIF yield (SIFyield) and APAR (the product of PAR and fPAR) reveals the relative effects of precipitation and solar radiation on photosynthesis. We found that the drought significantly reduced SIFyield, the emitted SIF per photon absorbed. The higher APAR resulting from lower cloud cover and higher LAI partly offset the negative effects of water stress on the photosynthesis of Amazon forests, leading to a smaller reduction in SIF than in SIFyield and precipitation. We further found that SIFyield anomalies were more sensitive to precipitation and VPD anomalies in the southern regions of the Amazon than in the central and northern regions. Our findings shed light on the relative and combined effects of precipitation and solar radiation on photosynthesis, and can improve our understanding of the responses of Amazon forests to drought

    Spatial and temporal variations of carbon in global tropical forests using satellite and ground observations

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    Tropical forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle. Covering 7-10% of the Earth land surface, they contribute to more than half of carbon stock in the worldā€™s forests. Spatial and temporal variations of canopy structure and carbon stock are thus key indicators of ecological processes associated with the changing climate. At macroscales, we evaluated the contributions of climate, soil and topography to the structural variations of pan-tropical forests. Using LiDAR observations from satellite, we built spatial regression models between the LiDAR-derived canopy height and abiotic variables. Results show these factors and spatial contextual information can explain more than 60% of the variations in the heights of these forests. Within the tropics, Amazonian forests contain nearly half of the tropical carbon stocks and thus a vital part to the global carbon budget. The impacts of droughts in Amazonia have been recorded as short-term tree mortality and biomass loss from inventory plots. Using interannual satellite LiDAR measurements from 2003 to 2008, we quantitatively assessed carbon lost after the 2005 Amazon drought. Through careful signal filtering and sampling strategies, we found a significant loss of carbon over the Amazon basin, turning the ecosystem to a net source of carbon at 0.63 PgC/yr (0.16-1.10 PgC). And there was no sign of complete recovery 3 years after the drought. Besides natural disturbances such as droughts, human activities vastly alter the carbon footprint in the tropics. Tropical secondary forests (SF), mainly restored from deforestation, are often identified as a major terrestrial carbon sink. We analyzed changes in SF from 2004 to 2014 in the Brazilian Amazon and found SF contribution to regional carbon sink was negligible, due to significant turnover and frequent clearing activities. But it has the capacity of more than 0.2 PgC/yr net sink to compensate for total emissions from deforestation, if policies to restore secondary forests are implemented and enforced. My dissertation studies provide a clearer picture of abiotic controls over the pan-tropical forests and a better understanding of the carbon dynamics in regions of post-drought Amazonia and secondary forests in the Brazilian Amazon

    Do the recent severe droughts in the Amazonia have the same period of length?

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    We propose a new measure based on drought period length to assess the temporal difference between the recent two severe droughts of 2005 and 2010 in the Amazonia. The sensitivity of the measure is demonstrated by disclosing the distinct spatial responding mechanisms of the Northeastern and Southwestern Amazon (NA, SA) to the surrounding sea surface temperature (SST) variabilities. The Pacific and Atlantic oceans have different roles on the precipitation patterns in Amazonia. More specifically, the very dry periods in the NA are influenced by El Ni\~no events, while the very dry periods in the SA are affected by the anomalously warming of the SST in the North Atlantic. We show convincingly that the drought 2005 hit SA, which is caused by the North Atlantic only. There are two phases in the drought 2010: (i) it was started in the NA in August 2009 affected by the El Ni\~no event, and (ii) later shifted the center of action to SA resulted from anomalously high SST in North Atlantic, which further intensifies the impacts on the spatial coverage.Comment: 5 figure

    Biophysical behavior in tropical South America

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    2011 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.To view the abstract, please see the full text of the document

    A Mechanistic Explanation for Global Patterns of Liana Abundance and Distribution

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    One of the main goals in ecology is determining the mechanisms that control the abundance and distribution of organisms. Using data from 69 tropical forests worldwide, I demonstrate that liana (woody vine) abundance is correlated negatively with mean annual precipitation and positively with seasonality, a pattern precisely the opposite of most other plant types. I propose a general mechanistic hypothesis integrating both ecological and ecophysiological approaches to explain this pattern. Specifically, the deep root and efficient vascular systems of lianas enable them to suffer less water stress during seasonal droughts while many competitors are dormant, giving lianas a competitive advantage during the dry season. Testing this hypothesis in central Panama, I found that lianas grew approximately seven times more in height than did trees during the dry season but only twice as much during the wet season. Over time, this dry season advantage may allow lianas to increase in abundance in seasonal forests. In aseasonal wet forests, however, lianas gain no such advantage because competing plants are rarely limited by water. I extend this theory to account for the local, withinā€forest increase in liana abundance in response to disturbance as well as the conspicuous decrease in liana abundance at high latitudes
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