172 research outputs found

    Coding of synthetic aperture radar data

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    Coded Aperture Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Computational Spectral Imaging[Abstract] In this work, we study and analyze the reconstruction of hyperspectral images that are sampled with a CASSI device. The sensing procedure was modeled with the help of the CS theory, which enabled efficient mechanisms for the reconstruction of the hyperspectral images from their compressive measurements. In particular, we considered and compared four different type of estimation algorithms: OMP, GPSR, LASSO, and IST. Furthermore, the large dimensions of hyperspectral images required the implementation of a practical block CASSI model to reconstruct the images with an acceptable delay and affordable computational cost. In order to consider the particularities of the block model and the dispersive effects in the CASSI-like sensing procedure, the problem was reformulated, as well as the construction of the variables involved. For this practical CASSI setup, we evaluated the performance of the overall system by considering the aforementioned algorithms and the different factors that impacted the reconstruction procedure. Finally, the obtained results were analyzed and discussed from a practical perspective.This work was funded by the Xunta de Galicia (by Grant ED431C 2020/15 and Grant ED431G 2019/01 to support the Centro de Investigación de Galicia “CITIC”), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación of Spain (by Grants RED2018-102668-T and PID2019-104958RB-C42), and the ERDF funds of the EU (FEDER Galicia 2014-2020 and AEI/FEDER Programs, UE).Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/15Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    Design and Optimization of Graph Transform for Image and Video Compression

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    The main contribution of this thesis is the introduction of new methods for designing adaptive transforms for image and video compression. Exploiting graph signal processing techniques, we develop new graph construction methods targeted for image and video compression applications. In this way, we obtain a graph that is, at the same time, a good representation of the image and easy to transmit to the decoder. To do so, we investigate different research directions. First, we propose a new method for graph construction that employs innovative edge metrics, quantization and edge prediction techniques. Then, we propose to use a graph learning approach and we introduce a new graph learning algorithm targeted for image compression that defines the connectivities between pixels by taking into consideration the coding of the image signal and the graph topology in rate-distortion term. Moreover, we also present a new superpixel-driven graph transform that uses clusters of superpixel as coding blocks and then computes the graph transform inside each region. In the second part of this work, we exploit graphs to design directional transforms. In fact, an efficient representation of the image directional information is extremely important in order to obtain high performance image and video coding. In this thesis, we present a new directional transform, called Steerable Discrete Cosine Transform (SDCT). This new transform can be obtained by steering the 2D-DCT basis in any chosen direction. Moreover, we can also use more complex steering patterns than a single pure rotation. In order to show the advantages of the SDCT, we present a few image and video compression methods based on this new directional transform. The obtained results show that the SDCT can be efficiently applied to image and video compression and it outperforms the classical DCT and other directional transforms. Along the same lines, we present also a new generalization of the DFT, called Steerable DFT (SDFT). Differently from the SDCT, the SDFT can be defined in one or two dimensions. The 1D-SDFT represents a rotation in the complex plane, instead the 2D-SDFT performs a rotation in the 2D Euclidean space

    Steerable Discrete Cosine Transform

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    In image compression, classical block-based separable transforms tend to be inefficient when image blocks contain arbitrarily shaped discontinuities. For this reason, transforms incorporating directional information are an appealing alternative. In this paper, we propose a new approach to this problem, namely a discrete cosine transform (DCT) that can be steered in any chosen direction. Such transform, called steerable DCT (SDCT), allows to rotate in a flexible way pairs of basis vectors, and enables precise matching of directionality in each image block, achieving improved coding efficiency. The optimal rotation angles for SDCT can be represented as solution of a suitable rate-distortion (RD) problem. We propose iterative methods to search such solution, and we develop a fully fledged image encoder to practically compare our techniques with other competing transforms. Analytical and numerical results prove that SDCT outperforms both DCT and state-of-the-art directional transforms

    Autoregressive process parameters estimation from Compressed Sensing measurements and Bayesian dictionary learning

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    The main contribution of this thesis is the introduction of new techniques which allow to perform signal processing operations on signals represented by means of compressed sensing. Exploiting autoregressive modeling of the original signal, we obtain a compact yet representative description of the signal which can be estimated directly in the compressed domain. This is the key concept on which the applications we introduce rely on. In fact, thanks to proposed the framework it is possible to gain information about the original signal given compressed sensing measurements. This is done by means of autoregressive modeling which can be used to describe a signal through a small number of parameters. We develop a method to estimate these parameters given the compressed measurements by using an ad-hoc sensing matrix design and two different coupled estimators that can be used in different scenarios. This enables centralized and distributed estimation of the covariance matrix of a process given the compressed sensing measurements in a efficient way at low communication cost. Next, we use the characterization of the original signal done by means of few autoregressive parameters to improve compressive imaging. In particular, we use these parameters as a proxy to estimate the complexity of a block of a given image. This allows us to introduce a novel compressive imaging system in which the number of allocated measurements is adapted for each block depending on its complexity, i.e., spatial smoothness. The result is that a careful allocation of the measurements, improves the recovery process by reaching higher recovery quality at the same compression ratio in comparison to state-of-the-art compressive image recovery techniques. Interestingly, the parameters we are able to estimate directly in the compressed domain not only can improve the recovery but can also be used as feature vectors for classification. In fact, we also propose to use these parameters as more general feature vectors which allow to perform classification in the compressed domain. Remarkably, this method reaches high classification performance which is comparable with that obtained in the original domain, but with a lower cost in terms of dataset storage. In the second part of this work, we focus on sparse representations. In fact, a better sparsifying dictionary can improve the Compressed Sensing recovery performance. At first, we focus on the original domain and hence no dimensionality reduction by means of Compressed Sensing is considered. In particular, we develop a Bayesian technique which, in a fully automated fashion, performs dictionary learning. More in detail, using the uncertainties coming from atoms selection in the sparse representation step, this technique outperforms state-of-the-art dictionary learning techniques. Then, we also address image denoising and inpainting tasks using the aforementioned technique with excellent results. Next, we move to the compressed domain where a better dictionary is expected to provide improved recovery. We show how the Bayesian dictionary learning model can be adapted to the compressive case and the necessary assumptions that must be made when considering random projections. Lastly, numerical experiments confirm the superiority of this technique when compared to other compressive dictionary learning techniques