36 research outputs found

    Sparse Regression Learning by Aggregation and Langevin Monte-Carlo

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    We consider the problem of regression learning for deterministic design and independent random errors. We start by proving a sharp PAC-Bayesian type bound for the exponentially weighted aggregate (EWA) under the expected squared empirical loss. For a broad class of noise distributions the presented bound is valid whenever the temperature parameter β\beta of the EWA is larger than or equal to 4σ24\sigma^2, where σ2\sigma^2 is the noise variance. A remarkable feature of this result is that it is valid even for unbounded regression functions and the choice of the temperature parameter depends exclusively on the noise level. Next, we apply this general bound to the problem of aggregating the elements of a finite-dimensional linear space spanned by a dictionary of functions ϕ1,...,ϕM\phi_1,...,\phi_M. We allow MM to be much larger than the sample size nn but we assume that the true regression function can be well approximated by a sparse linear combination of functions ϕj\phi_j. Under this sparsity scenario, we propose an EWA with a heavy tailed prior and we show that it satisfies a sparsity oracle inequality with leading constant one. Finally, we propose several Langevin Monte-Carlo algorithms to approximately compute such an EWA when the number MM of aggregated functions can be large. We discuss in some detail the convergence of these algorithms and present numerical experiments that confirm our theoretical findings.Comment: Short version published in COLT 200

    Entropic optimal transport is maximum-likelihood deconvolution

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    We give a statistical interpretation of entropic optimal transport by showing that performing maximum-likelihood estimation for Gaussian deconvolution corresponds to calculating a projection with respect to the entropic optimal transport distance. This structural result gives theoretical support for the wide adoption of these tools in the machine learning community

    Pac-bayesian bounds for sparse regression estimation with exponential weights

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    We consider the sparse regression model where the number of parameters pp is larger than the sample size nn. The difficulty when considering high-dimensional problems is to propose estimators achieving a good compromise between statistical and computational performances. The BIC estimator for instance performs well from the statistical point of view \cite{BTW07} but can only be computed for values of pp of at most a few tens. The Lasso estimator is solution of a convex minimization problem, hence computable for large value of pp. However stringent conditions on the design are required to establish fast rates of convergence for this estimator. Dalalyan and Tsybakov \cite{arnak} propose a method achieving a good compromise between the statistical and computational aspects of the problem. Their estimator can be computed for reasonably large pp and satisfies nice statistical properties under weak assumptions on the design. However, \cite{arnak} proposes sparsity oracle inequalities in expectation for the empirical excess risk only. In this paper, we propose an aggregation procedure similar to that of \cite{arnak} but with improved statistical performances. Our main theoretical result is a sparsity oracle inequality in probability for the true excess risk for a version of exponential weight estimator. We also propose a MCMC method to compute our estimator for reasonably large values of pp.Comment: 19 page

    Statistical inference in compound functional models

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    We consider a general nonparametric regression model called the compound model. It includes, as special cases, sparse additive regression and nonparametric (or linear) regression with many covariates but possibly a small number of relevant covariates. The compound model is characterized by three main parameters: the structure parameter describing the "macroscopic" form of the compound function, the "microscopic" sparsity parameter indicating the maximal number of relevant covariates in each component and the usual smoothness parameter corresponding to the complexity of the members of the compound. We find non-asymptotic minimax rate of convergence of estimators in such a model as a function of these three parameters. We also show that this rate can be attained in an adaptive way

    PAC-Bayesian High Dimensional Bipartite Ranking

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    This paper is devoted to the bipartite ranking problem, a classical statistical learning task, in a high dimensional setting. We propose a scoring and ranking strategy based on the PAC-Bayesian approach. We consider nonlinear additive scoring functions, and we derive non-asymptotic risk bounds under a sparsity assumption. In particular, oracle inequalities in probability holding under a margin condition assess the performance of our procedure, and prove its minimax optimality. An MCMC-flavored algorithm is proposed to implement our method, along with its behavior on synthetic and real-life datasets