7,009 research outputs found

    Efficient Quantum Algorithms for State Measurement and Linear Algebra Applications

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    We present an algorithm for measurement of kk-local operators in a quantum state, which scales logarithmically both in the system size and the output accuracy. The key ingredients of the algorithm are a digital representation of the quantum state, and a decomposition of the measurement operator in a basis of operators with known discrete spectra. We then show how this algorithm can be combined with (a) Hamiltonian evolution to make quantum simulations efficient, (b) the Newton-Raphson method based solution of matrix inverse to efficiently solve linear simultaneous equations, and (c) Chebyshev expansion of matrix exponentials to efficiently evaluate thermal expectation values. The general strategy may be useful in solving many other linear algebra problems efficiently.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures (v2) Sections reorganised, several clarifications added, results unchange

    Exploiting chordal structure in polynomial ideals: a Gr\"obner bases approach

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    Chordal structure and bounded treewidth allow for efficient computation in numerical linear algebra, graphical models, constraint satisfaction and many other areas. In this paper, we begin the study of how to exploit chordal structure in computational algebraic geometry, and in particular, for solving polynomial systems. The structure of a system of polynomial equations can be described in terms of a graph. By carefully exploiting the properties of this graph (in particular, its chordal completions), more efficient algorithms can be developed. To this end, we develop a new technique, which we refer to as chordal elimination, that relies on elimination theory and Gr\"obner bases. By maintaining graph structure throughout the process, chordal elimination can outperform standard Gr\"obner basis algorithms in many cases. The reason is that all computations are done on "smaller" rings, of size equal to the treewidth of the graph. In particular, for a restricted class of ideals, the computational complexity is linear in the number of variables. Chordal structure arises in many relevant applications. We demonstrate the suitability of our methods in examples from graph colorings, cryptography, sensor localization and differential equations.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figure

    Shallow Circuits with High-Powered Inputs

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    A polynomial identity testing algorithm must determine whether an input polynomial (given for instance by an arithmetic circuit) is identically equal to 0. In this paper, we show that a deterministic black-box identity testing algorithm for (high-degree) univariate polynomials would imply a lower bound on the arithmetic complexity of the permanent. The lower bounds that are known to follow from derandomization of (low-degree) multivariate identity testing are weaker. To obtain our lower bound it would be sufficient to derandomize identity testing for polynomials of a very specific norm: sums of products of sparse polynomials with sparse coefficients. This observation leads to new versions of the Shub-Smale tau-conjecture on integer roots of univariate polynomials. In particular, we show that a lower bound for the permanent would follow if one could give a good enough bound on the number of real roots of sums of products of sparse polynomials (Descartes' rule of signs gives such a bound for sparse polynomials and products thereof). In this third version of our paper we show that the same lower bound would follow even if one could only prove a slightly superpolynomial upper bound on the number of real roots. This is a consequence of a new result on reduction to depth 4 for arithmetic circuits which we establish in a companion paper. We also show that an even weaker bound on the number of real roots would suffice to obtain a lower bound on the size of depth 4 circuits computing the permanent.Comment: A few typos correcte

    New developments in the theory of Groebner bases and applications to formal verification

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    We present foundational work on standard bases over rings and on Boolean Groebner bases in the framework of Boolean functions. The research was motivated by our collaboration with electrical engineers and computer scientists on problems arising from formal verification of digital circuits. In fact, algebraic modelling of formal verification problems is developed on the word-level as well as on the bit-level. The word-level model leads to Groebner basis in the polynomial ring over Z/2n while the bit-level model leads to Boolean Groebner bases. In addition to the theoretical foundations of both approaches, the algorithms have been implemented. Using these implementations we show that special data structures and the exploitation of symmetries make Groebner bases competitive to state-of-the-art tools from formal verification but having the advantage of being systematic and more flexible.Comment: 44 pages, 8 figures, submitted to the Special Issue of the Journal of Pure and Applied Algebr

    Domain Decomposition for Stochastic Optimal Control

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    This work proposes a method for solving linear stochastic optimal control (SOC) problems using sum of squares and semidefinite programming. Previous work had used polynomial optimization to approximate the value function, requiring a high polynomial degree to capture local phenomena. To improve the scalability of the method to problems of interest, a domain decomposition scheme is presented. By using local approximations, lower degree polynomials become sufficient, and both local and global properties of the value function are captured. The domain of the problem is split into a non-overlapping partition, with added constraints ensuring C1C^1 continuity. The Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) is used to optimize over each domain in parallel and ensure convergence on the boundaries of the partitions. This results in improved conditioning of the problem and allows for much larger and more complex problems to be addressed with improved performance.Comment: 8 pages. Accepted to CDC 201