28 research outputs found

    A multiscale feature extraction approach for 3D range images

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    This paper presents a multiscale feature extraction technique for 3D range images. Optimized and improved 3D Gaussian filtering and saliency map computation have been conceived jointly to the exploitation of connectivity relationships naturally induced by the 2D acquisition grid. The proposed algorithmic and implementation solutions guarantee good repeatability of detected features on different views and demonstrated superior computational performance compared to other known approaches

    Quantitative Analysis of Saliency Models

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    Previous saliency detection research required the reader to evaluate performance qualitatively, based on renderings of saliency maps on a few shapes. This qualitative approach meant it was unclear which saliency models were better, or how well they compared to human perception. This paper provides a quantitative evaluation framework that addresses this issue. In the first quantitative analysis of 3D computational saliency models, we evaluate four computational saliency models and two baseline models against ground-truth saliency collected in previous work.Comment: 10 page

    Un modelo distribuido para calcular descriptores locales de malla 3D basados en k-rings

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    In order to facilitate 3D object processing, it is common to use high-level representations such as local descriptors that are usually computed using defined neighborhoods. K-rings, a technique to define them, is widely used by several methods. In this work, we propose a model for the distributed computation of local descriptors over 3D triangular meshes, using the concept of k-rings. In our experiments, we measure the performance of our model on huge meshes, evaluating the speedup, the scalability, and the descriptor computation time. We show the optimal configuration of our model for the cluster we implemented and the linear growth of computation time regarding the mesh size and the number of rings. We used the Harris response, which describes the saliency of the object, for our tests.Para facilitar el procesamiento de objetos 3D, es común utilizar representaciones de alto nivel, como los descriptores locales que generalmente se calculan utilizando vecindarios definidos. K-rings es una técnica para definirlos y es ampliamente utilizada por varios métodos. En este trabajo, proponemos un modelo para el cálculo distribuido de descriptores locales sobre mallas triangulares 3D, utilizando el concepto de anillos k. En nuestros experimentos, medimos el rendimiento de nuestro modelo en mallas enormes, evaluando la aceleración, la escalabilidad y el tiempo de cálculo del descriptor. Mostramos la configuración óptima de nuestro modelo para el clúster que implementamos y el crecimiento lineal del tiempo de cálculo con respecto al tamaño de la malla y el número de anillos. Usamos la respuesta de Harris, que describe la prominencia del objeto, para nuestras pruebas

    2D Figure Pattern Mining

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