515 research outputs found

    The organization of an autonomous learning system

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    The organization of systems that learn from experience is examined, human beings and animals being prime examples of such systems. How is their information processing organized. They build an internal model of the world and base their actions on the model. The model is dynamic and predictive, and it includes the systems' own actions and their effects. In modeling such systems, a large pattern of features represents a moment of the system's experience. Some of the features are provided by the system's senses, some control the system's motors, and the rest have no immediate external significance. A sequence of such patterns then represents the system's experience over time. By storing such sequences appropriately in memory, the system builds a world model based on experience. In addition to the essential function of memory, fundamental roles are played by a sensory system that makes raw information about the world suitable for memory storage and by a motor system that affects the world. The relation of sensory and motor systems to the memory is discussed, together with how favorable actions can be learned and unfavorable actions can be avoided. Results in classical learning theory are explained in terms of the model, more advanced forms of learning are discussed, and the relevance of the model to the frame problem of robotics is examined

    The GIST of Concepts

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    A unified general theory of human concept learning based on the idea that humans detect invariance patterns in categorical stimuli as a necessary precursor to concept formation is proposed and tested. In GIST (generalized invariance structure theory) invariants are detected via a perturbation mechanism of dimension suppression referred to as dimensional binding. Structural information acquired by this process is stored as a compound memory trace termed an ideotype. Ideotypes inform the subsystems that are responsible for learnability judgments, rule formation, and other types of concept representations. We show that GIST is more general (e.g., it works on continuous, semi-continuous, and binary stimuli) and makes much more accurate predictions than the leading models of concept learning difficulty,such as those based on a complexity reduction principle (e.g., number of mental models,structural invariance, algebraic complexity, and minimal description length) and those based on selective attention and similarity (GCM, ALCOVE, and SUSTAIN). GIST unifies these two key aspects of concept learning and categorization. Empirical evidence from three\ud experiments corroborates the predictions made by the theory and its core model which we propose as a candidate law of human conceptual behavior

    Sparse Distributed Memory Using Rank-Order Neural Codes

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    A study of pattern recovery in recurrent correlation associative memories

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    In this paper, we analyze the recurrent correlation associative memory (RCAM) model of Chiueh and Goodman. This is an associative memory in which stored binary memory patterns are recalled via an iterative update rule. The update of the individual pattern-bits is controlled by an excitation function, which takes as its arguement the inner product between the stored memory patterns and the input patterns. Our contribution is to analyze the dynamics of pattern recall when the input patterns are corrupted by noise of a relatively unrestricted class. We make three contributions. First, we show how to identify the excitation function which maximizes the separation (the Fisher discriminant) between the uncorrupted realization of the noisy input pattern and the remaining patterns residing in the memory. Moreover, we show that the excitation function which gives maximum separation is exponential when the input bit-errors follow a binomial distribution. Our second contribution is to develop an expression for the expectation value of bit-error probability on the input pattern after one iteration. We show how to identify the excitation function which minimizes the bit-error probability. However, there is no closed-form solution and the excitation function must be recovered numerically. The relationship between the excitation functions which result from the two different approaches is examined for a binomial distribution of bit-errors. The final contribution is to develop a semiempirical approach to the modeling of the dynamics of the RCAM. This provides us with a numerical means of predicting the recall error rate of the memory. It also allows us to develop an expression for the storage capacity for a given recall error rate

    Preference Learning for Move Prediction and Evaluation Function Approximation in Othello

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    This paper investigates the use of preference learning as an approach to move prediction and evaluation function approximation, using the game of Othello as a test domain. Using the same sets of features, we compare our approach with least squares temporal difference learning, direct classification, and with the Bradley-Terry model, fitted using minorization-maximization (MM). The results show that the exact way in which preference learning is applied is critical to achieving high performance. Best results were obtained using a combination of board inversion and pair-wise preference learning. This combination significantly outperformed the others under test, both in terms of move prediction accuracy, and in the level of play achieved when using the learned evaluation function as a move selector during game play

    Functional Data Analysis in Electronic Commerce Research

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    This paper describes opportunities and challenges of using functional data analysis (FDA) for the exploration and analysis of data originating from electronic commerce (eCommerce). We discuss the special data structures that arise in the online environment and why FDA is a natural approach for representing and analyzing such data. The paper reviews several FDA methods and motivates their usefulness in eCommerce research by providing a glimpse into new domain insights that they allow. We argue that the wedding of eCommerce with FDA leads to innovations both in statistical methodology, due to the challenges and complications that arise in eCommerce data, and in online research, by being able to ask (and subsequently answer) new research questions that classical statistical methods are not able to address, and also by expanding on research questions beyond the ones traditionally asked in the offline environment. We describe several applications originating from online transactions which are new to the statistics literature, and point out statistical challenges accompanied by some solutions. We also discuss some promising future directions for joint research efforts between researchers in eCommerce and statistics.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/088342306000000132 in the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org