3 research outputs found

    Compressive sensing based sparse antenna array design for directional modulation

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    Directional modulation (DM) can be achieved based on uniform linear arrays where the maximum spacing between adjacent antennas is half-wavelength of the frequency of interest in order to avoid spatial aliasing. To exploit the additional degrees of freedom provided in the spatial domain, sparse antenna arrays can be employed for more effective DM. In this study, the spare array design problem in the context of DM is formulated from the viewpoint of compressive sensing (CS), so that it can be solved using standard convex optimisation toolboxes in the CS area. In detail, a common set of active antennas needs to be found for all modulation symbols generating a response close to the desired one. The key to the solution is to realise that group sparsity has to be employed, as a common antenna set cannot be guaranteed if the antenna locations are optimised for each modulation symbol individually. Moreover, two practical scenarios are considered for the proposed design: robust design with model errors and design with practical non-zero-sized antennas, and corresponding solutions are found by modifying the proposed standard solution

    Projeto de um arranjo de antenas com sistema de controle de apontamento de feixe eletromagnético em 915 MHz usando matriz de Butler e lentes de Rotman

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama (FGA), Engenharia Eletrônica, 2018.Sistemas de alta-frequência como de comunicações, posicionamento e localização radar usam sistemas irradiantes para transmitir e receber energia eletromagnética para troca de informações ou detecção de sinal invasor. Tal necessidade exige que seja possível guiar a energia eletromagnética em uma direção específica, para evitar sinais interferentes, condicionar maior eficiência e propiciar maior segurança. Uma solução para essa demanda é se implementar um sistema capaz de direcionar o feixe de energia, seja ele mecânico, eletrônico ou híbrido. Este trabalho apresenta o projeto de elementos que compõe um sistema de varredura eletrônica para controle de apontamento de feixe eletromagnético, projetado para ser de baixo custo, fácil fabricação e com altas propriedades. A solução proposta usa como sistema irradiante um arranjo de antenas de microfita modificada para aumento de ganho e largura de banda. Como formadores de feixe foram projetados a matriz de Butler e lente de Rotman. Um circuito chaveador, visando o acionamento dos sistemas formadores de feixe, é proposto e tem seu design apresentado. O documento apresenta o projeto e simulação dos elementos do sistema. O arranjo de antenas e a antena elementar foram simulados no software HFSS, a matriz de Butler foi simulada no software ADS e a lente de Rotman foi simulada no software Rotman Lens Design. O esquemático e layout do circuito chaveador foram feitos no software Altium Designer. São apresentados os resultados para antena elementar e para o arranjo, levando em conta ganho, diretividade, largura de banda e acoplamento mútuo dos elementos do sistema. Para os formadores de feixe são apresentados as defasagens, atenuações e fatores de arranjos. Uma verificação também foi executada sobre a camada de sinal RF para o circuito chaveador.High-frequency systems such as communications, positioning and radar localization use irradiating systems to transmit and receive electromagnetic energy to change information or detect invaders signal. Such a need requires that be possible guide electromagnetic energy in a specific direction, to avoid interference signal, to condition more efficiency and provide more security. One solution for this demand is implement a system capable to direct the energy beam, be it mechanical, electronic or hybrid. This work proposes an electronically scanning system to control the electromagnetic beam direction, projected to be low-cost, easy to manufacture and with great proprieties. The solution proposed use as an irradiating systems a microstrip antenna array modified to present gain and bandwidth improvement. How beanformers was projected a BUtler matriz and a Rotman Lens. A switch circuit, aiming the activation of the beamformers systems is proposed and has its design presented. This document presents the project and simulation of this system elements. The antenna array and the elementary antenna wre simulated in software HFSS, the Butler matrix were simulated in software ADS and the Rotman lens were simulated in software Rotman Lens Design. The schematic and layout of the switch circuit were created in software Altium Designer. The results are presented for elementary antenna and for the antenna array, discussing about the gain, directivity, beamwidth and mutual coupling of the system elements. For the beamformers are presented the phase shift, attenuation and array factor. A verification was performed over the RF signal layer of the switch circuit

    Sparse antenna array design for directional modulation

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    Directional modulation (DM) can be achieved based on uniform linear arrays (ULAs), where the maximum half wavelength spacing is needed to avoid spatial aliasing. To exploit the degrees of freedom (DOFs) in the spatial domain, sparse arrays can be employed for more effective DM design. In this paper, the problem of antenna location optimisation for sparse arrays in the context of DM is addressed for the first time, where compressive sensing based formulations are proposed employing the group sparsity concept. Design examples are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed designs