317 research outputs found

    Nearly Optimal Sparse Fourier Transform

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    We consider the problem of computing the k-sparse approximation to the discrete Fourier transform of an n-dimensional signal. We show: * An O(k log n)-time randomized algorithm for the case where the input signal has at most k non-zero Fourier coefficients, and * An O(k log n log(n/k))-time randomized algorithm for general input signals. Both algorithms achieve o(n log n) time, and thus improve over the Fast Fourier Transform, for any k = o(n). They are the first known algorithms that satisfy this property. Also, if one assumes that the Fast Fourier Transform is optimal, the algorithm for the exactly k-sparse case is optimal for any k = n^{\Omega(1)}. We complement our algorithmic results by showing that any algorithm for computing the sparse Fourier transform of a general signal must use at least \Omega(k log(n/k)/ log log n) signal samples, even if it is allowed to perform adaptive sampling.Comment: 28 pages, appearing at STOC 201

    Deterministic Sparse Fourier Transform with an ?_{?} Guarantee

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    In this paper we revisit the deterministic version of the Sparse Fourier Transform problem, which asks to read only a few entries of x∈Cnx \in \mathbb{C}^n and design a recovery algorithm such that the output of the algorithm approximates x^\hat x, the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of xx. The randomized case has been well-understood, while the main work in the deterministic case is that of Merhi et al.\@ (J Fourier Anal Appl 2018), which obtains O(k2logβ‘βˆ’1kβ‹…log⁑5.5n)O(k^2 \log^{-1}k \cdot \log^{5.5}n) samples and a similar runtime with the β„“2/β„“1\ell_2/\ell_1 guarantee. We focus on the stronger β„“βˆž/β„“1\ell_{\infty}/\ell_1 guarantee and the closely related problem of incoherent matrices. We list our contributions as follows. 1. We find a deterministic collection of O(k2log⁑n)O(k^2 \log n) samples for the β„“βˆž/β„“1\ell_\infty/\ell_1 recovery in time O(nklog⁑2n)O(nk \log^2 n), and a deterministic collection of O(k2log⁑2n)O(k^2 \log^2 n) samples for the β„“βˆž/β„“1\ell_\infty/\ell_1 sparse recovery in time O(k2log⁑3n)O(k^2 \log^3n). 2. We give new deterministic constructions of incoherent matrices that are row-sampled submatrices of the DFT matrix, via a derandomization of Bernstein's inequality and bounds on exponential sums considered in analytic number theory. Our first construction matches a previous randomized construction of Nelson, Nguyen and Woodruff (RANDOM'12), where there was no constraint on the form of the incoherent matrix. Our algorithms are nearly sample-optimal, since a lower bound of Ξ©(k2+klog⁑n)\Omega(k^2 + k \log n) is known, even for the case where the sensing matrix can be arbitrarily designed. A similar lower bound of Ξ©(k2log⁑n/log⁑k)\Omega(k^2 \log n/ \log k) is known for incoherent matrices.Comment: ICALP 2020--presentation improved according to reviewers' comment

    Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of a Randomized Algorithm for Sparse Fourier Transform Analysis

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    We analyze a sublinear RAlSFA (Randomized Algorithm for Sparse Fourier Analysis) that finds a near-optimal B-term Sparse Representation R for a given discrete signal S of length N, in time and space poly(B,log(N)), following the approach given in \cite{GGIMS}. Its time cost poly(log(N)) should be compared with the superlinear O(N log N) time requirement of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). A straightforward implementation of the RAlSFA, as presented in the theoretical paper \cite{GGIMS}, turns out to be very slow in practice. Our main result is a greatly improved and practical RAlSFA. We introduce several new ideas and techniques that speed up the algorithm. Both rigorous and heuristic arguments for parameter choices are presented. Our RAlSFA constructs, with probability at least 1-delta, a near-optimal B-term representation R in time poly(B)log(N)log(1/delta)/ epsilon^{2} log(M) such that ||S-R||^{2}<=(1+epsilon)||S-R_{opt}||^{2}. Furthermore, this RAlSFA implementation already beats the FFTW for not unreasonably large N. We extend the algorithm to higher dimensional cases both theoretically and numerically. The crossover point lies at N=70000 in one dimension, and at N=900 for data on a N*N grid in two dimensions for small B signals where there is noise.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Journal of Computational Physic
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