11,275 research outputs found

    Spaces for knowledge generation. Final report

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    The Spaces for knowledge generation: a framework for designing student learning environments for the future project has been funded via an Australian Learning and Teaching Council Priority Projects Grant and aims to address the need to create learning spaces that are based on strong design principles, informed by student needs, with the aim of producing forward-looking, flexible and sustainable Learning Spaces. Integral to the process is fostering the adoption of teaching practices to support student-directed learning and knowledge production. Longer-term outcomes include strategic cultural change to university practices and physical changes to campuses to advance learning and teaching

    Pokemon Go as a productive counter-space.

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    Taking Sustainable Tourism Planning Serious : Co-designing Urban Places with Game Interventions.

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    Urban ecosystems: challenges and new perspectives for landscape architecture

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    The paper will discuss the pivotal role of landscape architecture in counteracting biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation, especially in urban context. Scholars agree that cities are the ground on which to respond to the pressure of manifold environmental and socioeconomic issues. There has been much talk of climate change and, finally, also on the need to defend globally threatened biodiversity. The conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems is a hot topic, generating a contemporary theoretical debate and a new design approach. Given its multidisciplinary nature, landscape architecture is perfectly suited to address these challenges and define new paradigms for urban development. The responsibility is high, and the demands are varied: a project must be able to design beautiful, inclusive and ecologically valuable spaces, while conveying important messages, raising public awareness and involving citizens. This opportunity for landscape architecture to respond to increasingly hectic global processes, however, implies several challenges


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    This book shows a variety of educational experiments that explore the use and meaning of ‘Architectural models as learning tools in education’both practically and theoretically

    Human experience in the natural and built environment : implications for research policy and practice

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    22nd IAPS conference. Edited book of abstracts. 427 pp. University of Strathclyde, Sheffield and West of Scotland Publication. ISBN: 978-0-94-764988-3

    Ehitusinformatsiooni Modelleerimise (BIM) juurutamisraskuste ületamine maastikuarhitektuuris: Eesti juhtumiuuring

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    Master’s thesis Curriculum in Landscape ArchitectureThis study focuses on the barriers to widespread adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the field of landscape architecture in Estonia. Despite the many benefits of BIM, its use in landscape architecture has been restricted. A qualitative research approach was used in the study, which includes semi-structured interviews with industry professionals and a thorough literature review. Landscape architects, BIM professionals, and policy makers involved in BIM implementation were interviewed for primary data. Aimed to gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of the studied groups.The research findings identified barriers to BIM implementation in landscape architecture. These barriers included a lack of BIM awareness and understanding, small size of landscape firms, a lack of standards, a lack of awareness of available financial aid and support, an increase in initial workload, complacency with current technology, and a lack of BIM-specific professional societies or interest groups. Based on the outcomes of the interviews and a review of the literature, the study offers recommendations and strategies for overcoming the barriers to BIM implementation in landscape architecture. The goal is to foster BIM integration and enable professionals to leverage its capabilities in the Estonian landscape architecture sector. Ultimately, this study identifies the barriers to widespread BIM implementation in the landscape.Käesolev uuring keskendub takistustele, mis pärsivad ehitusinformatsiooni modelleerimise (BIM) laialdast kasutuselevõttu maastikuarhitektuuri valdkonnas Eestis. Vaatamata BIM-i paljudele eelistele on selle kasutamine maastikuarhitektuuris piiratud. Uuringus kasutati kvalitatiivset uurimismeetodit, mis hõlmab poolstruktureeritud intervjuusid valdkonna professionaalidega ja põhjalikku kirjanduse ülevaadet. Esmaste andmete saamiseks küsitleti maastikuarhitekte, BIM-spetsialiste ja BIM-i juurutamisega seotud poliitikakujundajaid. Eesmärgiks oli saada uuritud rühmadest põhjalikud teadmised ja arusaamine. Uurimistulemused tuvastasid takistused BIM-i rakendamisel maastikuarhitektuuris. Nende takistuste hulka kuulusid BIM-teadlikkuse ja -mõistmise puudumine, maastikuettevõtete väiksus, standardite puudumine, puudulik teadlikkus saadaolevast rahalisest abist ja toetusest, esialgse töökoormuse suurenemine, rahulolu praeguse tehnoloogiaga ja BIM-i puudumine, konkreetsete erialaseltside või huvigrupide puudumine. Tuginedes intervjuude tulemustele ja kirjanduse ülevaatele, pakub uuring soovitusi ja strateegiaid BIM-i juurutamise takistuste ületamiseks maastikuarhitektuuris. Eesmärk on soodustada BIM-i integratsiooni ja võimaldada spetsialistidel selle võimekust Eesti maastikuarhitektuuri sektoris ära kasutada. Lõppkokkuvõttes tuvastab see uuring takistused BIM-i laialdasele rakendamisele maastikul