150 research outputs found

    Coded Index Modulation for Non-DC-Biased OFDM in Multiple LED Visible Light Communication

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    Use of multiple light emitting diodes (LED) is an attractive way to increase spectral efficiency in visible light communications (VLC). A non-DC-biased OFDM (NDC OFDM) scheme that uses two LEDs has been proposed in the literature recently. NDC OFDM has been shown to perform better than other OFDM schemes for VLC like DC-biased OFDM (DCO OFDM) and asymmetrically clipped OFDM (ACO OFDM) in multiple LEDs settings. In this paper, we propose an efficient multiple LED OFDM scheme for VLC which uses {\em coded index modulation}. The proposed scheme uses two transmitter blocks, each having a pair of LEDs. Within each block, NDC OFDM signaling is done. The selection of which block is activated in a signaling interval is decided by information bits (i.e., index bits). In order to improve the reliability of the index bits at the receiver (which is critical because of high channel correlation in multiple LEDs settings), we propose to use coding on the index bits alone. We call the proposed scheme as CI-NDC OFDM (coded index NDC OFDM) scheme. Simulation results show that, for the same spectral efficiency, CI-NDC OFDM that uses LDPC coding on the index bits performs better than NDC OFDM

    Optical MIMO communication systems under illumination constraints

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    Technology for wireless information access has enabled innovation of 'smart' portable consumer devices. These have been widely adopted and have become an integral part of our daily lives. They need ubiquitous connectivity to the internet to provide value added services, maximize their functionality and create a smarter world to live in. Cisco's visual networking index currently predicts wireless data consumption to increase by 61% per year. This will put additional stress on the already stressed wireless access network infrastructure creating a phenomenon called 'spectrum crunch'. At the same time, the solid state devices industry has made remarkable advances in energy efficient light-emitting-diodes (LED). The lighting industry is rapidly adopting LEDs to provide illumination in indoor spaces. Lighting fixtures are positioned to support human activities and thus are well located to act as wireless access points. The visible spectrum (380 nm - 780 nm) is yet unregulated and untapped for wireless access. This provides unique opportunity to upgrade existing lighting infrastructure and create a dense grid of small cells by using this additional 'optical' wireless bandwidth. Under the above model, lighting fixtures will service dual missions of illumination and access points for optical wireless communication (OWC). This dissertation investigates multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) optical wireless broadcast system under unique constraints imposed by the optical channel and illumination requirements. Sample indexed spatial orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (SIS-OFDM) and metameric modulation (MM) are proposed to achieve higher spectral efficiency by exploiting dimensions of space and color respectively in addition to time and frequency. SIS-OFDM can provide significant additional spectral efficiency of up to (Nsc/2 - 1) x k bits/sym where Nsc is total number of subcarriers and k is number of bits per underlying spatial modulation symbol. MM always generates the true requested illumination color and has the potential to provide better color rendering by incorporating multiple LEDs. A normalization framework is then developed to analyze performance of optical MIMO imaging systems. Performance improvements of up to 45 dB for optical systems have been achieved by decorrelating spatially separate links by incorporating an imaging receiver. The dissertation also studies the impact of visual perception on performance of color shift keying as specified in IEEE 802.15.7 standard. It shows that non-linearity for a practical system can have a performance penalty of up to 15 dB when compared to the simplified linear system abstraction as proposed in the standard. Luminous-signal-to-noise ratio, a novel metric is introduced to compare performance of optical modulation techniques operating at same illumination intensity. The dissertation then introduces singular value decomposition based OWC system architecture to incorporate illumination constraints independent of communication constraints in a MIMO system. It then studies design paradigm for a multi-colored wavelength division multiplexed indoor OWC system

    Real‐Time Software‐Defined Adaptive MIMO Visible Light Communications

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    Visible light communications (VLC) based on light-emitting diodes (LEDs) merges lighting and data communications in applications of Internet-of-Things and 5G networks. However, phosphor-based white LED has a limited linear dynamic range and limited modulation bandwidth. In practical indoor mobile communications, complex channel conditions change dynamically in real-time, and line of sight (LOS) links may be blocked by obstructions. We propose a real-time software-defined adaptive multi-input multi-output (MIMO) VLC system, that both modulation formats (QPSK,16-QAM,64-QAM, 256QAM) and MIMO reconfigurations (Spatial Diversity and Spatial Multiplexing) are dynamically adapted to the changing channel conditions, for enhancing both link reliability and spectral efficiency. Real-time and software defined digital signal processing (DSP) are implemented by Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) devices. We theoretically analysed and experimentally evaluated nonlinear electrical-optical properties and modulation characteristics of white LEDs. We demonstrated a real-time Single-Carrier 256-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) 2×2 MIMO VLC, achieving 1.81% averaged error vector magnitude (EVM), 2×10-5 bit error rate (BER) after 2 m indoor transmission. As an obstacle moved across LOS links, real-time software-defined adaptive MIMO VLC system enhanced average error-free spectral efficiency of 12 b/s/Hz. This will provide high throughputs for robust links in mobile shadowing environments

    Spatial Modulation – A Low Complexity Modulation Technique for Visible Light Communications

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    In visible light communication (VLC), the fundamental limitation on the achievable data rate/spectral efficiency is imposed by the optical source, particularly the phosphor-converted white light emitting diode (LED). These low-cost white LEDs favoured in solid-state lighting have very limited modulation bandwidth of less than 5 MHz, typically. This imposes a severe limitation on the attainable data rate. This is recognised in the literature and has led to the emergence of techniques such as multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) VLC systems as a means of addressing this challenge. The MIMO approach takes advantage of the multi-LED/multi-receiver structure to improve performance. In this chapter, we shall be discussing spatial modulation (SM) as a novel low-complexity MIMO technique for the VLC system. The SM technique exploits the spatial location of the individual LED as an additional degree of freedom in data modulation. Moreover, the chapter includes the comparison analysis of the SM technique with other traditional methods of modulation such as on-off keying (OOK) and pulse position modulation (PPM)

    Pairwise Coding for MIMO-OFDM Visible Light Communication

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    Receiver Algorithms for Single-Carrier OSM Based High-Rate Indoor Visible Light Communications

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    In intensity-modulation and direct-detection (IM/DD) multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) visible light communication (VLC) systems, spatial subchannels are usually correlated, and spatial modulation is a good choice to achieve the advantages of MIMO technology. Peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) is a key issue in VLCs due to the limited linear dynamic range of light emitting diodes (LEDs). Single-carrier communication systems have a lower PAPR than orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) communication systems. However, it is challenging to design a single-carrier spatial modulation for high-rate transmissions because of the time domain intersymbol interference. This paper develops an optical spatial modulation (OSM) scheme based on bipolar pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and spatial elements for high-rate indoor VLC systems. Multiple data streams can be transmitted simultaneously in the proposed scheme. Based on the transmit strategy, we develop a low-complexity receiver algorithm that achieves better bit-error rate performance than reference schemes, and the proposed OSM scheme has a much lower PAPR than OFDM based OSM schemes. When the spatial subchannels are highly correlated, a spatial area division strategy is applied, and the receiver algorithm is investigated. The symbol-error rate expression of the proposed OSM scheme is derived, and the computational complexity is analyzed

    Piecewise companding transform assisted optical-OFDM systems for indoor visible light communications

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    In visible light communications (VLCs) relying on intensity-modulation and direct detection (IM/DD), the conversion from electrical signals to optical signals and the limited dynamic range of the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) constitute the fundamental impediments in the way of high-integrity communications, especially when orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is employed. In IM/DD VLCs, only real-valued positive signals are used for signal transmission. However, the Fourier transform of OFDM systems is operated in the complex domain. In order to meet the requirements of the IM/DD VLCs, the complex-to-real conversion is achieved at the cost of reducing the bandwidth efficiency. Moreover, OFDM signals experience a high peak-to-average power ratio; hence, typically clipping is used for confining the positive-valued signals within the LED's dynamic range. However, hard clipping leads to the loss of orthogonality for optical OFDM (O-OFDM) signals, generating inter-carrier interference. As a result, the performance of the clipping-based O-OFDM systems may be severely degraded. In this paper, the concept of piecewise companding transform (CT) is introduced into the O-OFDM system advocated, forming the CTO-OFDM arrangement. We first investigate the general principles and design criteria of the piecewise CTO-OFDM. Based on our studies, three types of piecewise companders, namely, the constant probability sub-distribution function, linear PsDF (LPsDF), and the non-LPsDF-based CT, are designed. Furthermore, we investigate the nonlinear effect of hard clipping and of our CT on O-OFDM systems in the context of different scenarios by both analytical and simulation techniques. Our investigations show that the CTO-OFDM constitutes a promising signaling scheme conceived for VLCs, which exhibits a high bandwidth efficiency, high flexibility, high reliability, as well as a high data-rate, despite experiencing nonlinear distortions

    Vehicular Visible Light Communications

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    Vehicular communications are foreseen to play a key role to increase road safety and realize autonomous driving. In addition to the radio frequency (RF)-based dedicated short range communication (DSRC) and long-term evolution (LTE) communication technologies, vehicular visible light communication (V2LC) is proposed as a complementary solution, utilizing readily deployed vehicle light emitting diode (LED) lights as transmitter with image sensors such as photodetector (PD) and camera as the receivers. V2LC fundamentals including transmitter and receiver characteristics with dimming capabilities are reviewed in this chapter. Depending on the field measurements using off-the-shelf automotive LED light, communication constraints are demonstrated. Moreover, considering the line-of-sight (LoS) characteristics, security aspects of V2LC is compared with the DSRC for a practical vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication scenario. Finally, superiority of V2LC in terms of communication security with the proposed SecVLC method is demonstrated through simulation results

    Energy efficient visible light communications relying on amorphous cells

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    In this paper, we design an energy efficient indoor Visible Light Communications (VLC) system from a radically new perspective based on an amorphous user-to-network association structure. Explicitly, this intriguing problem is approached from three inter-linked perspectives, considering the cell formation, link-level transmission and system-level optimisation, critically appraising the related optical constraints. To elaborate, apart from proposing hitherto unexplored Amorphous Cells (A-Cells), we employ a powerful amalgam of Asymmetrically Clipped Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (ACO-OFDM) and transmitter pre-coding aided Multi-Input Single-Output (MISO) transmission. As far as the overall systemlevel optimisation is concerned, we propose a low-complexity solution dispensing with the classic Dinkelbach’s algorithmic structure. Our numerical study compares a range of different cell formation strategies and investigates diverse design aspects of the proposed A-Cells. Specifically, our results show that the A-Cells proposed are capable of achieving a much higher energy efficiency per user compared to that of the conventional cell formation for a range of practical Field of Views (FoVs) angles