86 research outputs found

    Project Icarus: preliminary thoughts on the selection of probes and instruments for an Icarus-style interstellar mission

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    In this paper we outline the range of probes and scientific instruments that will be required in order for Icarus to fulfill its scientific mission of exploring a nearby star, its attendant planetary system, and the intervening interstellar medium. Based on this preliminary analysis, we estimate that the minimum total Icarus scientific payload mass (i.e. the mass of probes and instruments which must be decelerated to rest in the target system to enable a meaningful programme of scientific investigation) will be in the region of 100 tonnes. Of this, approximately 10 tonnes would be allocated for cruise-phase science instruments, and about 35 tonnes (i.e. the average of estimated lower and upper limits of 28 and 41 tonnes) would be contributed by the intra-system science payload itself (i.e. the dry mass of the stellar and planetary probes and their instruments). The remaining ~55 tonnes is allocated for the sub-probe intra-system propulsion requirements (crudely estimated from current Solar System missions; detailed modelling of sub-probe propulsion systems will be needed to refine this figure). The overall mass contributed by the science payload to the total that must be decelerated from the interstellar cruise velocity will be considerably more than 100 tonnes, however, as allowance must be made for the payload structural and infrastructural elements required to support, deploy, and communicate with the science probes and instruments. Based on the earlier Daedalus study, we estimate another factor of two to allow for these components. Pending the outcome of more detailed studies, it therefore appears that an overall science-related payload mass of ~200 tonnes will be required. This paper is a submission of the Project Icarus Study Group

    Sample Return Systems for Extreme Environments (SaRSEE)

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    Sample return missions offer a greater science yield when compared to missions that only employ in situ experiments or remote sensing observations, since they allow the application of more complex technological and analytical methodologies in controlled terrestrial laboratories,that are both repeatable and can be independently verified. The successful return of extraterrestrial materials over the last four decades has contributed to our understanding of the solar system, but retrieval techniques have largely depended on the use of either soft-landing, or touch-and-go procedures that result in high V requirements, larger spacecraft mass ratios, and return yields typically limited to a few grams of surface materials that have experienced varying degrees of alteration from space weathering. Hard-landing methods using planetary penetrators offer an alternative for sample return that significantly reduce a mission's V and mass ratios,increase sample yields, and allow for the collection of subsurface materials, and lessons can be drawn from previous sample return missions. The following details progress in the design,development, and testing of penetrator/sampler technology capable of surviving subsonic and low, supersonic impact velocities (<700 m/s) that would enable the collection of geologic materials using tether technology to return the sample to a passing spacecraft. The testing of energy absorbing material for protecting the sample, design evolution and field testing of the penetrator, and dynamic modeling of tether behavior during sampling are discussed. It is shown through both modeling and field testing that penetrators at speeds between 300-600 m/s (~Mach 1-2) can penetrator into the ground to depths of 1-2 m with overall structural integrity attained.The first flight tests demonstrated the potential for survivability at these speeds. The second flight series demonstrated core sample collection with partial ejection of the sample return canister. The 3rd flight series demonstrated self-ejection of the sample return system fully intact and with the core retaining the full stratigraphy of the rock bed. The tether analysis shows that the forces on the tether during release and return of the sample to the main spacecraft are all at levels that can easily be handled by existing tether materials. The mass analysis of the requirements indicates that sample return form the asteroids could be handled with Discovery or New Frontier range of missions dependent on the number of samples to be returned to the Earth

    Report of the Terrestrial Bodies Science Working Group. Volume 9: Complementary research and development

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    Topics discussed include the need for: the conception and development of a wide spectrum of experiments, instruments, and vehicles in order to derive the proper return from an exploration program; the effective use of alternative methods of data acquisition involving ground-based, airborne and near Earth orbital techniques to supplement spacraft mission; and continued reduction and analysis of existing data including laboratory and theoretical studies in order to benefit fully from experiments and to build on the past programs toward a logical and efficient exploration of the solar system

    Spin-scanning Cameras for Planetary Exploration: Imager Analysis and Simulation

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    In this thesis, a novel approach to spaceborne imaging is investigated, building upon the scan imaging technique in which camera motion is used to construct an image. This thesis investigates its use with wide-angle (≥90° field of view) optics mounted on spin stabilised probes for large-coverage imaging of planetary environments, and focusses on two instruments. Firstly, a descent camera concept for a planetary penetrator. The imaging geometry of the instrument is analysed. Image resolution is highest at the penetrator’s nadir and lowest at the horizon, whilst any point on the surface is imaged with highest possible resolution when the camera’s altitude is equal to that point’s radius from nadir. Image simulation is used to demonstrate the camera’s images and investigate analysis techniques. A study of stereophotogrammetric measurement of surface topography using pairs of descent images is conducted. Measurement accuracies and optimum stereo geometries are presented. Secondly, the thesis investigates the EnVisS (Entire Visible Sky) instrument, under development for the Comet Interceptor mission. The camera’s imaging geometry, coverage and exposure times are calculated, and used to model the expected signal and noise in EnVisS observations. It is found that the camera’s images will suffer from low signal, and four methods for mitigating this – binning, coaddition, time-delay integration and repeat sampling – are investigated and described. Use of these methods will be essential if images of sufficient signal are to be acquired, particularly for conducting polarimetry, the performance of which is modelled using Monte Carlo simulation. Methods of simulating planetary cameras’ images are developed to facilitate the study of both cameras. These methods enable the accurate simulation of planetary surfaces and cometary atmospheres, are based on Python libraries commonly used in planetary science, and are intended to be readily modified and expanded for facilitating the study of a variety of planetary cameras

    The InSight HP^3 mole on Mars: Lessons learned from attempts to penetrate to depth in the Martian soil

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    The NASA InSight mission payload includes the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package HP^3 to measure the surface heat flow. The package was designed to use a small penetrator - nicknamed the mole - to implement a string of temperature sensors in the soil to a depth of 5m. The mole itself is equipped with sensors to measure a thermal conductivity as it proceeds to depth. The heat flow would be calculated from the product of the temperature gradient and the thermal conductivity. To avoid the perturbation caused by annual surface temperature variations, the measurements would be taken at a depth between 3 m and 5 m. The mole was designed to penetrate cohesionless soil similar to Quartz sand which was expected to provide a good analogue material for Martian sand. The sand would provide friction to the buried mole hull to balance the remaining recoil of the mole hammer mechanism that drives the mole forward. Unfortunately, the mole did not penetrate more than a mole length of 40 cm. The failure to penetrate deeper was largely due to a few tens of centimeter thick cohesive duricrust that failed to provide the required friction. Although a suppressor mass and spring in the hammer mechanism absorbed much of the recoil, the available mass did not allow a system that would have eliminated the recoil. The mole penetrated to 40 cm depth benefiting from friction provided by springs in the support structure from which it was deployed. It was found in addition that the Martian soil provided unexpected levels of penetration resistance that would have motivated to designing a more powerful mole. It is concluded that more mass would have allowed to design a more robust system with little or no recoil, more energy of the mole hammer mechanism and a more massive support structure.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Adnaves in Space Researc

    Planetary and Primitive Object Strength Measurement and Sampling Apparatus

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    Support is requested for continuation of a program of dynamic impact (harpoon) coring of planetary, comet, or asteroid surface materials. We have previously demonstrated that good quality cores are obtainable for planetary materials with compressive strengths less than 200 MPa. Since the dynamics of penetration are observable on a Discovery class spacecraft, which images the sampling operation, these data can be used with a model developed under this project, to measure in-situ strength and frictional strength of the crust of the object. During the last year we have developed a detailed analytic model of penetrator mechanics. Progress is reported for the solid penetrators experiments, the CIT penetrator model, and the impact spall sampling apparatus

    New Approaches to Lunar Ice Detection and Mapping

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    As a fundamental molecule to life on Earth, water is a key marker of habitable environments in the Solar System. Yet after decades of exploration, the origins, abundance, and distribution of water amongst the planets are not fully understood. The recent discovery of substantial water ice deposits in the polar regions of both Mercury and the Moon presents an opportunity to test hypotheses regarding the delivery and retention of water and other volatiles in the inner Solar System. As the Earth’s closest planetary neighbor, the Moon thus may be a uniquely accessible keystone for addressing outstanding problems in planetary science directly linked to habitability. Furthermore, water on the Moon is of great interest to the exploration community, as a resource for astronauts and robotic missions of the future

    Investigating thermal properties of gas-filled planetary regoliths using a thermal probe

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    We introduce a general purpose penetrator, fitted with a heater, for measuring temperature and thermal diffusivity. Due to its simplicity of deployment and operation the penetrator is well suited for remote deployment by spacecraft into a planetary regolith. Thermal measurements in planetary regoliths are required to determine the surface energy balance and to measure their thermal properties. If the regolith is on a planet with an atmosphere a good understanding of the role of convection is required to properly interpret the measurements. This could also help to identify the significant heat and mass exchange mechanisms between the regolith and the atmosphere. To understand the role of convection in our regolith analogues we use a network of temperature sensors placed in the target. In practical applications a penetrator will push material out of the way as it enters a target possible changing its thermal properties. To investigate this effect a custom built test rig, that precisely controls and monitors the motion of the penetrator, is used. The thermal diffusivity of limestone powder and sand is derived by fitting a numerical thermal model to the temperature measurements. Convection seems to play an important role in the transfer of heat in this case. Firstly a diffusion-convection model fits the laboratory data better than a diffusivity-only model. Also the diffusivity derived from a diffusivity-convection model was found to be in good agreement with diffusivity derived using other methods published in the literature. Thermal diffusivity measurements, inspection of the horizontal temperature profiles and visual observations suggests that limestone powder is compacted more readily than sand during entry of the penetrator into the target. For both regolith analogues the disturbance of material around the penetrator was determined to have an insignificant effect on the diffusivity measurements in this case

    Analysis of Tethers in Sampling near Earth Objects

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    This study investigated the feasibility of a SAIC proposal to sample Near Earth Objects (NEOs) from an orbiting spacecraft using a tethered landing device. The parameters for suitable targets were derived from an analysis of a proposed point design as applied to current knowledge of NEOs. Tether strength and lifetime for the point design were also assessed. First order modeling of tether dynamics showed that deployment and attachment to a NEO are feasible. The dynamics of retrieving a sample via a crawler unit which crawls up the tether requires further exploration

    Detection of structure in asteroid analogue materials and Titan’s regolith by a landing spacecraft

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    We compare measurements made by two impact penetrometers of different sizes and with different tip shapes to further understand penetrometer design for performing pentrometry on an asteroid. To this end we re-visit the interpretation of data from the Huygens' penetrometer, ACC-E, that impacted Titan's surface. In addition we investigate the potential of a spacecraft fitted with a penetrometer to bounce using a test rig, built at The Open University (UK). Analysis of ACC-E laboratory data, obtained from impacts into ~4 mm diameter gravel, was found to produce an unusual decrease in resistance with depth (force-depth gradient) which was also seen in the Huygens' ACCE data from Titan and originally interpreted as a wet or moist sand. The downward trend could also be reproduced in a hybrid Discrete Element Model (DEM) if it was assumed that the near surface particles are more readily mobilised than those deeper in the target. With regard to penetrometer design penetration resistance was found to be sensitive to the ratio of particle to tip diameter. A clear trend was observed with a conical tip penetrometer, X-PEN, of decreasing force-depth gradients with increasing particle sizes most likely due to a transformation from a bulk displacement of material by the penetrating tip to more local interactions. ACC-E, which has a hemispherical tip, was found to produce a wider range of force-depth gradients than X-PEN, which had a conical tip, possibly due to difficulties dislodging jammed particles. Both penetrometers were able to determine particle diameter and mass after post-processing of the data. Laboratory simulations of landings with the test rig suggest that a large impact penetrometer under certain circumstances could absorb a significant amount of the elastic energy of the spacecraft possibly aiding landing. Alternatively a small impact penetrometer would allow the spacecraft to bounce freely on the surface to make a measurement at another location
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