1 research outputs found

    Object-oriented engineering of visual languages

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    Visual languages are notations that employ graphics (icons, diagrams) to present information in a two or more dimensional space. This work focuses on diagrammatic visual languages, as found in software engineering, and their computer implementations. Implementation means the development of processors to automatically analyze diagrams and the development of graphical editors for constructing the diagrams. We propose a rigorous implementation technique that uses a formal grammar to specify the syntax of a visual language and that uses parsing to automatically analyze the visual sentences generated by the grammar. The theoretical contributions of our work are an original treatment of error handling (error detection, reporting, and recovery) in off-line visual language parsing, and the source-to-source translation of visual languages. We have also substantially extended an existing grammatical model for multidimensional languages, called atomic relational grammars. We have added support for meta-language expressions that denote optional and repetitive right-hand-side elements. We hav