378 research outputs found

    Structured Sparsity Models for Multiparty Speech Recovery from Reverberant Recordings

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    We tackle the multi-party speech recovery problem through modeling the acoustic of the reverberant chambers. Our approach exploits structured sparsity models to perform room modeling and speech recovery. We propose a scheme for characterizing the room acoustic from the unknown competing speech sources relying on localization of the early images of the speakers by sparse approximation of the spatial spectra of the virtual sources in a free-space model. The images are then clustered exploiting the low-rank structure of the spectro-temporal components belonging to each source. This enables us to identify the early support of the room impulse response function and its unique map to the room geometry. To further tackle the ambiguity of the reflection ratios, we propose a novel formulation of the reverberation model and estimate the absorption coefficients through a convex optimization exploiting joint sparsity model formulated upon spatio-spectral sparsity of concurrent speech representation. The acoustic parameters are then incorporated for separating individual speech signals through either structured sparse recovery or inverse filtering the acoustic channels. The experiments conducted on real data recordings demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for multi-party speech recovery and recognition.Comment: 31 page

    Compressing Sensing Based Source Localization for Controlled Acoustic Signals Using Distributed Microphone Arrays

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    In order to enhance the accuracy of sound source localization in noisy and reverberant environments, this paper proposes an adaptive sound source localization method based on distributed microphone arrays. Since sound sources lie at a few points in the discrete spatial domain, our method can exploit this inherent sparsity to convert the localization problem into a sparse recovery problem based on the compressive sensing (CS) theory. In this method, a two-step discrete cosine transform- (DCT-) based feature extraction approach is utilized to cover both short-time and long-time properties of acoustic signals and reduce the dimensions of the sparse model. In addition, an online dictionary learning (DL) method is used to adjust the dictionary for matching the changes of audio signals, and then the sparse solution could better represent location estimations. Moreover, we propose an improved block-sparse reconstruction algorithm using approximate l0 norm minimization to enhance reconstruction performance for sparse signals in low signal-noise ratio (SNR) conditions. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is demonstrated by simulation results and experimental results where substantial improvement for localization performance can be obtained in the noisy and reverberant conditions

    Proceedings of the second "international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST'14)

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    The implicit objective of the biennial "international - Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST) is to foster collaboration between international scientific teams by disseminating ideas through both specific oral/poster presentations and free discussions. For its second edition, the iTWIST workshop took place in the medieval and picturesque town of Namur in Belgium, from Wednesday August 27th till Friday August 29th, 2014. The workshop was conveniently located in "The Arsenal" building within walking distance of both hotels and town center. iTWIST'14 has gathered about 70 international participants and has featured 9 invited talks, 10 oral presentations, and 14 posters on the following themes, all related to the theory, application and generalization of the "sparsity paradigm": Sparsity-driven data sensing and processing; Union of low dimensional subspaces; Beyond linear and convex inverse problem; Matrix/manifold/graph sensing/processing; Blind inverse problems and dictionary learning; Sparsity and computational neuroscience; Information theory, geometry and randomness; Complexity/accuracy tradeoffs in numerical methods; Sparsity? What's next?; Sparse machine learning and inference.Comment: 69 pages, 24 extended abstracts, iTWIST'14 website: http://sites.google.com/site/itwist1

    Near-field acoustic holography for high-frequency weak sound sources under low signal-to-noise ratio

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    The mechanical noise in the cabin of the ship is so large that the leakage of high-pressure fluid is not easily noticed. In view of this situation, a near-field acoustic holography for high-frequency weak sound source under low signal-to-noise ratio is proposed. The method uses the empirical mode decomposition method to add weights to the time-domain sampling signals of each array element, and then uses the plane equivalent source near-field acoustic holography combined with compressive sensing to find the holographic surface acoustic pressure distribution. The simulation and experiment show that this method has certain feasibility under low signal-to-noise ratio, and the results are better than the method based on Fourier transform and the traditional boundary element method. It is of positive significance to apply it to engineering practice

    Spatial and Temporal Compressive Sensing for Vibration-based Monitoring: Fundamental Studies with Beam Vibrations

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    Vibration data from mechanical systems carry important information that is useful for characterization and diagnosis. Standard approaches rely on continually streaming data at a fixed sampling frequency. For applications involving continuous monitoring, such as Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), such approaches result in high data volume and require powering sensors for prolonged duration. Furthermore, adequate spatial resolution, typically involves instrumenting structures with a large array of sensors. This research shows that applying Compressive Sensing (CS) can significantly reduce both the volume of data and number of sensors in vibration monitoring applications. Random sampling and the inherent sparsity of vibration signals in the frequency domain enables this reduction. Additionally, by exploiting the sparsity of mode shapes, CS can also enable efficient spatial reconstruction using fewer spatially distributed sensors than a traditional approach. CS can thereby reduce the cost and power requirement of sensing as well as streamline data storage and processing in monitoring applications. In well-instrumented structures, CS can enable continuous monitoring in case of sensor or computational failures. The scope of this research was to establish CS as a viable method for SHM with application to beam vibrations. Finite element based simulations demonstrated CS-based frequency recovery from free vibration response of simply supported, fixed-fixed and cantilever beams. Specifically, CS was used to detect shift in natural frequencies of vibration due to structural change using considerably less data than required by traditional sampling. Experimental results using a cantilever beam provided further insight into this approach. In the experimental study, impulse response of the beam was used to recover natural frequencies of vibration with CS. It was shown that CS could discern changes in natural frequencies under modified beam parameters. When the basis functions were modified to accommodate the effect of damping, the performance of CS-based recovery further improved. Effect of noise in CS-based frequency recovery was also studied. In addition to incorporating damping, formulating noise-handling as a part of the CS algorithm for beam vibrations facilitated detecting shift in frequencies from even fewer samples. In the spatial domain, CS was primarily developed to focus on image processing applications, where the signals and basis functions are very different from those required for mechanical beam vibrations. Therefore, it mandated reformulation of the CS problem that would handle related challenges and enable the reconstruction of spatial beam response using very few sensor data. Specifically, this research addresses CS-based reconstruction of deflection shape of beams with fixed boundary conditions. Presence of a fixed end makes hyperbolic terms indispensable in the basis, which in turn causes numerical inconsistencies. Two approaches are discussed to mitigate this problem. The first approach is to restrict the hyperbolic terms in the basis to lower frequencies to ensure well conditioning. The second, a more systematic approach, is to generate an augmented basis function that will combine harmonic and hyperbolic terms. At higher frequencies, the combined hyperbolic terms will limit each other\u27s magnitude, thus ensuring boundedness. This research thus lays the foundation for formulating the CS problem for the field of mechanical vibrations. It presents fundamental studies and discusses open-ended challenges while implementing CS to this field that will pave way for further research

    Structured Sparsity Models for Reverberant Speech Separation

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    We tackle the multi-party speech recovery problem through modeling the acoustic of the reverberant chambers. Our approach exploits structured sparsity models to perform room modeling and speech recovery. We propose a scheme for characterizing the room acoustic from the unknown competing speech sources relying on localization of the early images of the speakers by sparse approximation of the spatial spectra of the virtual sources in a free-space model. The images are then clustered exploiting the low-rank structure of the spectro-temporal components belonging to each source. This enables us to identify the early support of the room impulse response function and its unique map to the room geometry. To further tackle the ambiguity of the reflection ratios, we propose a novel formulation of the reverberation model and estimate the absorption coefficients through a convex optimization exploiting joint sparsity model formulated upon spatio-spectral sparsity of concurrent speech representation. The acoustic parameters are then incorporated for separating individual speech signals through either structured sparse recovery or inverse filtering the acoustic channels. The experiments conducted on real data recordings demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for multi-party speech recovery and recognition

    Sensor Signal and Information Processing II

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    In the current age of information explosion, newly invented technological sensors and software are now tightly integrated with our everyday lives. Many sensor processing algorithms have incorporated some forms of computational intelligence as part of their core framework in problem solving. These algorithms have the capacity to generalize and discover knowledge for themselves and learn new information whenever unseen data are captured. The primary aim of sensor processing is to develop techniques to interpret, understand, and act on information contained in the data. The interest of this book is in developing intelligent signal processing in order to pave the way for smart sensors. This involves mathematical advancement of nonlinear signal processing theory and its applications that extend far beyond traditional techniques. It bridges the boundary between theory and application, developing novel theoretically inspired methodologies targeting both longstanding and emergent signal processing applications. The topic ranges from phishing detection to integration of terrestrial laser scanning, and from fault diagnosis to bio-inspiring filtering. The book will appeal to established practitioners, along with researchers and students in the emerging field of smart sensors processing

    Compressed Sensing for Open-ended Waveguide Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation

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    Ph. D. ThesisNon-destructive testing and evaluation (NDT&E) systems using open-ended waveguide (OEW) suffer from critical challenges. In the sensing stage, data acquisition is time-consuming by raster scan, which is difficult for on-line detection. Sensing stage also disregards demand for the latter feature extraction process, leading to an excessive amount of data and processing overhead for feature extraction. In the feature extraction stage, efficient and robust defect region segmentation in the obtained image is challenging for a complex image background. Compressed sensing (CS) demonstrates impressive data compression ability in various applications using sparse models. How to develop CS models in OEW NDT&E that jointly consider sensing & processing for fast data acquisition, data compression, efficient and robust feature extraction is remaining challenges. This thesis develops integrated sensing-processing CS models to address the drawbacks in OEW NDT systems and carries out their case studies in low-energy impact damage detection for carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) materials. The major contributions are: (1) For the challenge of fast data acquisition, an online CS model is developed to offer faster data acquisition and reduce data amount without any hardware modification. The images obtained with OEW are usually smooth which can be sparsely represented with discrete cosine transform (DCT) basis. Based on this information, a customised 0/1 Bernoulli matrix for CS measurement is designed for downsampling. The full data is reconstructed with orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm using the downsampling data, DCT basis, and the customised 0/1 Bernoulli matrix. It is hard to determine the sampling pixel numbers for sparse reconstruction when lacking training data, to address this issue, an accumulated sampling and recovery process is developed in this CS model. The defect region can be extracted with the proposed histogram threshold edge detection (HTED) algorithm after each recovery, which forms an online process. A case study in impact damage detection on CFRP materials is carried out for validation. The results show that the data acquisition time is reduced by one order of magnitude while maintaining equivalent image quality and defect region as raster scan. (2) For the challenge of efficient data compression that considers the later feature extraction, a feature-supervised CS data acquisition method is proposed and evaluated. It reserves interested features while reducing the data amount. The frequencies which reveal the feature only occupy a small part of the frequency band, this method finds these sparse frequency range firstly to supervise the later sampling process. Subsequently, based on joint sparsity of neighbour frame and the extracted frequency band, an aligned spatial-spectrum sampling scheme is proposed. The scheme only samples interested frequency range for required features by using a customised 0/1 Bernoulli measurement matrix. The interested spectral-spatial data are reconstructed jointly, which has much faster speed than frame-by-frame methods. The proposed feature-supervised CS data acquisition is implemented and compared with raster scan and the traditional CS reconstruction in impact damage detection on CFRP materials. The results show that the data amount is reduced greatly without compromising feature quality, and the gain in reconstruction speed is improved linearly with the number of measurements. (3) Based on the above CS-based data acquisition methods, CS models are developed to directly detect defect from CS data rather than using the reconstructed full spatial data. This method is robust to texture background and more time-efficient that HTED algorithm. Firstly, based on the histogram is invariant to down-sampling using the customised 0/1 Bernoulli measurement matrix, a qualitative method which only gives binary judgement of defect is developed. High probability of detection and accuracy is achieved compared to other methods. Secondly, a new greedy algorithm of sparse orthogonal matching pursuit (spOMP)-based defect region segmentation method is developed to quantitatively extract the defect region, because the conventional sparse reconstruction algorithms cannot properly use the sparse character of correlation between the measurement matrix and CS data. The proposed algorithms are faster and more robust to interference than other algorithms.China Scholarship Counci
