7 research outputs found

    Errors for the Common Man: Hiding the unintelligable in Haskell

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    If a library designer takes full advantage of HaskellÆs rich type system and type-level programming capabilities, then the resulting library will frequently inflict huge and unhelpful error messages on the library user. These error messages are typically in terms of the library and do not refer to the call-site of the library by the library user, nor provide any guidance to the user as to how to fix the error. The increasing appetite for programmable type-level computation makes this a critical issue, as the advantages and capabilities of type-level computation are nullified if useful error messages cannot be returned to the user. We present a novel technique that neatly side-steps the default error messages and allows the library programmer to control the generation of error messages that are statically returned to the user. Thus with this technique, there is no longer any drawback to using the full power of HaskellÆs type system.Submitted versio

    Software Extension and Integration with Type Classes

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    The abilities to extend a software module and to integrate a software module into an existing software system without changing existing source code are fundamental challenges in software engineering and programming-language design. We reconsider these challenges at the level of language expressiveness, by using the language concept of type classes, as it is available in the functional programming language Haskell. A detailed comparison with related work shows that type classes provide a powerful framework in which solutions to known software extension and integration problems can be provided. We also pinpoint several limitations of type classes in this context

    Session Types in Haskell: Updating Message Passing for the 21st Century

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    Session Types allow plans of conversation between two concurrent processes to be treated as types. Type checking then ensures that communication between processes is safe: i.e. it obeys the protocol specified by the session type. Thus Session Types offer a means to establish conformance to protocols in both distributed applications and multi-threaded programming. We incorporate Session Types into Haskell as a tool for concurrent programming. Our implementation, which is a standard Haskell library, presents a monadic API to the programmer. Using the library looks and feels very much like normal monadic computation and thus there is a shallow learning curve for the Haskell programmer. Our implementation lifts the invariants and properties of Session Types into Haskells rich type system. This allows our implementation to statically verify the use of the communication primitives provided without an additional type checker, preprocessor or modification to the compiler. Our implementation supports multiple concurrent communication channels, individual processes can interleave actions across any number of open channels, and channels themselves can be sent and received. New channels can be created between pre-existing processes as well as to newly created processes. Communication is asynchronous and fully polymorphic. To our knowledge, no other implementation of Session Types is available in any language which matches our library in terms of functionality and supported features. We describe the key aspects of our implementation and demonstrate, through a running example, its usage and flexibility

    Ambiguity and constrained polymorphism.

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    This paper considers the problem of ambiguity in Haskell-like languages. Overloading resolution is characterized in the context of constrained polymorphism by the presence of unreachable variables in constraints on the type of the expression. A new definition of ambiguity is presented, where existence of more than one instance for the constraints on an expression type is considered only after overloading resolution. This introduces a clear distinction between ambiguity and overloading resolution, makes ambiguity more intuitive and independent from extra concepts, such as functional dependencies, and enables more programs to type-check as fewer ambiguities arise. The paper presents a type system and a type inference algorithm that includes: a constraint-set satisfiability function, that determines whether a given set of constraints is entailed or not in a given context, focusing on issues related to decidability, a constraint-set improvement function, for filtering out constraints for which overloading has been resolved, and a context-reduction function, for reducing constraint sets according to matching instances. A standard dictionary-style semantics for core Haskell is also presented

    Parallel execution of constraint handling rules - Theory, implementation and application

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    Sound and decidable type inference for functional dependencies

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    Abstract. Functional dependencies are a popular and useful extension to Haskell style type classes. In this paper, we give a reformulation of functional dependencies in terms of Constraint Handling Rules (CHRs). In previous work, CHRs have been employed for describing user-programmable type extensions in the context of Haskell style type classes. Here, we make use of CHRs to provide for the first time a concise result that under some sufficient conditions, functional dependencies allow for sound and decidable type inference. The sufficient conditions imposed on functional dependencies can be very limiting. We show how to safely relax these conditions.