2,992 research outputs found

    An Enhanced Multiway Sorting Network Based on n-Sorters

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    Merging-based sorting networks are an important family of sorting networks. Most merge sorting networks are based on 2-way or multi-way merging algorithms using 2-sorters as basic building blocks. An alternative is to use n-sorters, instead of 2-sorters, as the basic building blocks so as to greatly reduce the number of sorters as well as the latency. Based on a modified Leighton's columnsort algorithm, an n-way merging algorithm, referred to as SS-Mk, that uses n-sorters as basic building blocks was proposed. In this work, we first propose a new multiway merging algorithm with n-sorters as basic building blocks that merges n sorted lists of m values each in 1 + ceil(m/2) stages (n <= m). Based on our merging algorithm, we also propose a sorting algorithm, which requires O(N log2 N) basic sorters to sort N inputs. While the asymptotic complexity (in terms of the required number of sorters) of our sorting algorithm is the same as the SS-Mk, for wide ranges of N, our algorithm requires fewer sorters than the SS-Mk. Finally, we consider a binary sorting network, where the basic sorter is implemented in threshold logic and scales linearly with the number of inputs, and compare the complexity in terms of the required number of gates. For wide ranges of N, our algorithm requires fewer gates than the SS-Mk.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Optical Micromanipulation Techniques Combined with Microspectroscopic Methods

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    Předložená dizertační práce se zabývá kombinací optických mikromanipulací s mikrospektroskopickými metodami. Využili jsme laserovou pinzetu pro transport a třídění živých mikroorganismů, například jednobuněčných řas, či kvasinek. Ramanovskou spektroskopií jsme analyzovali chemické složení jednotlivých buněk a tyto informace jsme využili k automatické selekci buněk s vybranými vlastnostmi. Zkombinovali jsme pulsní amplitudově modulovanou fluorescenční mikrospektroskopii, optické mikromanipulace a jiné techniky ke zmapování stresové odpovědi opticky zachycených buněk při různých časech působení, vlnových délkách a intenzitách chytacího laseru. Vyrobili jsme různé typy mikrofluidních čipů a zkonstruovali jsme Ramanovu pinzetu pro třídění mikro-objektů, především živých buněk, v mikrofluidním prostředí.The subject of the presented Ph.D. thesis is a combination of optical micromanipulation and microspectroscopic methods. We used laser tweezers to transport and sort various living microorganisms, such as microalgal or yeast cells. We employed Raman microspectroscopy to analyze chemical composition of individual cells and we used the information about chemical composition to automatically select the cells of interest. We combined pulsed amplitude modulation fluorescence microspectroscopy, optical micromanipulation and other techniques to map the stress response of cells to various laser wavelengths, intensities and durations of optical trapping. We fabricated microfluidic chips of various designs and we constructed Raman-tweezers sorter of micro-objects such as living cells on a microfluidic platform.

    Integrated multi vector vortex beam generator

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    A novel method to generate and manipulate vector vortex beams in an integrated, ring resonator based geometry is proposed. We show numerically that a ring resonator, with an appropriate grating, addressed by a vertically displaced access waveguide emits a complex optical field. The emitted beam possesses a specific polarization topology, and consequently a transverse intensity profile and orbital angular momentum. We propose a combination of several concentric ring resonators, addressed with different bus guides, to generate arbitrary orbital angular momentum qudit states, which could potentially be used for classical and quantum communications. Finally, we demonstrate numerically that this device works as an orbital angular momentum sorter with an average cross-talk of -10 dB between different orbital angular momentum channels.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure