12 research outputs found

    Synthetic aperture sonar images segmentation using dynamical modeling analysis

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    Symbolic Models applied to Synthetic Aperture Sonar images are proposed in order to assess the validity and reliability of use of such models and evaluate how effective they can be in terms of image classification and segmentation. We developed an approach for the description of sonar images where the pixels distribution can be transformed into points in the symbolic space in a similar way as symbolic space can encode a trajectory of a dynamical system. One of the main characteristic of approach is that points in the symbolic space are mapped respecting dynamical rules and, as a consequence, it can possible to calculate quantities that\ud characterize the dynamical system, such as Fractal Dimension (D), Shannon Entropy (H) and the amount of information of the image. It also showed potential to classify image sub-patterns based on the textural characteristics of the seabed. The proposed method reached a reasonable degree of success with results compatible with the classical techniques described in literatureEste estudo apresenta uma proposta de metodologia para segmentação e classificação de imagens de sonar de Abertura Sintética a partir de modelos de Dinâmica Simbólica. Foram desenvolvidas, em um primeiro momento, técnicas de descrição de registros de sonar, com base na transformação da distribuição dos pixels da imagem em pontos em um espaço simbólico, codificado a partir de uma função de interação, de modo que as imagens podem ser interpretadas como sistemas dinâmicos em que trajetórias do sistema podem ser estabelecidas. Uma das características marcantes deste método é que, ao descrever uma imagem como um sistema dinâmico, é possível calcular grandezas como dimensão fractal (D) e entropia de Shannon (H) além da quantidade de informação inerente a imagem. Foi possível classificar, posteriormente, características texturais das imagens com base nas propriedades dinâmicas do espaço simbólico, o que permitiu a segmentação automática de padrões de “backscatter” indicando variações da geologia/geomorfologia do substrato marinho. O método proposto atingiu um razoável grau de sucesso em relação à acurácia de segmentação, com sucesso compatível com métodos alternativos descritos em literaturaUK Defense Science & Technology Laborator

    Unsupervised SAR Image Segmentation Based on a Hierarchical TMF Model in the Discrete Wavelet Domain for Sea Area Detection

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    Unsupervised synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image segmentation is a fundamental preliminary processing step required for sea area detection in military applications. The purpose of this step is to classify large image areas into different segments to assist with identification of the sea area and the ship target within the image. The recently proposed triplet Markov field (TMF) model has been successfully used for segmentation of nonstationary SAR images. This letter presents a hierarchical TMF model in the discrete wavelet domain of unsupervised SAR image segmentation for sea area detection, which we have named the wavelet hierarchical TMF (WHTMF) model. The WHTMF model can precisely capture the global and local image characteristics in the two-pass computation of posterior distribution. The multiscale likelihood and the multiscale energy function are constructed to capture the intrascale and intrascale dependencies in a random field (X,U). To model the SAR data related to radar backscattering sources, the Gaussian distribution is utilized. The effectiveness of the proposed model for SAR image segmentation is evaluated using synthesized and real SAR data

    Algorithms and Data Structures for Automated Change Detection and Classification of Sidescan Sonar Imagery

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    During Mine Warfare (MIW) operations, MIW analysts perform change detection by visually comparing historical sidescan sonar imagery (SSI) collected by a sidescan sonar with recently collected SSI in an attempt to identify objects (which might be explosive mines) placed at sea since the last time the area was surveyed. This dissertation presents a data structure and three algorithms, developed by the author, that are part of an automated change detection and classification (ACDC) system. MIW analysts at the Naval Oceanographic Office, to reduce the amount of time to perform change detection, are currently using ACDC. The dissertation introductory chapter gives background information on change detection, ACDC, and describes how SSI is produced from raw sonar data. Chapter 2 presents the author\u27s Geospatial Bitmap (GB) data structure, which is capable of storing information geographically and is utilized by the three algorithms. This chapter shows that a GB data structure used in a polygon-smoothing algorithm ran between 1.3 – 48.4x faster than a sparse matrix data structure. Chapter 3 describes the GB clustering algorithm, which is the author\u27s repeatable, order-independent method for clustering. Results from tests performed in this chapter show that the time to cluster a set of points is not affected by the distribution or the order of the points. In Chapter 4, the author presents his real-time computer-aided detection (CAD) algorithm that automatically detects mine-like objects on the seafloor in SSI. The author ran his GB-based CAD algorithm on real SSI data, and results of these tests indicate that his real-time CAD algorithm performs comparably to or better than other non-real-time CAD algorithms. The author presents his computer-aided search (CAS) algorithm in Chapter 5. CAS helps MIW analysts locate mine-like features that are geospatially close to previously detected features. A comparison between the CAS and a great circle distance algorithm shows that the CAS performs geospatial searching 1.75x faster on large data sets. Finally, the concluding chapter of this dissertation gives important details on how the completed ACDC system will function, and discusses the author\u27s future research to develop additional algorithms and data structures for ACDC

    A binary tree-structured MRF model for multispectral satellite image segmentation

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    In this work we detail a tree-structured MRF (TS-MRF) prior model useful for segmentation of multispectral satellite images. This model allows a hierarchical representation of a 2-D field by the use of a sequence of binary MRFs, each corresponding to a node in the tree. In order to get good performances, one can fit the intrinsic structure of the data to the TS-MRF model, thereby defining a multi-parameter, flexible, MRF. Although a global MRF model is defined on the whole tree, optimization as well estimation can be carried out by working on a single node at a time, from the root down to the leaves, with a significant reduction in complexity. Indeed the overall algorithm is proved experimentally to be much faster than a comparable algorithm based on a conventional Ising MRF model, especially when the number of bands becomes very large. Thanks to the sequential optimization procedure, this model also addresses the cluster validation problem of unsupervised segmentation, through the use of a stopping condition local to each node. Experiments on a SPOT image of the Lannion Bay, a ground-truth of which is available, prove the superior performance of the algorithm w.r.t. some other MRF based algorithms for supervised segmentation, as well as w.r.t. some variational methods

    MDS-Based Multiresolution Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Model for Color Image Segmentation

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    Sonar image segmentation using an unsupervised hierarchical MRF model

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    Abstract—This paper is concerned with hierarchical Markov random field (MRF) models and their application to sonar image segmentation. We present an original hierarchical segmentation procedure devoted to images given by a high-resolution sonar. The sonar image is segmented into two kinds of regions: shadow (corresponding to a lack of acoustic reverberation behind each object lying on the sea-bed) and sea-bottom reverberation. The proposed unsupervised scheme takes into account the variety of the laws in the distribution mixture of a sonar image, and it estimates both the parameters of noise distributions and the parameters of the Markovian prior. For the estimation step, we use an iterative technique which combines a maximum likelihood approach (for noise model parameters) with a least-squares method (for MRF-based prior). In order to model more precisely the local and global characteristics of image content at different scales, we introduce a hierarchical model involving a pyramidal label field. It combines coarse-to-fine causal interactions with a spatial neighborhood structure. This new method of segmentation, called scale causal multigrid (SCM) algorithm, has been successfully applied to real sonar images and seems to be well suited to the segmentation of very noisy images. The experiments reported in this paper demonstrate that the discussed method performs better than other hierarchical schemes for sonar image segmentation. Index Terms—Hierarchical MRF, parameter estimation, sonar imagery, unsupervised segmentation