12 research outputs found

    Generalised and Quotient Models for Random And/Or Trees and Application to Satisfiability

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    This article is motivated by the following satisfiability question: pick uniformly at random an and/or Boolean expression of length n, built on a set of k_n Boolean variables. What is the probability that this expression is satisfiable? asymptotically when n tends to infinity? The model of random Boolean expressions developed in the present paper is the model of Boolean Catalan trees, already extensively studied in the literature for a constant sequence (k_n)_{n\geq 1}. The fundamental breakthrough of this paper is to generalise the previous results to any (reasonable) sequence of integers (k_n)_{n\geq 1}, which enables us, in particular, to solve the above satisfiability question. We also analyse the effect of introducing a natural equivalence relation on the set of Boolean expressions. This new "quotient" model happens to exhibit a very interesting threshold (or saturation) phenomenon at k_n = n/ln n.Comment: Long version of arXiv:1304.561

    On reliable computation by noisy random Boolean formulas

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    We study noisy computation in randomly generated k-ary Boolean formulas. We establish bounds on the noise level above which the results of computation by random formulas are not reliable. This bound is saturated by formulas constructed from a single majority-like gates. We show that these gates can be used to compute any Boolean function reliably below the noise bound.Comment: A new version with improved presentation accepted for publication in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEOR

    The relation between tree size complexity and probability for Boolean functions generated by uniform random trees

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    We consider a probability distribution on the set of Boolean functions in n variables which is induced by random Boolean expressions. Such an expression is a random rooted plane tree where the internal vertices are labelled with connectives And and OR and the leaves are labelled with variables or negated variables. We study limiting distribution when the tree size tends to infinity and derive a relation between the tree size complexity and the probability of a function. This is done by first expressing trees representing a particular function as expansions of minimal trees representing this function and then computing the probabilities by means of combinatorial counting arguments relying on generating functions and singularity analysis

    The distribution of height and diameter in random non-plane binary trees

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    This study is dedicated to precise distributional analyses of the height of non-plane unlabelled binary trees ("Otter trees"), when trees of a given size are taken with equal likelihood. The height of a rooted tree of size nn is proved to admit a limiting theta distribution, both in a central and local sense, as well as obey moderate as well as large deviations estimates. The approximations obtained for height also yield the limiting distribution of the diameter of unrooted trees. The proofs rely on a precise analysis, in the complex plane and near singularities, of generating functions associated with trees of bounded height

    On density of truth of the intuitionistic logic in one variable

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    In this paper we focus on the intuitionistic propositional logic with one propositional variable. More precisely we consider the standard fragment {→,∨,⊥}\{ \to ,\vee ,\bot \} of this logic and compute the proportion of tautologies among all formulas. It turns out that this proportion is different from the analog one in the classical logic case

    Subcritical pattern languages for and/or trees

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    Let Pk(f)P_k(f) denote the density of and/or trees defining a boolean function ff within the set of and/or trees with fixed number of variables kk. We prove that there exists constant BfB_f such that Pk(f)∼Bf⋅k−L(f)−1P_k(f) \sim B_f \cdot k^{-L(f)-1} when k→∞k \to \infty, where L(f)L(f) denote the complexity of ff (i.e. the size of a minimal and/or tree defining ff). This theorem has been conjectured by Danièle Gardy and Alan Woods together with its counterpart for distribution π\pi defined by some critical Galton-Watson process. Methods presented in this paper can be also applied to prove the analogous property for π\pi

    And/or trees:a local limit point of view

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    International audienceWe present here a new and universal approach for the study of random and/or trees,unifying in one framework many different models, including some novel models, not yet understood in the literature.An and/or tree is a Boolean expression represented in (one of) its tree shape.Fix an integer kk, take a sequence of random (rooted) trees of increasing sizes, say(tn)n≥1(t_n)_{n\ge 1}, and label each of these random trees uniformly at random in order to get a random Boolean expression on kk variables.We prove that, under rather weak local conditions on the sequence of random trees (tn)n≥1(t_n)_{n\ge 1}, the distribution induced on Boolean functions by this procedure converges as n→∞n\to\infty. In particular, we characterise two different behaviours of this limit distribution depending on the shape of the local limit of (tn)n≥1(t_n)_{n\ge 1}: a degenerate case when the local limit has no leaves; and a non degenerate case, which we are able to describe in more details under stronger but reasonable conditions. In this latter case, we provide a relationship between the probability of a given Boolean function and its complexity. The examples we cover include, in a unified way, trees that interpolate between models with logarithmic typical distances (such as random binary search trees) and other ones with square root typical distances (such as conditioned Galton--Watson trees)