23,075 research outputs found

    Quantum Field Theory on Spacetimes with a Compactly Generated Cauchy Horizon

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    We prove two theorems which concern difficulties in the formulation of the quantum theory of a linear scalar field on a spacetime, (M,g_{ab}), with a compactly generated Cauchy horizon. These theorems demonstrate the breakdown of the theory at certain `base points' of the Cauchy horizon, which are defined as `past terminal accumulation points' of the horizon generators. Thus, the theorems may be interpreted as giving support to Hawking's `Chronology Protection Conjecture', according to which the laws of physics prevent one from manufacturing a `time machine'. Specifically, we prove: Theorem 1: There is no extension to (M,g_{ab}) of the usual field algebra on the initial globally hyperbolic region which satisfies the condition of F-locality at any base point. In other words, any extension of the field algebra must, in any globally hyperbolic neighbourhood of any base point, differ from the algebra one would define on that neighbourhood according to the rules for globally hyperbolic spacetimes. Theorem 2: The two-point distribution for any Hadamard state defined on the initial globally hyperbolic region must (when extended to a distributional bisolution of the covariant Klein-Gordon equation on the full spacetime) be singular at every base point x in the sense that the difference between this two point distribution and a local Hadamard distribution cannot be given by a bounded function in any neighbourhood (in MXM) of (x,x). Theorem 2 implies quantities such as the renormalized expectation value of \phi^2 or of the stress-energy tensor are necessarily ill-defined or singular at any base point. The proofs rely on the `Propagation of Singularities' theorems of Duistermaat and H\"ormander.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX, uses latexsym and amsbsy, no figures; updated version now published in Commun. Math. Phys.; no major revisions from original versio

    The role of positivity and causality in interactions involving higher spin

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    It is shown that the recently introduced positivity and causality preserving string-local quantum field theory (SLFT) resolves most No-Go situations in higher spin problems. This includes in particular the Velo–Zwanziger causality problem which turns out to be related in an interesting way to the solution of zero mass Weinberg–Witten issue. In contrast to the indefinite metric and ghosts of gauge theory, SLFT uses only positivity-respecting physical degrees of freedom. The result is a fully Lorentz-covariant and causal string field theory in which light- or space-like linear strings transform covariant under Lorentz transformation. The cooperation of causality and quantum positivity in the presence of interacting particles leads to remarkable conceptual changes. It turns out that the presence of H-selfinteractions in the Higgs model is not the result of SSB on a postulated Mexican hat potential, but solely the consequence of the implementation of positivity and causality. These principles (and not the imposed gauge symmetry) account also for the Lie-algebra structure of the leading contributions of selfinteracting vector mesons. Second order consistency of selfinteracting vector mesons in SLFT requires the presence of H-particles; this, and not SSB, is the raison d'être for H. The basic conceptual and calculational tool of SLFT is the S-matrix. Its string-independence is a powerful restriction which determines the form of interaction densities in terms of the model-defining particle content and plays a fundamental role in the construction of pl observables and sl interpolating fields

    Causality theory for closed cone structures with applications

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    We develop causality theory for upper semi-continuous distributions of cones over manifolds generalizing results from mathematical relativity in two directions: non-round cones and non-regular differentiability assumptions. We prove the validity of most results of the regular Lorentzian causality theory including causal ladder, Fermat's principle, notable singularity theorems in their causal formulation, Avez-Seifert theorem, characterizations of stable causality and global hyperbolicity by means of (smooth) time functions. For instance, we give the first proof for these structures of the equivalence between stable causality, KK-causality and existence of a time function. The result implies that closed cone structures that admit continuous increasing functions also admit smooth ones. We also study proper cone structures, the fiber bundle analog of proper cones. For them we obtain most results on domains of dependence. Moreover, we prove that horismos and Cauchy horizons are generated by lightlike geodesics, the latter being defined through the achronality property. Causal geodesics and steep temporal functions are obtained with a powerful product trick. The paper also contains a study of Lorentz-Minkowski spaces under very weak regularity conditions. Finally, we introduce the concepts of stable distance and stable spacetime solving two well known problems (a) the characterization of Lorentzian manifolds embeddable in Minkowski spacetime, they turn out to be the stable spacetimes, (b) the proof that topology, order and distance (with a formula a la Connes) can be represented by the smooth steep temporal functions. The paper is self-contained, in fact we do not use any advanced result from mathematical relativity.Comment: Latex2e, 138 pages. Work presented at the meetings "Non-regular spacetime geometry", Firenze, June 20-22, 2017, and "Advances in General Relativity", ESI Vienna, August 28 - September 1, 2017. v3: added distance formula for stably causal (rather than just stable) spacetimes. v4: Added a few regularity results, final versio

    Quasiperiodic functions theory and the superlattice potentials for a two-dimensional electron gas

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    We consider Novikov problem of the classification of level curves of quasiperiodic functions on the plane and its connection with the conductivity of two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of both orthogonal magnetic field and the superlattice potentials of special type. We show that the modulation techniques used in the recent papers on the 2D heterostructures permit to obtain the general quasiperiodic potentials for 2D electron gas and consider the asymptotic limit of conductivity when τ→∞\tau \to \infty. Using the theory of quasiperiodic functions we introduce here the topological characteristics of such potentials observable in the conductivity. The corresponding characteristics are the direct analog of the "topological numbers" introduced previously in the conductivity of normal metals.Comment: Revtex, 16 pages, 12 figure

    Area theorem and smoothness of compact Cauchy horizons

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    We obtain an improved version of the area theorem for not necessarily differentiable horizons which, in conjunction with a recent result on the completeness of generators, allows us to prove that under the null energy condition every compactly generated Cauchy horizon is smooth and compact. We explore the consequences of this result for time machines, topology change, black holes and cosmic censorship. For instance, it is shown that compact Cauchy horizons cannot form in a non-empty spacetime which satisfies the stable dominant energy condition wherever there is some source content.Comment: 44 pages. v2: added Sect. 2.4 on the propagation of singularities and a second version of the area theorem (Theor. 14) which quantifies the area increase due to the jump se
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