8 research outputs found


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    The conceptual design of user interfaces focuses on the specification of the structure of the dialog, independent of any particular implementation approach. While there is common agreement with respect to the importance of this activity, adequate methods and tools to support it are generally unavailable. The Dialog Charts (DCs) presented in this paper address this problem -- they support the conceptual design of dialog control structures. The DCs combine visual modeling (i.e., diagraming) with widely accepted design principles and an explicit model of dialog structures. As no clear evaluation criteria exist in this evolving area of dialog design, the preliminary assessment of the DCs takes the form of contrasting them with representative alternative design tools based on Augmented Transition Networks or Backus-Naur Form grammars. The DCs overcome some of the problems that seem to limit the usefulness of comparable approaches. An empirical investigation of the usable power of the DCs is currently underway at New York University, and a summary of this research activity concludes the paper.Information Systems Working Papers Serie


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    The conceptual design of user interfaces focuses on arriving at a specification of the structure of the dialog, independent of any particular implementation approach. There is common agreement as to the importance of this activity to both IS professionals and end-users, but few -- if any -- modeling methods were developed to specifically support the process of conceptual design, and the usefulness of such methods has not been adequately addressed. This paper introduces the Dialog Charts (DCs), and documents a preliminary examination of their perceived usefulness by designers of user/system interaction who actually used them. The DCs yield high level dialog schemas that are abstract enough to support the conceptual design of dialog control structures. In a uniform diagramming framework they combine the concept of dialog independence, distinguish between the dialog parties, provide for hierarchical decomposition and enforce a structured control flow. The usefulness of the DCs has been studied empirically in a qualitative inquiry. Recalled experiences of designers were captured and analyzed to ascertain the concept of usability, as well as assess the usability of the DCs. Usability has emerged from this study as a set of 38 concerns that operationalizes the broader aspects of purpose of use, design stage, impact on product structure, impact on design process, and attitudinal patterns. In general, the Dialog Charts were found by these dialog designers to be a useful, exhibiting the essential attributes of tools for conceptual modeling.Information Systems Working Papers Serie


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    The conceptual design of user interfaces focuses on the specification of the structure of the dialog, independent of any particular implementation approach. While there is common agreement with respect to the importance of this activity, adequate methods and tools to support it are generally unavailable. The Dialog Charts (DCs) yield high level dialog schemas that are abstract enough to support the conceptual design of dialog control structures. They combine dialog concepts with widely accepted design principles, in a uniform diagramming framework. Specifically, the DCs distinguish between the dialog parties, provide for hierarchical decomposition and enforce a structured control flow. A clear set of guiding principles for the conceptual design of dialogs has yet to emerge. In this paper we have elected to focus on the notions of descriptive power and usable power, as they apply to conceptual dialog modeling tools. The conceptual descriptive power of the DCs is informally examined by applying them in a varied set of examples and relating them to their lower level counterparts, namely implementation dialog models like augmented transition networks or context-free grammars. The usable power of the DCs has been examined empirically through a qualitative study of their actual use by system designers. The Dialog Chart models were found by dialog designers to be a useful conceptual design tool, which exhibit the essential attributes identified for conceptual models.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    The historical development and basis of human factors guidelines for automated systems in aeronautical operations

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    In order to derive general design guidelines for automated systems a study was conducted on the utilization and acceptance of existing automated systems as currently employed in several commercial fields. Four principal study area were investigated by means of structured interviews, and in some cases questionnaires. The study areas were aviation, a both scheduled airline and general commercial aviation; process control and factory applications; office automation; and automation in the power industry. The results of over eighty structured interviews were analyzed and responses categoried as various human factors issues for use by both designers and users of automated equipment. These guidelines address such items as general physical features of automated equipment; personnel orientation, acceptance, and training; and both personnel and system reliability

    Common-cause analysis in human-software interaction: system design, error control mechanism, and prevention

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    This study involves an experiment in the human aspects of systems design in the area of software development. Its overall objectives are to develop a cognitive paradigm including a new model of common cause human-domain error and a common cause error function to define internal common cause human-domain errors and also to determine how to control and prevent common cause errors according to human-software information processing, knowledge-based engineering, and intelligent design in human-software interaction;A laboratory study was performed to analyze the common causes of human error in software development and to identify software design factors contributing to the common cause effects in common cause failure redundancy. Three pilot projects with 46 subjects representing three skill levels were used to establish the design for a cognitive experiment. Following this study, a main experiment using ten programming experts was conducted in order to define a new cognitive paradigm, in the aspects of identification, pattern recognition, and behavior domain for internal human domain common-cause errors, using FORTRAN and C. Software development for optimizing the sequence of machine replacement and for optimal inventory management were used as application problem examples;The results and analytical procedures developed in this research can be applied to reliability improvement and cost reduction in software development for many applications. Results are also expected to provide guidelines for user-friendly software development and for more effective design of common software packages


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    The conceptual design of user interfaces focuses on the specification of the structure of the dialog, independent of any particular implementation approach. While there is common agreement with respect to the importance of this activity, adequate methods and tools to support it are generally unavailable. The Dialog Charts (DCs) yield high level dialog schemas that are abstract enough to support the conceptual design of dialog control structures. They combine dialog concepts with widely accepted design principles, in a uniform diagramming framework. Specifically, the DCs distinguish between the dialog parties, provide for hierarchical decomposition and enforce a structured control flow. A clear set of guiding principles for the conceptual design of dialogs has yet to emerge. In this paper we have elected to focus on the notions of descriptive power and usable power, as they apply to conceptual dialog modeling tools. The conceptual descriptive power of the DCs is informally examined by applying them in a varied set of examples and relating them to their lower level counterparts, namely implementation dialog models like augmented transition networks or context-free grammars. The usable power of the DCs has been examined empirically through a qualitative study of their actual use by system designers. The Dialog Chart models were found by dialog designers to be a useful conceptual design tool, which exhibit the essential attributes identified for conceptual models.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Aspects de la Programmation Visuelle

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    Some principles for the effective display of data

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