108 research outputs found

    On the Monotonicity of the Generalized Marcum and Nuttall Q-Functions

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    Monotonicity criteria are established for the generalized Marcum Q-function, \emph{Q}_{M}, the standard Nuttall Q-function, \emph{Q}_{M,N}, and the normalized Nuttall Q-function, QM,N\mathcal{Q}_{M,N}, with respect to their real order indices M,N. Besides, closed-form expressions are derived for the computation of the standard and normalized Nuttall Q-functions for the case when M,N are odd multiples of 0.5 and M≥NM\geq N. By exploiting these results, novel upper and lower bounds for \emph{Q}_{M,N} and QM,N\mathcal{Q}_{M,N} are proposed. Furthermore, specific tight upper and lower bounds for \emph{Q}_{M}, previously reported in the literature, are extended for real values of M. The offered theoretical results can be efficiently applied in the study of digital communications over fading channels, in the information-theoretic analysis of multiple-input multiple-output systems and in the description of stochastic processes in probability theory, among others.Comment: Published in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, August 2009. Only slight formatting modification

    Analytic solutions to a Marcum Q-function-based integral and application in energy detection of unknown signals over multipath fading channels

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    This work presents analytic solutions for a useful integral in wireless communications, which involves the Marcum Q−Q{-}function in combination with an exponential function and arbitrary power terms. The derived expressions have a rather simple algebraic representation which renders them convenient both analytically and computationally. Furthermore, they can be useful in wireless communications and particularly in the context of cognitive radio communications and radar systems, where this integral is often encountered. To this end, we derive novel expressions for the probability of detection in energy detection based spectrum sensing over η−μ\eta{-}\mu fading channels. These expressions are given in closed-form and are subsequently employed in analyzing the effects of generalised multipath fading conditions in cognitive radio systems. As expected, it is shown that the detector is highly dependent upon the severity of fading conditions as even slight variation of the fading parameters affect the corresponding performance significantly.Comment: Latest/Preprint Versio

    Solutions to Integrals Involving the Marcum Q-Function and Applications

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    Novel analytic solutions are derived for integrals that involve the generalized Marcum Q-function, exponential functions and arbitrary powers. Simple closed-form expressions are also derived for the specific cases of the generic integrals. The offered expressions are both convenient and versatile, which is particularly useful in applications relating to natural sciences and engineering, including wireless cpmmunications and signal processing. To this end, they are employed in the derivation of the channel capacity for fixed rate and channel inversion in the case of correlated multipath fading and switched diversity.Comment: 15 Pages, 2 Figure

    Eigenvalue Dynamics of a Central Wishart Matrix with Application to MIMO Systems

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    We investigate the dynamic behavior of the stationary random process defined by a central complex Wishart (CW) matrix W(t){\bf{W}}(t) as it varies along a certain dimension tt. We characterize the second-order joint cdf of the largest eigenvalue, and the second-order joint cdf of the smallest eigenvalue of this matrix. We show that both cdfs can be expressed in exact closed-form in terms of a finite number of well-known special functions in the context of communication theory. As a direct application, we investigate the dynamic behavior of the parallel channels associated with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems in the presence of Rayleigh fading. Studying the complex random matrix that defines the MIMO channel, we characterize the second-order joint cdf of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for the best and worst channels. We use these results to study the rate of change of MIMO parallel channels, using different performance metrics. For a given value of the MIMO channel correlation coefficient, we observe how the SNR associated with the best parallel channel changes slower than the SNR of the worst channel. This different dynamic behavior is much more appreciable when the number of transmit (NTN_T) and receive (NRN_R) antennas is similar. However, as NTN_T is increased while keeping NRN_R fixed, we see how the best and worst channels tend to have a similar rate of change.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures and 1 table. This work has been accepted for publication at IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory. Copyright (c) 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to [email protected]

    Asymptotically Exact Approximations for the Symmetric Difference of Generalized Marcum-Q Functions

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    (c) 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2014.2337263In this paper, we derive two simple and asymptotically exact approximations for the function defined as ΔQm(a, b) =Δ Qm(a, b) - Qm(b, a). The generalized Marcum Q-function Qm(a, b) appears in many scenarios in communications in this particular form and is referred to as the symmetric difference of generalized Marcum Q-functions or the difference of generalized Marcum Q-functions with reversed arguments. We show that the symmetric difference of Marcum Q-functions can be expressed in terms of a single Gaussian Q-function for large and even moderate values of the arguments a and b. A second approximation for ΔQm(a, b) is also given in terms of the exponential function. We illustrate the applicability of these new approximations in different scenarios: 1) statistical characterization of Hoyt fading; 2) performance analysis of communication systems; 3) level crossing statistics of a sampled Rayleigh envelope; and 4) asymptotic approximation of the Rice Ie-function.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional. Andalucía Tech

    Performance Analysis of Non-Ideal MIMO Systems in Fading Channels

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    En esta tesis se aborda el análisis de prestaciones de sistemas MIMO bajo ciertas condiciones no ideales. Se han considerado limitaciones realistas como son las interferencias co-canal, el canal de retorno con velocidad limitada, y la correlación espacial entre antenas. Bajo estas condiciones, se han analizado las probabilidades de error y de outage para sistemas MIMO que incluyen técnicas de conformación de haz en el transmisor y/o distintas técnicas de diversidad espacial en el receptor. Con el fin de obtener expresiones cerradas y exactas par los indicadores de rendimiento mencionados, se han desarrollo nuevos métodos o herramientas matemáticas que facilitan o, en algunos casos, hacen posible el análisis. En primer lugar, se han obtenido nuevas expresiones cerradas para las integrales del tipo Lipschitz-Hankel y para la distribución de los elementos de la diagonal de matrices Wishart complejas. Posteriormente, estos resultados han sido aplicados al análisis de prestaciones de distintos sistemas MIMO en condiciones no-ideales. Concretamente, se han obtenido nuevas expresiones cerrradas de la probabilidad de outage para: sistemas MRC con interferencia co-canal, sistemas MIMO con correlación espacial entre antenas, y sistemas MIMO MRC con un canal de retorno limitado en velocidad. Además, se han obtenido expresiones cerradas para la probabilidad de error en sistemas de diversidad en recepción que emplean modulaciones no coherentes y no ortogonales
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