32 research outputs found

    Some Computational Problems Related to Pseudo-intents

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    We investigate the computational complexity of several decision, enumeration and counting problems related to pseudo-intents. We show that given a formal context and a set of its pseudo-intents, checking whether this context has an additional pseudo-intent is in conp and it is at least as hard as checking whether a given simple hypergraph is saturated. We also show that recognizing the set of pseudo-intents is also in conp and it is at least as hard as checking whether a given hypergraph is the transversal hypergraph of another given hypergraph. Moreover, we show that if any of these two problems turns out to be conp-hard, then unless p = np, pseudo-intents cannot be enumerated in output polynomial time. We also investigate the complexity of finding subsets of a given Duquenne-Guigues Base from which a given implication follows. We show that checking the existence of such a subset within a specified cardinality bound is np-complete, and counting all such minimal subsets is #p-complete

    Formal Concept Analysis Methods for Description Logics

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    This work presents mainly two contributions to Description Logics (DLs) research by means of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) methods: supporting bottom-up construction of DL knowledge bases, and completing DL knowledge bases. Its contribution to FCA research is on the computational complexity of computing generators of closed sets

    On the complexity of enumerating pseudo-intents

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    AbstractWe investigate whether the pseudo-intents of a given formal context can efficiently be enumerated. We show that they cannot be enumerated in a specified lexicographic order with polynomial delay unless P=NP. Furthermore we show that if the restriction on the order of enumeration is removed, then the problem becomes at least as hard as enumerating minimal transversals of a given hypergraph. We introduce the notion of minimal pseudo-intents and show that recognizing minimal pseudo-intents is polynomial. Despite their less complicated nature, surprisingly it turns out that minimal pseudo-intents cannot be enumerated in output-polynomial time unless P=NP